Magical Training (Part 1)

"Okay let's start with the basics shall we? A little background information wouldn't hurt for someone such as yourself who grew up in a magicless world."

"Since I have been yapping on and on about magic and everything let's explain mana. Mana although abundant is the basis of all magic, you might know what mana is from somewhere, some members of the guild might possess some or even just regular folk. The thing is everyone could go through their entire lives without ever knowing that they have magical capabilities, that's why their are magic schools all across the numerous realms that are connected to Loneharv, of course excluding your world, Earth."

"Before you ask, no, I do not know how people from your homeland does not know how to wield magic, although I can sense that there's a lot of untapped potential there. Nevertheless, mana is basically the fuel of a mage's magic, the more abundant mana a person possess, the more magic they could wield, a person with such copious amounts of mana could even destroy an entire village, but of course that is highly prohibited, criminal. Ruination Magic is a school of magic that contains every destructive magic you can learn, hence the title. It is also the first ever school that has been established. I do not know about your kind but everyone here always has a sort of taste for flashy magic. Destruction isn't always the answer to everything that's why mages found different techniques and ways of handling magic which resulted to magic that enhances people's lives rather than destroying them, knowing this, the first archmages of old have decided to divide magic into their own categories. This then leads us to the establishment of the seven schools of magic."

The information that Aelessa's saying is a lot to take in, but Zeke listened intently without ever taking his attention off of them, excited to learn all there is about magic.

"But, before we delve deep into the schools of magic, I need to inform of you of the elements they each represent. There are seven crucial elements that resides the web of worlds that interconnects around the nexus, Loneharv, our realm. These elements are always present in our lives for if they ever cease to exist so too shall we. Each of these elements has their own unique description and specialization, hence why we defined them to their own schools, although the said school representing the element isn't always necessarily exclusive. For example, you might see a mage enrolled on a school for which does not align to his naturally possessed elements. This allows for diversity for a person can only possess one element forever, only one. Once I ascertain yours, we will start with the real tutorial, but for now, you shall listen and heed my words."

"Spells learned through scrolls, books and teachings are different, they are universally accessible, you can even say that a person could use a different element from their own, but that is the extent of that, a person with naturally gifted fire element could wield an electric spell but cannot enhance or amplify that spell. However, if that person should ever wield a fire spell, they could magnify that spell and tailor it to their own advantage. Our birthed elements does not prevent us from using only one element but rather how we use it that's going to make some really interesting changes."

Zeke thought really hard about this statement, if a sole element resides on everyone then that includes him and all his farmhands, then that explains how three of his farmhands could use different kinds of elements from what he'd seen.

However he still asked how it's possible, "Does that mean that my farmhands are also adept at a school and an element?"

"Yes," Aelessa looked at Zeke, "I also believe that some are highly skilled at their schools, like Wulfric for example."

"That is also what Yggdra has told me," Zeke said rubbing his chin, "she told me that he was exceptional at enchanting, that he surpasses yours—that, um forget the last one I've said."

Zeke clicked his tongue and shook his had in embarrassment.

"Do not worry, I never take offense especially if it is warranted. What she told you is true, he was one of the prodigies of his school, the school of enhancing and augmenting, Enchantment School. But, that is all I could ever tell you, you better ask the guy for a better explanation of his magical history."

"Moving on, as I've said previously there are seven elements: Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Electric, Light, and of course last but not the very least, Dark. These are the elements that represents every realm, every being and everything. They balance each other, supporting each other's growth and also decay. They cannot function without one another."

Aelessa walked around the space feeling the atmosphere around Zeke.

"Do not fret, I am merely gauging the feel of the elements that surrounds you, this takes time you see, however in the meantime, let's continue our conversation."

Zeke nodded and focused himself to stop moving, nervously aware of the presence of Aelessa. He could feel their energy reaching for his, trying to get a feel of his being, his mana.

"Now that you now these elements, at least the basic definition of them let us move to the schools, whew, I have talked today way more than I ever did in the last month but that's totally okay, I need to freshen up my memory anyways," Aelessa giggled.

"Um, I hope I am not impending any of your sales by taking most of your precious time," Zeke said worriedly.

"Oh hush! This shop was meant for you silly, no one in town could use all of it's service, well.. of course your farmhands and some people from the guild as well, oops, maybe not exclusively to you then," they giggled again.

"Anyways, okay! let's continue, the elements each elements represent one school that is why there are seven of them. The first and foremost school of magic is the Conjuration School which is represented by the element of Earth. Conjuration is the magic of making, making something out of thin air, making something out of nowhere and making anything appear from anywhere, well maybe not anywhere but you understand what I'm saying."

"Um, so basically, conjuring things right?" Zeke said.

"That's right! Earth is the element of matter, heaviness and stability, these traits are all incorporated in the school of conjuration. Magic that is able to summon things or even at some specialized ways, entities, most commonly known as elementals from which each have their own affinity to the elements as well, but that is a whole other topic. Students in this school are able to wield the elements with ease even without them being naturally attuned to the said element, creation is the leading principle of the school of conjuration."

"That is interesting," Zeke said, "are you also able to do magic in this school?"

"Why yes, I learned a lot of experience from when I was but a pupil," Aelessa grinned.

"Next up is the school of which your lead farmhand excels greatly at, Enchantment School, from which the element of Wind resides. Enchantment, in my opinion is one of the more underrated schools of magic, few people seem to grab the chance at learning a little bit of enchanting. Some say it is the way of a merchant such as myself, but the majority of the reason is it's boring and unflashy way of usage. Enchantment is unseen, it is the magic of augmentation and enhancement so one would think that they would forever be using such skills, but that is where they are wrong."

"How so?" Zeke asked curiously.

"You have seen how capable Wulfric is didn't you?" Aelessa pointed out, "you have seen firsthand that enchanting is not something to dismiss, for it is an essential skill if you want a tiny bit more edge while exploring the dungeon."

"Enchantment, like it's name does not only enhance things, but can also control them to their favor. Everything person in this world has some sort of behavior in them, and enchanting or controlling these behaviors could turn the most damning situations to the casters favor. This is the true secret of enchantment."

"Does this mean, Wulfric can do such acts?" Zeke said surprised at the possibility of controlling someone, it scared him.

"Though you farmhand is capable, I wouldn't think for a second that he knows such ways. These are things that are almost hidden from the public eye, only few such as myself knows these facts and no, I could not do these things for they can only be done by the most accomplished and talented individuals, such as your Wulfric."

The information of such act rattled Zeke, he knew magic would be dangerous but he didn't speculate the extent of danger. Controlling someone out of their own volition would be just—inhumane.