With Jacob

The next morning Sana woke up thinking about yesterday. She had a vivid nightmare about the moment she had with Jacob. Remembering those embarrassing moments, she curled up on her bed.

" What am I thinking? This is clearly wrong." She thought to herself.

She got up from her bed and went to the bathroom. She took off her nightgown, panty, and bra, went to the bathtub, and turned on the tap. Warm water started filling in the bathtub. She got up and went to the toilet.


" Aaah"

She let loose her bladder and the pee came out of her urethra. While she was peeing, she noticed white liquid mixed in with her urine.

" what?"

She couldn't believe she came while sleeping, thinking about the dream she had, her pussy was starting to heat up.

" What is happening to me ?"

She washed her pussy and wiped it with toilet paper. Going back to the bathtub, she closed the faucet. She looked at herself in the mirror, her black hair was falling down on her breast, her delicate face and pink lips.


She washed her face and brushed her teeth. Then she took a bath in the warm water. After she got out of the bathroom, Jim was still sleeping. She looked at the clock, it was 7 in the morning. She let him sleep a little more and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

After an hour Jim woke up and got ready for work. Sana served him breakfast and they talked about last night.

" I hope everything goes well." Jim was concerned about the matter.

" Don't worry, Jacob said that he sorted out everything, so it should be alright."

" Yeah, I hope so. I really can't afford to get fired, we can't sustain our current lifestyle if that happens. And if we want a kid, we have to save up for a year."

" Yeah.."



After having breakfast Jim left the house. Sana, who was still thinking about yesterday's incident, tried her best to suppress the guilt. She knew this was wrong, but to save Jim, to save their family, she might have to agree to Jacob's requests.

She got up and went to her room. She changed into semi-formal attire and left the house.

She came to the library and worked on the documents. In the afternoon, when she was sitting at her desk, she received a text message.

[ come to the garden square at 4. We have a lot of catching up to do. ]

She saw the message that was sent by Jacob. Her heart skipped a beat. She never thought he would contact her this quickly. She clenched her fists and replied 'yes.

She finished her work early and left the library. She was nervous and her heart was beating so fast that it would pop out at any moment.

' Calm down, Sana. After I get evidence on him, he will pay for what he's done.'

She reached the garden square and looked around. She saw Jacob waving at her. He was standing near a motel. She approached him and asked what he intended to do, even though she knew what it was.

" Mrs. Lowen, didn't you like yesterday's play? We will continue where we left off, hehe"

Jacob looked at Sana from top to bottom, admiring her figure. He was going to taste her pretty soon.

" Just do whatever you want, but promise me that you will leave Jim alone."

" Deal," Jacob said with an evil grin.

They entered the motel; it was a deluxe room with a king-sized bed and exquisite decorations.

Sana put her bag on the table and looked at Jim, who was already unbuttoning his shirt.

She turned her and walked to the bathroom.

" Let me wash up." She entered the bathroom and thought about if she was going to do this. There was no turning back, the guilt will forever haunt her like a shadow of the demon. She then thought about Jim's predicament.

' No, I have to do this, for Jim, for us.'

She took off her skirt and blouse. Then she unbuttoned her bra and put it aside. Her soft pale breasts could be seen in the mirror. She took off her panty and rinsed her pussy. Then she wrapped a towel around and came out of the bathroom holding the towel.

" You look gorgeous. I can't wait to eat you up." Jim was almost undressed and only wearing his boxers.

She shyly approached the bed and sat down on one side. Jacob approached her and pushed her into the bed.


Her towel fell off, the bare pale body was fully exposed to Jacob, who was crawling on top of her.

" Why are you being shy, it's not the first time we are doing this."

He caressed her cheeks and gave her a deep kiss.

" MMMMMphhhh"

She gripped the bedsheet as she was surprised by the sudden kiss. She thought he will move directly to action but this was unexpected.

He smooched her lips and twisted his tongue vigorously. Sana didn't want to do this, but she couldn't force him to get away. He pinned her down with his hands. As their tongues twisted with each other, she let go of her struggle. As their lips departed saliva was dripping from their tongues.

"HAA... HAA "

Sana was breathing heavily like she couldn't breathe, the long kiss left her suffocated. But weirdly it felt good.

' What are you thinking? How could you feel good ?' She questioned herself.

While she was thinking this, Jacob split her legs wide open. She instinctively tried to close her legs, but with Jacob's hand holding both legs, her struggle didn't matter. She put her hands on her face, trying to calm her mind.

Jacob opened her legs wide and then caressed her pussy. Sana was shaking, her whole body was getting hot with just his touch.

" Well. look at you, you act like you don't care. But your body is honest. Hehe"

He spread her pussy open and touched her clit with two fingers.


Sana moaned with a yelp, her entire body shook. Jacob didn't stop and started pinching her clit, He was using one hand to spread open the labia which resembles pink petals, her pink clitoris almost turned red by his pinching. Sana shook her body as the feeling was enveloping her. Her pussy was getting wet as the love juices started to flow.

Jacob took his hand out and used his tongue to lick her pussy.

*chhkk chkk..*

His vigorous tongue movement made Sana lose her mind as her eyes rolled up.

" AAAAAh " She moaned loudly as her whole body shook.

The twisting and turning tongue swept her entire pussy. He touched her insides in such a way that Sana was having seizures. She couldn't control her excitement and squirted.

" AAAAh"

He took out his tongue and love juices were dripping down from his mouth.

" Hehe, I see you are loving this. Now let's get to the main event."

" Huff Huff." Sana was panting from the earlier orgasm.

Jacob didn't let her catch her breath and put his dick on her vagina.

He rubbed his dick on her vagina a couple of times.

" Here we go…"

He shoved his dick straight into her pussy.