I Imagined Your Hands

"Come everyone! Let's go find Snow. He is hiding somewhere in the village."


Watching them leave, Ying Yue saw his nephew still before them.

"Uncle Li… Why do you call him Chou-er? Is he… is he your son?"

"If I say yes, will you treat him better?"

Xu Lan frowned and crossed his arms before his chest. He looked down and tapped his toe into the ground. Ying Yue felt his lips curled seeing the same behavior from when he was a child. Looking over at Wang Li, they stared at one another for a moment before Ying Yue cupped his nephew's shoulder.

"Mo Chou is a good man, Ah Lan. He did much for us and he is doing his best to assist you. I know, I know he can annoy and upset you, but I know you care for him. Please, Lan-er, be kind to him."

"Besides," Wang Li grinned and patted the child's head, "He has a lot of experiences and can teach you many things, Lan-er."

"Ugh! Fine. If, If I find Snow first, then I get my wish!"