
In the center of Aurora City inside a luxurious mansion belonging to the Brown family there was a beautiful woman, her height was around 1.74 cm, her white hue in combination of her purple hair and violet eyes gave an aura of mystery and beauty, her She was around 90 years old and was one of the main members of the Brown Clan and thanks to her enormous magical talent she was considered one of the most beautiful and powerful women in the terrestrial federation.

Her name was Olivia Brown and she was currently reviewing a report about the death of her brother Robert Brown, despite the fact that three months ago it was said that he died as a hero fighting terrorism, she knew him very well and it did not cost him Much to discover the truth, however, she was determined to find the cause of her brother's betrayal, during these 10 years she has not stopped investigating the subject.

As I continued reading the report, suddenly the door opened, and a man dressed as a butler entered, "Good morning Miss Olivia, would you like a cup of coffee" Olivia looked up for a moment and replied "Thank you Sebastian", while the butler She was serving coffee, she spoke again "Miss Olivia today got a message from General Paúl Philipp, requesting an audience", somewhat surprised Olivia wrinkled her face, although the Philipp and Brown families belonged to the 10 magical clans, generally any communication was made public and not private as at this time.

However, Olivia decided to accept the call, I also wanted to ask her some things about the operation carried out three months ago, after the butler finished leaving the room, Olivia received a call to her personal communicator, after accepting it, the figure appeared of Paúl through a hologram, "Good morning Miss Olivia, I see that you are still as beautiful as ever", Olivia with a serious face replied "Save yourself the compliments, tell me that it is so important that you talk to me in person and not use the channels officers ", Paúl smiled, he knew Olivia and knew that she was famous for her character" I see that you are still as direct and aggressive as always, however that is one of your strengths, I just wanted to tell you that soon you will receive a certain package, I would like that you see it, maybe you can find answers about your brother ", when Olivia heard about her brother, she hit the table hard and with a slightly strong tone she replied" What do you mean, Paul, do you know? about my brother, because you are not telling me at this moment ", Paúl quickly replied" Calm down Olivia, there are things that it is better not to talk about by this means, just check the package and then you can draw your own conclusions, I hope you have a good day " After Paúl's last words, the hologram disappeared, leaving the room with Olivia a bit confused.

A few minutes after the call, Sebastián came back in, "Miss Olivia a package from General Paúl Philipp has arrived, you would like us to review it", Olivia responded quickly "It is not necessary, leave it on the desk and close the door, tell the staff who are not allowed to bother me for now ", after Sebastian left, Olivia stared at the package that was nothing more than a small box wrapped in protective plastic, after opening the package she discovered a small square object similar to the one Robert gave it to Paúl, Olivia took the object and placed it on the floor, after recognizing Olivia, the same information file that Robert had left with Paúl began to play.

The next day at Paúl's mansion a limousine stopped at the entrance, then Olivia got out and went to the entrance where Paúl was waiting for her, after exchanging formalities Olivia and Paúl went to a room, after both took their respective seats Olivia couldn't help asking "So tell me why you waited three months to tell me", Paul who was used to how direct Olivia could be replied "To be honest I didn't know whether to tell you, I know how much you appreciate Robert and his death was very sudden I wasn't sure if you were ready ", after thinking about it a bit Olivia sighed" Thank you, maybe if you had told me before I could have done something crazy, however, it reassures me a bit to know my brother's true intentions. "

Paúl drank some water and replied "You don't have to thank me, I consider Robert to be someone from my family", Olivia knew very well that Robert and Paúl were good friends so she did not continue with the topic "Very well now I would like to ask you Where is the child my brother is talking about in the video ", Paul, as if he were waiting for this moment, replied" His name is Abel, and right now he is in the library, you want to meet him ", Olivia nodded" if I would like to meet him ".

After Abel entered the room, he was a bit surprised by how beautiful Olivia was, however, his reaction surprised both Paúl and Olivia, since the first thing he did was take Olivia's right hand and kiss her in the back of the hand, "hello beautiful lady, it is my honor to accompany you today", although it could be considered a quite chivalrous gesture for a 5-year-old to do it, it was something quite rare, with a beautiful smile Oliva asked Abel "Tell me Abel, where did you learn to greet like this?" Abel, a little surprised, first glanced at Paul and after he nodded, he replied "From a book called a thousand ways to approach a lady" after hearing the name of the book, Olivia gave a Killer look at Paúl, however, Paúl had already disappeared from the room, decided to go to the library to confiscate any suspicious books that were found in the library.

