Carnivorous Nightmare

Zeke decided to choose the path on the right side.

As they delve deeper into the woods, the trunks and branches of the trees are gradually becoming thicker in size. Different and uncanny variations of overhanging trees canopied the group's field of vision ahead, causing the them to slow down.

Even the ground that is pretty much dirt earlier is now mostly covered in overgrown grass, and weeds that seems to prick through Zeke's clothes. Currently, Wulfric and Dirk are brushing the branches of plants away that's blocking the path, and as Zeke looked around several elongated vines seems to drop down on the branches of enormous, tall trees which looks ancient. The countless overhanging trees also blocks out the light from above which hinders everyone even further.

Until finally, the came across an intense congregation of trees, that surrounds a lone spring of fresh, luminescent water. Zeke could see the water flow calmly as it produce satisfying froths.

"Let's take a bit of rest, it's been quite awhile since we took one," Wulfric said, finally after that long, annoying trek.

Everyone seemed to agree as they put their belongings down on the moss covered rock. They all stretched their arms as they bask in the peaceful atmosphere of the place.

"This looks like a legit deep forest," Dirk mused, "I wonder if there are monsters here."

"I highly doubt that, the denseness of the trees will deter anyone from finding this clearing," Hawke replied, "still, if monsters ever lurk here I'm willing to bet they'll just be small fry."

"Gee, I hope you're right," Dirk answered, but the tone of his voice is still unsure, "in any case, we need to look for what we came here. Seeds, are you perhaps sensing anything, boss?"

Zeke tried hard to focus and relax to feel the place, but so far nothing.

"Nothing's picking up at the moment."

"Well, no use wasting your energy boss," Magnus added, "let's scope the vicinity for some clues and look for anything that can lead us to caches of the treasured seeds."

"I agree. Alright, everyone move out," Wulfric commanded the entire group, "boss, you can focus on sensing those seeds, we got this covered." With that, they all go to work, while Zeke concentrated on pinpointing a source.

After an excruciating amount time concentrating , Zeke finally felt a pull in the back of his mind. He centered the flickering signal on his mind to pinpoint where it's coming from, and eventually he sees it, inside the body of an enormous tree enveloped in old vines. "Hey everyone! Come here, I found a source."

"Nice work boss!" Dirk smacked Zeke's back a little too hard, "oops, my bad."

He then gently patted the part where he hit him. "A—anyways, back to the topic, where is it boss?"

Zeke looked around intensely, trying to single out where he found the source, "there! Behind those crooked rock formations," he said, pointing at the direction of where the seeds are.

The party immediately walked towards the place, and when everyone got there Zeke suddenly felt that something just doesn't feel right.

Dirk scanned the place, examining where the seeds might be. "Where—"

"Something's coming." Zeke said, interrupting Dirk stopping him from what he's about to say.

He and the other three instantly went on full alert grabbing the hilt of all their weapons, ready for anything. The malignant feeling is becoming more prevalent as seconds go by and from the looks of his farmhands, it seems that they are now finally feeling the wrongness of the atmosphere as well.

"Boss... stay close," Wulfric whispered, his voice thick with wariness.

"Dirk, Magnus, Hawke surround the boss, now, this is no mere threat."

They all vaguely nod as they put restlessly scan the entire area.

Then, out of nowhere, Zeke heard a harsh uprooting sound from across them "There!" he cried out.

Thousands of vines which previously covered the whole tree suddenly detached themselves as the tree uproots itself underneath the ground. As soon as the tree finally removes itself from being rooted to the ground its vines moved around erratically, menacing, with each end looking like pointed knives. To top it all off a huge horrifying face appeared on the tree's rotting trunk, letting out a nightmarish howl.

"Wh—what is that?!" Zeke yelled frantically.

"Whatever that is, it's giving off a severe, deadly aura," Hawke said through gritted teeth, "it's best for you to hang back for now, boss."

Wulfric nods. "I agree, I know I said that you should get experience in fighting through battle, but I don't think we can simultaneously kill and protect you in this one boss."

It may be reckless but Zeke could not handle being coddled anymore. "No. Please trust me, I can handle myself."

Hawke turned away respecting his decision instead of defying him outright while Wulfric gave him a grave and worried expression.

"If that is your decision, boss. But promise me that you will never be reckless." Wulfric looked at him straight in your eyes, "alright?"

"I promise," Zeke replied and Wulfric somewhat relaxes at that.

"Ah guys, I'd hate to interrupt but the vine-monster looking thing is now moving towards us," Dirk said nervously.

"Alright everyone! Into positions!" Wulfric commanded, his unfaltering voice reverberated throughout the deep forest.

Zeke didn't know what to do so he hung back behind them, readying his weapon as everyone prepares for battle.

The abomination howls again and Zeke can feel its ugly despairing sound of his cry that rattled his very being. He saw his Farmhands grit their teeth as they endure the onslaught of its outcry for battle, once it finally subsides Wulfric shouted.


His farmhands attacked from all directions, cutting the vines when they get close enough to him. Zeke didn't want to just stand aside so helped cut some of the vines that keep on sprouting, even from the ground, you swing your weapon effectively, if not skillfully.

The lashing vines keeps your party away from its body, which you conclude its weakness, and you've been trying to find a way to break through.

