"Well well Looks like you're having a good night." The man from the shadows spoke.

The voice sent shivers down Haru's spine. She knew exactly who that voice belonged to.

"Ki-Kiba." She turned around filled with dread.

"What happened to your arm Honey? Did that punk do that to you?" Kiba's voice was filled with sincerity and concern. He began to walk towards Haru with his hand stretched out to check her injury.

"No! Stay away from me Kiba!" Haru stumbled backward, hitting her arm against the wall she hissed in pain.

"Why are you being like this Haru?" Kiba tried to come closer and stopped in his track when he saw her shaking in fear.

"I'm warning you Kiba stay away from me!"

TJ was just walking out of the ice cream shop smiling at a little bag when he saw the commotion going on. Feeling something was wrong with Haru he immediately ran up to her and put an arm around her.

"What's going on here?" His voice was deep and commanding.

"Did this punk hurt you?" Kiba looked at the tall handsome man standing next to her. He swore he'd seen that face before but couldn't put a name to it.

"Whoah look man she was already hurt when I met her," TJ stated when Kiba began accusing him.

"So that pun-" before He could even finish his sentence Haru cut him off.


"NO! YOU'RE LYING!" Kiba screamed at her in denial.

"who is this guy anyway?" TJ asked completely confused.

"I'm her husband" Kiba exclaimed.

"EX HUSBAND!" Haru shouted.

"No, I'm your husband now let's go home and sort this out."

"Look man obviously she's afraid of you." TJ pointed out.

"She's only acting she still loves me. She's really good at getting people to sympathize with her."

"I DONT LOVE YOU KIBA NOW LEAVE ME ALONE" As she turned to leave Kiba quickly tried to grab her when TJ grabbed his wrist and towered over him.

"Don't touch her." He growled in his low smooth voice.

Seeing the height and build disadvantage Kiba cowered back"This isn't over Haru."

"Yes, it is!" TJ snapped and flung his wrist away from her.

Tj put his arm carefully around her and walks with her back to the car. Seeing her with another man fueled Kiba's rage.

When they reached the car Haru leaned her back against the passenger door and let out a deep breath she didn't know she was holding. TJ stood in front of her and rubbed her arms softly to help her calm down. After she regained her composure he carefully ushered her into the car.

TJ got into the driver's seat and turned the car on. He then proceeded to pull out onto the highway.

"Hey, are you okay?" He frowned

Haru smiled sadly "Just a little shaken but I'll be okay."

TJ frowned even more "I'll take you home now."

"Okay," Haru whispered.

It was a long and silent ride home. TJ wanted to strike a conversation to get out of the awkwardness but he didn't know what to say that would make her feel better in this situation. When they reached the condo complex he parked the car and quickly got out to help her out of the car. They slowly walked towards the building.

"Sorry we had to cut our date short" she sighed apologetically. TJ perked up at her statement and smirked but couldn't hide his enthusiasm "Date?"

Haru smiled sheepishly "yeah... I mean unless it wasn't a date?" As she tilted her head to the side she slowly looked up at him and it struck a chord in TJ. Was he really falling for this girl? She looked so cute at that moment. He smiled at her " About tonight I don't know what happened but if you need someone to talk to I'm here to listen." He pulls out a pen and writes down his number on a small package that he had in his hand. She softly smiled back at him. " You carry a pen with you?"

"You never know when the fans are gonna ask for your autograph always be prepared." He smiled widely and She chuckled in response. As he was about to give her the bag the door opens.

"Didn't expect you guys to be home so early." Riku looked between the two and smirked.

Upon hearing this TJ blushed and began rubbing the back of his neck. "We ran into an unexpected situation."

"Unexpected situation?" Riku raises an eyebrow at TJ 'Damn that Hiro better not have messed this up for her. I'm gonna give him a stern talking!' She thought to herself.

"But it's nothing my manly tallness and intimidation couldn't fix the guy left after I confronted him" TJ bragged.

Riku let out a sigh of relief knowing that it wasn't Hiro's fault. "Well say good night and get in here Haru" and she quickly closed the door.

"She sounds like my mother" Haru snorted. TJ chuckled at her remark.

"Even though it was cut short I had fun on our date tonight.. and I hope we can go out again soon." TJ blushed and looked at her dotingly.

"Me too... wait I mean I had fun and it would also be nice to go out again too." She giggled embarrassingly.

"Oh by the way I got you something. You wouldn't let me spoil you and I saw something that I thought you might like."

He handed her the small package with his number written on it."

"When did you even get this?" She asked with surprise.

Using air quotations he replied to her question "when I went to "use the bathroom" he smirked. He lightly grabbed Haru's free hand, leaned down, and kissed her on the cheek." Haru instantly flushed red.

Hiro was about to turn the corner when he caught a glimpse of the scene, he turned around and speed walked to the elevator. With his heart feeling heavy in his chest the elevator doors close and descend to his floor.

TJ blushes and lets go of her hand. He then waits until she enters her condo and turns around to head to the elevator by then Hiro was already gone. TJ's heart felt warm he never felt this comfortable with anyone before. Except for that one set back he didn't expect his first date in years to go this great. On the other side of the door, Haru couldn't stop smiling. When she finally came back down to earth she realizes Riku is sitting on the couch, smiling at her, and wiggling her eyebrows. Laughing at Riku she knew that she was saying spill the deets.