Olivia spoke all afternoon with Abel, at first Abel was a little apprehensive about Olivia's presence, but despite the fact that Olivia was considered a strong-willed woman, she liked children and knew how to treat them, so it didn't take long for her to engage A good environment for Abel to feel comfortable, the conversation was quite varied and sometimes Olivia forgot that she was talking to a 5-year-old boy, after finishing, Abel returned to the library and Paúl returned to the room with Olivia.

With a smile, Paul asked, "So what do you think?" Olivia looked serious and replied, "He's very smart for his age, however, he's still a child who needs to be educated, so do you want me to teach him magic?" Paúl gave a small laugh "That bad habit of yours doesn't go away, however, I think you are the best person to teach magic", without removing his expression Olivia replied "He is still too young to learn magic", While Olivia finished speaking Paul placed a paper on the table.

After some time that Olivia saw the paper, she looked up at Paul and asked "Did Abel solve it?" After Paúl nodded, Olivia replied "I have a condition, I will adopt him and take care of him as my son", after hearing Olivia's words, Paúl froze for a moment of everything he could expect from this woman. similar situation "Why do you want to adopt it?" Olivia sighed "Unlike you my words within my Clan have much more weight, so I can take care of him from any external danger, you could also consider him as my nephew or even my son taking into account that part of my research was used to create it ", with a serious look, Paul asked" Don't you have other intentions? "Olivia gave a sincere look for the first time that night" I know it may sound a bit strange, I have just met him, however, it is the last legacy that my brother left, and even though I don't have experience taking care of children, I will treat him the same as if he were my own son ". After seeing that Olivia seemed sincere, she replied "very good, but for now I would like her to get to know you little by little, she has only been awake for 3 months, I don't know how she will react to all this", Olivia thought for a moment and replied "Very well, I'll stay here. for a while and I will teach him magic "Paul gave a sigh of relief" Thank you. "

The next day early in the morning Olivia was in a room with Abel, Olivia was wearing a cabin tail next to a diver and a sweatshirt that exposed all her curves, however, Abel did not look at her with perverted eyes after all Despite his enormous capacity for learning there are things that Paul decided to teach him over time, Abel only admired Olivia's beauty in a rather innocent way. Olivia smiled "Very well Abel, from today we will start your magic classes", last night Paul had told Abel that Olivia was a great magician and he was going to teach him magic so Abel was elated. Olivia continued "First of all, give you a check to see your magic power", after that, Abel put on only shorts and went to a stretcher that automatically moved under a huge device that looked like an X-ray machine .

Olivia was outside the room in front of several screens, while the machine scanned Abel various data and images could be seen on the screens, while Olivia saw the information the shock was evident in her beautiful eyes, there are two conditions for a being human can become a magician, the first was to have a medium or high magic nucleus and the second was to have adequate magic arteries, the magic nucleus is an organ that the human being developed over time, it was located just below the sternum and measures 3 cm2 can be divided into 4 types classified as low (red), medium (yellow), high (green) and advanced (blue), the main function of the magic core was to allow the manipulation of mana and in turn pumping mana through the magic arteries, basically a second circulatory system. Depending on the quality of the core and the shape of the arterial system it was determined whether a human was capable of being a magic fighter or a wizard, however, the data indicates that Abel's magic core was a dark blue color while instead from owning a single set of magic arteries owning several sets in different layouts.

Basically he could use 5 or 6 times more mana than any other human being, in turn his brain had a Sper trait, The Sper trait is an anomaly in a section of the brain, although it was considered an anomaly, it was not dangerous to life. In fact, whoever was born with a Super trait was able to use an ability outside of the magic system, sometimes they were very good abilities such as telekinesis or pyrokinesis, however, sometimes they were bad, such as increased growth of nails or hair, basically it was a roulette, these skills did not have the ability to improve and were determined at birth, the only problem with possessing a Super trait was that the ability on the magic center would decrease since the magic field of the brain was divided and a part was destined to regulate this ability.