Centuries Had Passed

Hundreds of centuries had pass and he was still waiting for his husband to return to him. He had watched the sect leaders grow old, watched their children grow old, and watched them die. He closed his golden eyes and exhaled deeply. Still looking in his prime and yet his mind was so old, so very tired. His brothers and he sent many demons back, but some still remained on the surface.

However, the world had been peaceful for many centuries.

The Jade Emperor, in all his glory, agreed that others should receive his gift of cultivation. Relying on just the brothers were not conducive when demons erupted onto the human realm. So many bloods were spilled, so many losses. He still remembered in his past the look in his husband's eyes. Shaking his blonde locks, he pressed his fingers against his heart. He rubbed it absentmindedly as he looked out into the scenery before him.