Zeke could not think of anything that'll be of use right now, even his chosen weapon, the Polymorphic Sword is practically useless even with its three-modes of use, he needs to think about the situation a bit more critically. Without the aid of any magical weapon, and still being inexperience in its ways he's left with no choice but to use physical and brute force.

So, he focused all of his energy into exerting physical strength, deeply enhancing his perception over his surroundings. Then out of nowhere it clicked Hawke can use magic, he read it from the farmer's handbook earlier it's weird to have information on anyone in a book of any sort but at times like this it comes in handy. The information about him said that he specializes in magic from the ruination school, whatever that is, and it also said that he can produce fire, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that plants hate fire. "Hawke! I've got a plan."

Hawke jumped nimbly to his side and listened to whatever the said plan is, he nodded attentively and at the end of grinned slightly. "Not bad, boss" he looked at Zeke, assessing him with a glint of renewed interest in his sharp, golden eyes. He stopped for a moment, exhaled, then starts to incant something only he could understand, next thing you know his revolvers are engulfed with flames, along with his rough taloned hands.

Looking close at his weapon of choice, it looks to be custom made for him as the handle and trigger smoothly rolls and spins on his sharp claws.

"Boss, the plan?" Hawke said looking at him impatiently, "we still have a monster to kill as you can tell."

"Ah, right. Everyone, stand ready!"

Hawke spins his scorching revolvers, showing off his gun spinning skills like a cowboy back home, then finally fires bullets at an incredible speed. The fire explosion that comes with the bullets causes the enemy to falter and horribly scream in agony, its branches and leaves soon catches fire as it engulfs the monsters whole body by the minute. The Treant monster squirms as it tries to put out the fire, producing more vines which further stoke the flame of its already burning body.

Once the enemy is fully distracted and distressed Zeke gave his command. "Now!"

Wulfric enchanted everyone's weapons to its max capability, Magnus casted a protective spell that wards off flames, Dirk applied oil to his twin daggers, and Hawke continues to barrage the enemy with fire bullets though from the look of exhaustion on his face he cannot keep that up much longer.

With Wulfric's enchantment Zeke postured into his battle stance, he can feel the added power in his weapon as he brandish it to his side, then with a final nod he attacked.

Zeke followed everyone's lead and copied their movements, not knowing how you're doing all this but with everything else that is currently happening he decided not to think too hard about it. The Treant howls in agony, its roots and vines seems to have lost their ability to regrow. Your farmhands attacked efficiently, with great finesse and temper. This is the testament from the years of experience and training they've accumulated before being his farmhand.

The relentless and sustained onslaught of Zeke and his farmhands finally brought the monster to its end, shaking the earth as it falls dramatically to the ground. Zeke was sweating and breathing really once they finally stopped, and he can see that his farmhands are in the same state. He took a moment to regain himself before regrouping with his group.

"That was…that was amazing!" Dirk said triumphantly, grinning between labored breaths, "never thought I could go all out like that, ever."

"Heh, I agree. I've never felt this adrenaline since leaving the Meteran fellowship," Magnus replied with a childlike expression that belies his mature and handsome face.

Wulfric and Hawke nods solemnly at each other celebrating in their own way, their faces tired but filled with immense pride.

"Good job, everyone," Wulfric addresses the team, "and to you boss, we couldn't have done it without your guidance."

Zeke perked up at the genuine praise of his appointed leader, the afterglow of the battle lifting up his spirits. "Thank you Wulfric, but it was Hawke who gave us the leeway and advantage that we needed to defeat the enemy." He looked at his feathered farmhand.

"Just doing my job," he replies languidly, still the same as ever, "though I suppose congratulations are in order."

He tipped his head towards Zeke with an approving smile, "Not bad."

Zeke smiled at his gesture knowing that this man rarely ever acknowledges anyone so for him to even actually give him one is utterly gratifying.

The mark on Zeke hand glows warmly once again resonating with the seeds that are hidden beyond the treacherous, and malformed bough of the dead Treant. He felt it once again, the pull of life and the need to acquire something.

Zeke rushed to the place without further delay, your farmhand glanced at each other before they follow suit. The radiance of the seed can be seen from across where it lays, so he easily found it. It's soft warmth blanketing the fields of ashes where the Treant perished, Zeke knelt as he gingerly touch the pouch of seeds glowing from the ground.

"It's so…pretty," Dirk said enamored by the aura it emits.

"Yes, it is."

Zeke opened the pouch and inspected the contents. He was surprised that there's actually nothing inside other the glowing light that it produces.

"What does this mean?" he asked no one in particular, "aren't there supposed to be seeds inside?"

Before any of his farmhands could respond, he tried to shake out the contents of the pouch and while he does, a barrage of seeds came out of the light inside the huge bag.

He tried to stand and shook the pouch a little more and even more seeds came out. Huge amounts of seeds he doesn't know are strewn about on the ground, and when he looked at the pouch he's holding there appears to be a name materializing in front of it, "Potato Seeds" just like the ones from earlier.

🥔 Obtained Bag of Infinite Potato Seeds

—Skip to Chapter 16: Junction


📙 Bestiary:

Treant — An abominable creature which has the external guise of a rotting tree ridden with countless vines that assaults and strangles enemies.