The Mercenary

Zeke found himself alone again in the living room and the sun can be seen just about to rise beyond the horizon at the window behind the couch he is sitting at.

The day ahead has yet to start Zeke decided to have his own breakfast.

He walked to his newly owned house's kitchen to prepare and grab some food, but when he opened the cupboard he looked to see that there is actually no food or any canned stuff stocked inside. There are a bunch of cobwebs inside the shelves and it looks like it hasn't been used or touched for a very, very long time. It makes him wonder how his boys prepare their meals when he still wasn't here.

He decided to just skip breakfast for now and took note to buy groceries in town later when they come back from the dungeon, and maybe ask one of the boys to come shopping with him. After deciding and taking note of the groceries and essential stuff they needed to buy he eventually went back to the living room.

The boys or rather Wulfric gave Zeke the full authority of the house to do as he please, so he tried to visualize a theme for his own home and maybe get some suggestions with the decorations with the boys later. Looking at the entire place, it looks moderately sized and surprisingly or rather conveniently, can accommodate exactly five people. When he was upstairs he saw four rooms: the bathroom which all of you can use, your own room which is the masters bedroom and two more rooms which he assumed the rooms of two of his boys.

There are also four rooms in the main level of the house, the living room which he is in right now, the kitchen with the dining table and two more rooms which are used by his two remaining farmhands. Overall, it is a cozy, and refreshing home. Still, Zeke wanted to put a little bit of his own personal touches so he went with the design to just keep the natural design of his humble abode and just enhance the ongoing design of the person before him who owned and took great care of the place. He thought he will come to love it anyway.

After thinking hard about his plan, he continued enjoying his remaining free time.

Realizing that he has nothing else to do inside the house he decided to visit his farmhands and finally experience his very own farm.

He went outside to look first for the leader of his company of farmhands, and it didn't take him too long to find him. He was just standing there across the house looking at the open fields of the farm. Zeke slowly walked towards the wolf-guy, careful not to break the peace of silence.

Zeke almost crashed into him again even though he walked passively as the wolf-lumen suddenly turned his body around. "Whoa.. are you okay boss?" he asked looking straight at Zeke. Surprise and concern are apparent from his scarlet eyes.

"Yeah, sorry I was just trying to approach quietly because I didn't want to break the serenity of the atmosphere, but I see that I failed horribly," Zeke replied awkwardly and a little embarrassed.

"Is that so? Well, it wasn't really a huge deal, think nothing of it. Now, onto business, what can I help you with boss?" he asked. "Perhaps, you came here to see what exactly I do for your farm?"

"Yes please, can you explain your job on the farm?"

"As you wish, I manage our homestead's fields to always prepare them every time we haul a huge quantity of various seeds from the dungeon. I make sure that the soil is tilled and fertilized so that you will only ever need to plant the seeds into it, no further hassle."

"I also manage the people that we hire from the guild to do our farming and make sure they're getting paid of course, as well as the people that are working under the other guys in our group. They each have their own jobs to fulfill and it is my duty to pay them. I'd like call myself the Farm's Overseer, and make it official if you don't mind?"

He raised his eyebrows towards Zeke, subtly asking for approval. Zeke nodded.

"That's about the things I do here." He concluded while dusting off nonexistent dirt from both his hands.

"Do you have an office of some kind here?" Zeke followed up.

"Ah yes, my room in our house is all the office I need," he replied, "anything else you would like to know?"

Knowing that there's nothing else he would like to ask professionally at the moment Zeke moved on with the personal ones. "Can you tell me a bit about yourself?"

"Aside from the things that you already told me," Zeke said, hoping the guy will open up a wee bit.

"Hm. I believe that you already know all the necessary information that you need in order for us to have a fruitful partnership, but if you really insist." He said languidly.

"Let us start again, I am Wulfric von Ivo, the leader of the farmhands, and a former mercenary," he declared with a resounding, commanding voice, "as you may have surely noticed, we both have the same last names, this applies the to the other three as well."

"This is because the moment that we pledged our fealty to you by going inside your house, our house, we knew full well of the consequences. First, we are stripped of our given last names and replaced by yours to signify our loyalty of a lifetime, and to fulfill the ancient prophecy of old, the fellowship between the farmer and his or her farmhands.

"In addition to that, we can never go back to our former lives, and if we ever feel the urge to desert and leave it is going to be impossible, because the moment we break our sworn oath and betray you, we simply forfeit our lives it's as simple as declaring ourselves dead." He explains in a matter of fact manner.

Zeke certainly hasn't heard of this information before, but hearing the extreme requirements at being your farmhands makes you both scared and appreciative of Wulfric and the boys. A lifetime of dedication to a cause so great... it is unthinkable to him.

"Anyways, boss I didn't mean to drop all of these classified information, and no you're allowed to know these things but it stays between the Mayor and the five us", he continued with a loose warning. "And I think that's about what's interesting about me."

"Alright, thanks for indulging my curiosity, Wulf, ah can I call you Wulf?" Zeke asked him.

"If that is what you prefer calling me, then so be it boss," he said it as if it's a direct order.

"Anything else you would require of me?"

"That's everything Wulf, I'll leave you be" Zeke told him.

"Alright, see you later boss." Zeke left him, but before he leaves he asked him where the bull prince is at.

He pointed towards a building on the left of the house just beside the road between the fences of your fields and the building itself.

As Zeke gets nearer the place, he noticed that the building itself looks like a typical barn, red painted walls with a big open window on top of the main double doors. When he got inside, things are entirely different.

The place looks like an office with various construction materials, tools and several types and lengths of plywood that took almost all the space of the room, not like a barn in the real world at all. It is also extremely vacant looking having only an office desk with a table lamp on top of it, in the middle of the whole room. It looks as if the place just got renovated recently.

Nevertheless, realizing that Magnus isn't here he might as well leave and look for him elsewhere.


Zeke gasped as a sound of an ax cutting wood scares him. After composing himself he decided to follow the sound and look for where it's coming from. There's a door just behind the dividing wall between the desk and what it seems like a vestibule. He opened the door and saw the bull that he was looking for.

Zeke took in a deep, deep breath so deep that it almost choked him the bull guy is sweaty and shirtless his body glistening against the sweltering sun his back is turned away from Zeke. It seems like Magnus is busy cutting some wood.

He then took notice of his presence, stopping what he's doing as he turns towards him, wiping a trickling sweat from his forehead with a small towel wrapped around his broad neck. Anyways, isn't it a little embarrassing making a royal prince do all these menial tasks? Zeke felt slightly ashamed. But, then the bull starts to talk pulling Zeke back from his garbled thoughts.

"Hey boss, what are you doing here?" he asked, genuinely curious about Zeke's presence"