Alt. Epilogue: 5 of 10- No Mask, No Entrance

"Thank you, Ah Li," he walked up to the teen, "I… Here."

Wang Li took the box and smiled, thanking him and his parents. Fingers moved to cup his cheek and his heart stuttered. They stared at one another for a moment, trying to memorize one another longer.

"I will miss you, Ah Yue."

"I will miss you too, Ah Li."

Ying Yue whispered back and Wang Li smiled and pulled away. The warmth that covered his cheek was now cold as he watched his friend entered the car. His heart constricted and his nose itched as he watched the car pull away. Arms wrapped around him and he cried.

His parents shushed him and comforted him as best they could. He thanked them and said he wanted to go back to bed. Walking into his bedroom, the blankets were all folded and his room looked like Wang Li was never there. He closed the door with a sigh. His eyes slide along his room and he noticed there was a letter at his desk.