Magical Training (Part 3)

"Whoa, that seems to be a bit extreme," Zeke said in contemplation.

"Everything is 'extreme' when it comes to magic my dear Zeke, but I do agree on that one, even if I am not an specialist of this school I can still recognize the destruction it could bring if such power was given to the wrong person. Anyways, this decision was made in order for the students, as well as the teachers and other practitioners of this school to harness their magic and to control them and to prevent any collateral damage and to keep everyone safe."

"If that is so, then I am thankful they constructed this facility," Zeke added, "I will admit, I am super curious about this school since you know as you say, it is the flashiest one, I kind if subconsciously have a dream of wielding magic the way they do in the movies."

"The way they do in the.... movies? What is this movies you speak off? Is it something exclusive in your world? I got to know!" Aelessa asked in confusion and curiosity.

"Oh um," Zeke said taken aback by the sudden burst of curiosity from his supposedly mentor, "movies are things that we humans watch for entertainment, kind of like hm.. a play or some sort, if you guys have that in here."

"I believe we do," Aelessa said while rubbing their chin, "is it when people act out a certain scenario while they're at a huge stage?"

"I think so, something like a major event from the past," Zeke added, "I am kind of surprised that you guys don't have movies here, there's already some few technologies here so I expected that this world would have the same thing as ours, we even have television back in the house so I don't understand how you don't know what movies are."

"To be frank, this is kind of my fault," Aelessa said in disappointment, "I barely use and technological stuff, even with the current progress of our realm, you could even say I am out of touch with things regarding technology. I apologize for bombarding you with questions, I just thought that this was something new from your world, so my unapologetic and aggressive curiosity got the best of me."

"It's alright no worries," Zeke said while smiling, "at least we related some stuff that our worlds both has and you did learn something new."

"Thank you," Aelessa said, "now let's get back to talking about magic shall we?"


"Now where were we? Hm, right the ruination school. As I've told you, this is the most straightforward school and in some cases simple because everyone could become a decorated and knowledgeable ruination mage but it takes a pure natural talent to become a cut above the rest, to become peerless among the best. Few have achieved such grandiosity, and fewer even to have lived through it, for being a mage without parallel is to become the target of everything and everyone. In other words, the spotlight is yours and it is yours to defend everyone would be clamoring for your attention."

"Sounds very demanding," Zeke replied while imagining himself in such a position, "I don't think I could manage if such an attention were given to me, it sounds like a full time job to even exist."

"Oh but you are already one my dear Zeke," Aelessa said while looking at Zeke with a smirk, "in our realm, a realm that depends on the farmer for sustenance is a huge responsibility and of course with it comes popularity, I am interested on how you will take this path of yours."

"Way to put me on the spot over here," Zeke said while uncomfortably scratching the back of his head, "I might one day stumble and fail at being a farmer but one thing I am sure of is to always be true to myself wherever I am."

"Magnificent outlook in life Zeke, but you don't have to prove anything to me as I will always support you along the way," Aelessa winked at him.

"Ah, um thank you..?" Zeke was confused about the whole thing, why would Aelessa say all those things? And for what?

"Alrighty, moving onto the last school of magic and finally end this long discussion, the very last school and the most misunderstood, the  Penumbral School,  and as you can tell from what's left of the elements we still haven't talked about so far, yes it is the school where the element of Darkness or Shadow  resides."

"For every light throughout the far reaches of the realms there's always bound to be calm shadows lurking underneath, and so is the balance of life. One cannot exist without the other, this is the one thing that everyone fails to acknowledge. There is no life without death, and vice versa, the endless cycle of life shall forever be going for as long as there is light and darkness."

"This is where practitioners of the dark arts converge, from destructive arts, curses and even necromancy for some who has the capability to do so, these types of magic are only ever allowed within this secluded and monitored school."

"Wow, sounds mysterious and earie, and necromancy whoa, I can't believe they would allow that, back in my world it would always be the type of magic that is outlawed and scrutinized," Zeke said while resting his chin onto his hand.

"Well, you are correct there, necromancy has only been recently allowed, since most practitioners of this kind of magic are lunatics and crazy mages it gained a lot of bad reputation and rightly so, but recently Archmages are becoming a little bit more lenient with the rules of magic that is why this has been allowed though only and exclusively at this school and also because it is the only school who could practice such magic safely, and I heard the there are benefits from this but I just can't seem to figure out what."

"You didn't know?" Zeke pointed out.

"Yes, sadly I don't particularly practice dark arts that much, just a few basic curses and spells if I or someone ever do need my services  but  I have a rule that my services would never be used on any person. Furthermore, as I've said before this was a recent happening in the magical world, necromancy was still outlawed when I was studying at that school back then."

"I see, but in all honesty this school intrigues me," Zeke added.

"Who wouldn't? It's the most secretive school and students there are taught to be reticent about everything they do. I guess it is really their own fault for their reputation, but people will always talk and they just don't care about such menial things."

"Anyways, that is everything I know about that school, I could tell you everything I know about my stay there but that would just make me a bad mage for spilling some of their secrets when I was instructed specifically not to, you just have to go there sometime if you're really curious."

"Alright, thanks for all these information," Zeke replied, thankful about all of what Aelessa taught him, "I don't think I would ever know about this since I don't think I will have any time soon to read the book that you gave me the other day."

"Do not mention it! Now that you're finally acquainted with all the schools and elements of magic let's finally get on with the practical  part of this magical lesson," Aelessa said, "one moment if you please."

As soon as Aelessa said those words the room in the pocket space brightly shone with mesmerizing stars, then as everything sparkles a magic crystal ball like the ones that fortune teller uses appeared right in front of Zeke and Aelessa.

"Do not be alarmed or  amazed this is quite the basic spell you know," Aelessa snickered, "now, my crystal ball will help me ascertain your elemental placement and finally focus and align you with the elemental properties of this realm."

Zeke nodded and paid real close attention to whatever Aelessa is going to ask him next.

"Now, put both of your hands on each side of this glowing crystal ball and hold it there firmly but don't grab the ball itself."

Zeke moved his chair closer to the crystal ball and focused both of his hands on it, he can immediately feel the resonant waves of magic from the mark on his right hand alone. "This feels weird.. as if, as if the crystal ball is sucking me in!" Zeke exclaimed in surprise, but somehow without fear in his voice.

"That, dear, is because it is sucking up a fragment of your latent mana to analyze it, now keep still, we are almost done with the process," Aelessa said without opening both their eyes.

The process of mana suction took a few more seconds before finally calming down.

"Okay, it's done."