
Slaves and Pain

"Where am I?" I say groggily. I sit up and look around the room I'm currently in. To be honest, I don't even know if I can call this a room. It's more similar to a one stabled barn or a prison cell.

I'm not a germaphobe. Well, not an extreme one. But I'm sitting on fucking dirt right now.

How unclean can this be? Are there bugs inside this dirt? Oh god, what if there are leeches? Or parasites? This is so unsanitary!

I stand up and take off my plain white tee, trying to find any bugs or eggs on me or on my shirt. You can never be too careful. I also take a quick peek in my black cargo pants. No insect will be crawling up my leg today.

Speaking about today, how long have I been out? Wait, how did I even get here?

Oh, yeah. Those fucking bastards poisoned me.

As much as I wish too, I can't do anything to retaliate. Those assholes would put me to sleep, either by force or drugs. My best bet is to try to escape. Though that begs the question, how do I escape?

I can't just break these walls down like the Hulk or Kool-Aid Man. And there are no windows for me to break. It seems this world has outsmarted me again.

I could use the lantern, which was conveniently sitting on the barrel next to me, to make a fire. However, these walls are made out of wood and I have a lot of doubts that I will manage to survive the fire and smoke until an opening shows.

My best bet is to wait and see what happens.

"This is so fucking annoying," I mutter to myself as I lay against the wall. Ever since I got here, all I did was wait and I hate it. I always believed that one should always be in control of their own fate and destiny. It sounds hypocritical to believe that now. After all, what the hell am I doing? I'm just letting myself be used and controlled, like a goddamn variable.

"Nah, fuck this bullshit," I say as I get up. I'm not gonna let myself be a victim in this game. I'm Yori Nabu, the one shall find truth in the unknown. With brand new determination, I look around the room, trying to see any flaws in the room's design.

After several minutes of constant searching, I finally found a weak point in the wall. Thank the Lord for that. My hands were getting really dirty and I'm disgusted by that.

The wood in the back of the room is particularly weak so it can't be that hard to just pop it out of place, right? Hell, I'm sure I could make several holes in the wall if I body slam it. Fortunately, I'm not willing to sacrifice my body for destruction.

I walk towards the wall and push on the weak point.

It didn't budge.

"The drugs must still be in my body. There's no way I can be that weak," I tell myself. I try pushing on the wall again. It still didn't budge. Damn, it seems I will have to sacrifice my body.

"Alright, alright, so you think you're cool don't you wall?" I ask the wall, "Well you won't be laughing soon."

I walk backwards until I reach the opposite wall. I crouch and get in a running position. On the count of three, I will show the wall the power of acceleration and velocity or whatever it is. Like I said before, I didn't study for my science test.




I sprint as fast as I can to the other side of the wall. Unfortunately, I'm not at my top speed because this room is only like 10 meters and I had to sidestep a lot of dirt piles and stuff like that, but I think the force I gather will be sufficient.

With no hesitation, cotton and skin attack wood. Cotton and skin put up a valiant effort, but wood just tanked all their attacks. Like the ultimate defense gamer wood is, wood tire cotton and skin out and once they ran out of stamina, wood swiftly defeated the two.

In short…

Little tiny rivers start to streak down my face as I grab my shoulder in pain. I try to hold it in, but Jesus this fucking hurts. "Ahh!" I scream.

I drop to the floor, rolling on the ground due to the pain. Honestly, why did I think this was a good idea? This was by far the worst thing I've ever done since I got here. Well, the worst short-term thing I did. I still don't know what's going to happen to me because I ate that loaf of bread.

I hear the door open behind me. I slowly rise to my feet and turn around to see who's here.

Oh, it's one of the bastards. He wears a look of surprise on his face. I don't think he was expecting me to be awake. Or maybe he wasn't expecting me to be in pain.

The big man says something in his weird language. When he sees I'm not moving, he slowly repeats his sentence, emphasizing every syllable.

I really wish he would stop doing that. He's treating me like I'm dumb and I'm not dumb. Sure, I can lack common sense at times, but my grades are always top-tier.

He starts to get angry when he sees that I still don't comprehend him. Since I'm not wishing for a beating, I try to speak with him. "Sorry, but I don't know what language you are speaking. The only language I speak is English."

A look of realization paints his face. Jesus, what a relief. These people actually do know English. Why didn't I try this earlier?

He gestures for me to go over to him with his hand. I obey his request and stand before him. Pulling out some handcuffs with one hand, he grabs my left wrist with the other. He puts my wrists in the handcuffs and leads me outside.

There are several Conestoga wagons full of cuffed people outside. All of these wagons are being pull by giant fucking lizards. These dark gray lizards have elephant trunks and elephant ears. Along with those features, they had long tails that were capped off with some sort of ball. Kinda like an ankylosaurs.

Riding on these lizards are men and women alike. These guys wear black uniforms but on top of their uniforms, they wore a white crimson striped hooded shawl. Their hoods were thick and long. I can't even see their nose. Fucking Assassin Creed wannabes.

Jokes aside, from one look I could see these guys are a big deal. They seem coordinated and serious. They give off a different vibe than the bastards, who just gave me the feeling that they were simple minded thugs. These guys however seem official, legit. I guess they are like a more organized gang, or a terrorists organization. These guys aren't just thugs.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see one of them give a tiny brown pouch to the other bastard. I didn't even know he was here.

One of the Assassin Creed wannabes unlock one of the more empty wagons. The bastard behind me gives me a little shove, silently telling me to get in the wagon. He's still treating me like I'm stupid.

I get in the wagon and they lock it once more. With a screech, the elephant-lizards start moving. I guess that's the end of my tenure here.

I look around at the cuffed strangers surrounding me. None of them even glance at me. Looking closely, they don't look all that different from me. Of course, there are different colors like black, brown, white, and even corn yellow. They all have hair, masculine or feminine bodies, and regular human faces. Unlike me however, their bodies look frail and weak. Each one of them has their heads down, like they don't have the energy to raise it. Also, they smell like complete and utter shit.

This is a less than ideal start for me. Well that's actually a big understatement, but it's important I don't lose hope nor focus. This is a brand new world and the possibilities are endless. If I wallow in despair, this opportunity will be wasted. Even the world around me knows that. That's why the sun is smiling at me once again. Though, even the sun's warm smile fails to comfort me.

After all, how do you comfort a guy who just been sold into slavery?