Where the hell is she!

Back at home, Kiba stares at his phone angrily. "Where the hell is she?"

Back at Hiro's apartment, Haru walked up to the floor to ceiling windows and spaced out admiring the beautiful sunrise that was happening before her eyes. "This is an amazing view." Her eyes sparkled as she watched the breathtaking scene unfold right before her.

Haru's stomach began to rumble so she walked into the kitchen. "I feel so bad just barging into his place and eating hi-..."

Haru opened the fridge and it was filled from top to bottom with Meal prepped food. "That's a lot of Tupperwares. I guess he's trying to watch his figure? Doesn't look really appetizing. Guess I'll check the pantry" as Haru opened the door there were boxes of protein bars meal replacements and supplements.

Haru's eyes bulged out of her head. "What the heck is wrong with this guy? Sheesh, must be a fitness fanatic. Ugh! guess I'll just have to settle with a protein bar."

Haru bit into the protein bar and regretted choosing the vanilla flavor. The taste was very bitter and mildly sweet it was full of nuts and very messy. Not only did the protein bar taste disgusting she felt bad that she was making a mess everywhere and judging by how Hiro's house looked you could tell he was a neat clean freak.

After Haru finished the bar she quickly went to look for a vacuum and vacuumed her mess. After everything was settled and cleaned she sat back onto the couch and began to process everything that just happened. Or tried to process everything that's happened.

'I can't believe this happened I don't know what to do or where to go" As she was deep in thought she began to cry and was soon fast asleep.

Hiro's POV...

I was walking and saw some guy crossing the street he didn't look like he was all there and bumped into me.

"YO DUDE WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!" I yelled but he just gave me a murderous stare and kept walking. Constantly glancing at his phone, repeatedly making phone calls and looking around as if he was being followed or if he was looking for someone.

Man I wonder what his problem is.... for some reason I just had a bad feeling in my gut when I looked at this guy. It was like there was something about him that I couldn't quite get but I know that if I personally knew this guy he wouldn't be someone I would be fond of.

After thinking to myself for a while about this stranger I left to go to work.