Alt. Epilogue: 10 of 10- Will You Marry Me?

["Y… yes…" he stuttered out with his face warmed.

"Friends do not kiss, not in the way you told your father and I."


"Do you wish for more than that, honey?" His mother placed her hand on his head, "Are you afraid he would not feel the same?"


"My sweet boy," His mother sighed and held his head against her shoulder, "He cares deeply for you too."]

Ying Yue blinked in the touches against his face and the warmth of the body over him. He took in the smell of plum blossom and wood. He observed the soft silver eyes and the light smile on a handsome face.

"I love you," he whispered without thought and his eyes widened. Panic started to set in as his mind blanked and his heart hammered. He tried to struggle out from under Wang Li, but the man held him in place. Large hands cupped his face, making him look into the beauty above him.

"I love you too, Ah Yue."