New Recruit

"Welcome back boss, strange for you to be back this early though, I was expecting you to be gone until later," Wulfric started, wary of the draconian, "pray tell, who is that draconian that you brought with you?"

"Um, yeah about that, Avin here has got something to tell us and it is urgent," Zeke glanced at the draconian, he saw that he too was assessing his two farmhands, "but first, let us all go inside and discuss about the situation with everyone shall we?"

They all nod as they followed Zeke inside their familiar house.

"Hey boss! Welcome back, I didn't think you'd be back this early though," Dirk said as he lounged comfortable on the couch in the living room reading some magazine while both of his feet are resting on top of the coffee table.

"Oh and you've got Wulf and Hawke with you as well, and ah, who is that?" he pointed at the somewhat stoic draconian. Zeke could tell the fascination in both of the draconian and Dirk's eyes although probably from different reasons.

"Ah, we'll get to that in a moment, in any case, Dirk could you fetch for Magnus, I want everyone to be in here and hear what Avin here has to say," Zeke commanded, surprised by the authority of his own voice as he was usually the one being ordered to back home.

"Will do, be back in a jiffy!" Dirk said folding the magazine he was reading and made his way towards the door, "nice to meet ya dude."

Avin was caught off guard by the casual introduction that all he could do was raise his hand in awkward gesture as Dirk opens the door.

"I'll just grab some snack for us in the kitchen, you three can go on ahead in the living room, Avin make yourself comfortable," Zeke said brushing away some of the dirt that got stuck in his clothes.

"I will just get a change of clothes," Hawke finally said after staying silent the whole time, "Wulfric you can go with him."

"Alright," Wulfric replied, "follow me then."

The draconian nodded as he followed Wulfric in the living room, Zeke could see the both of them situating themselves on the sofa comfortably, clearly relaxing after a day's worth of work. Realizing he's been staring the whole time, Zeke immediately tapped both of his cheeks then proceeded to get the snacks that he was about to get.

Zeke checked the cupboards and took some of the chips and snacks that he and Magnus bought from the grocery last weekend, throughout those four weeks it was usually only Magnus who does the shopping even though Zeke told himself that he was going to. The weeks has just been too hectic and he didn't have time, so when he was finally free from obligations he decided to go with Magnus the previous weekend.

"Alright, this should be enough for us, oh and of course water, can't forget that," he told himself, "I wonder what Avin is going to say that it has to be discussed somewhere private, but then he insisted that we talk in our house instead. Anyways, we're already here so we can finally give light to these questions."

As Zeke made his way into his living room, he saw that Wulfric and Avin was talking to each other. From the expressions on their faces and the raucous laughing it looks like they are getting along swimmingly. It almost feel like Zeke was about to intrude a reunion of two buddies who haven't seen each other for a very long time.

"Here you go guys, some food to keep us occupied for the meantime, I see that Hawke and the other three are still not here," Zeke said breaking the brotherly atmosphere of the two.

"Hey boss, almost didn't see you coming," Wulfric said, his huge grin is apparent from his handsome face, "I didn't know Avin here is such a nice fellow."

"I would say exactly the same about you Sir Wulfric," Avin interjected, "good to know that there are people like you from this realm, makes me feel almost at home."

Zeke glanced at the two of them and smiled, "well, I am glad you two are having fun together, still let us not forget what Avin really came here for. I just need to know first what you're really about."

The moment Zeke said those words, the sound of the door in the main entrance of the house could be heard indicating that Dirk and Magnus are back together. It wasn't that long until it was followed by a thudding of foot from upstairs running down the steps towards the living room. Zeke saw his other three farmhands coming into the living room.

"Hey boss, sorry for the holdup, just helped Magnus here finish some things up in his place, good thing he was almost done though," Dirk said while looking for a spot to sit, "whew, I'm ready to take a cold shower soon, this kind of weather is really nice for a cool bath."

"Right. Hey boss, welcome back how was your day-off? Thought I'd be back before you, I was really surprised when Dirk came into my office and said that you told him to fetch for me," Magnus added, "is something the matter?"

Before Zeke could explain Hawke intervened with the whole conversation.

"I think that we should sit first before asking questions, Magnus, that way it'll be efficient for everyone here," Hawke said with that indifferent tone as usual.

"Ah right!" Magnus said while scratching his shoulder, "lemme just get something for us to snack on."

"No need Mag, I got some snacks right here," Zeke said stopping the huge bull.

"Oh awesome," Magnus said and finally situating himself on the couch beside Wulfric across from the draconian, while Zeke was on the other side of Wulfric. Dirk was alone on the single couch while Hawke was sitting uncomfortably on the huge armrest of the couch where the draconian was sitting.

"Oh hello, I didn't notice you there," Magnus said finally noticing the crimson draconian, "I'm Magnus, I'm guessing you're the reason why our boss called this meeting?"

"That's correct," Avin said while scanning Magnus, Zeke saw a hint of something in those emerald eyes of his, something like an interest or amusement.

Glancing at Magnus, Zeke realized that the same thing was currently happening to his knight farmhand.

"Hey you—"

"I believe we have all have something important to discuss, farmer?" Avin interrupted before Magnus could utter a single word, "by your permission we can begin."

The suddenness of what just happened shocked Zeke a little, he stared at his farmhand beside Wulfric and saw an expression that he had never seen in the time he spent with him. While Wulfric and Hawke are totally impassive about it, Dirk noticed the uneasy atmosphere around Avin and Magnus, thankfully he kept quiet about it.

Realizing that no one will ever talk unless he does Zeke started the conversation once more.

"Ah yes, you can start."

"Understood. Well first and foremost, allow me to officially introduce myself to everyone. I am Avin Ruthexard, Sacerdotis of the 6th army under the watchful eye of Her Majesty Queen Maeve Tarasque in the of Draconians, Ballax," Avin proclaimed, pride leaking out of his every word he says, "the Grand Priestess of my world has granted me a safe passage to this realm in search of the farmer of legend."

Although Zeke had already known his name, the other things that he just said are still a lot to take in.

"What is your goal in searching for our boss?" Wulfric asked, his eyebrows are in a frown and his friendly tone from earlier was gone.

"There is no need for unnecessary hostility," Avin said chuckling a bit, "I cannot divulge the more specific classified information but I was sent here to assist the farmer, just like anyone of you farmhands do. As for why, I can only one the right moment has come."

"And when is that right moment," Hawke asked.

"When every single one of you has proved worthy for my world and my own trust, I apologize but that is including you, farmer," Avin answered.

Zeke frowned still unsure about the whole situation, how can he trust someone with such vague intentions, while he promised to explain everything, all he ever really said was he wanted to be another one his farmhands.

"Well, what do you think about this guys?"

"I say we give him a chance," Dirk said, "that way he can prove himself to us and we can prove ourselves to him, also if we let him go right now what do you think will happen boss? This is the only way we can monitor him ourselves."

"Dirk has a good point boss," Wulfric agreed to what the dog said, "seeing that he just got transported here, I think that we oughta be the ones who should keep an eye on him, if he ever does something."