I Miss Your Touch

Ying Yue played the seven strings instrument lightly to the dance of his husband and their pet. Each swirl and hop coincided with each plucked string. His golden eyes curved into crescents as he watched joyfully at the entertaining pair. After a moment and the tune slowed down, so did the big cat and his king. He smiled as Snow ran up to him, licking his cheek in happiness. His husband sat beside him, reached for his face and kissed him.

He sighed into the kiss and felt warm hands moved down his neck and paused at his heart. It was racing with anticipation as the kiss deepened and tongue swirled. He pushed closer to his husband who held him closer, until Ying Yue was straddling Wang Li. Moaning into hot mouth, Ying Yue moved forward and back, rubbing their bulge together.

"Mm, my dearest wife," Wang Li whispered clutching his ass as they continued to move "Not so shy anymore."