

It had been a few weeks since Me and Levi met each other for the first in 10 years... I had to eventually tell him about Isabel and Farlan going missing... He seemed really upset about it.

It was around 1 am. I couldn't sleep so I went to go get a drink from the kitchen. When I got there, I saw Levi.

He was drinking a cup of tea and reading a newspaper.

"Hey, Levi." I said, Walking over to the coffee maker.

"Hey, By the way, Can you call me 'Sir' In front of other people? I don't want them to get the wrong Idea... But when we're alone you can call me By my name." He asked.

"Yeah, of course, If thats what you're comfortable with." I replied.

Wait, What was he even doing up this late?

"Why are you up so late?" I asked him.

"Couldn't sleep, What about you?" He answered.

"Same reason." I answered.

"Fair enough,"


"Y/NNNNNNN WAKE UPPPPPP!!!!" Sasha screamed, pulling my covers off of my face.

"I don't want to though-" I said, Pulling the covers over my head.

"Captain Levi said to wake up, you doof!" She said.

"Alright, I'm waking up." I said, As I got to stand up.

"I forgot to tell you, You'll be training separately with the Corporal." Sasha said, Before walking out the room

He wants to train with me separately...

I can't wait...

I couldn't help a smile spread on my face.

I got into my uniform. I then cleaned up my room to the best before leaving to go to Levi.

"Hey." He said, Looking as if he was blushing.

"Hi, Sasha said you wanted to train with me separately." I said.

"Tch, Yeah. Your Blades and ODM gear is over there." He said, Pointing to a box.

"Alright," I said, Walking over to the box.

I opened the box to find it had shiny blades and ODM gear.

I picked it up and put it on.

"Okay, Are you ready?" Levi asked.

"Yeah." I said.

He pointed to loads of titan shaped wood.

I immediately started.

"How long?" I asked, Finishing off my last titan.

"1 Minute." He said, Looking impressed.

"Meh, I could do better." I said.

"Nobody has ever beaten 3 minutes. You should be proud of yourself, Brat." He said, Having the smallest smile.

"Not even you?" I asked.

"Well, I can do it in 30 seconds." He bragged.

I noticed a small tint of pink on his face. I was shocked to see it.

"You're blushing." I said.

"No I'm not. I never blush." He said, coldly.

"You sure about that? You look like a damn tomato." I said.

"Tch." He said, "Run a few laps, I'll do them with you."

I started blushing like crazy and agreed.


Is... she blushing?...

Wait, I don't like her like that, she's just a friend, i don't like her like that...

God dammit-

We ran a few laps before Y/n started coughing up blood.

"W-woah, are you okay!?" I asked, Concerned.

"Y-yeah... " She said, As she wiped the last bit of blood of her mouth.

What happened there?...

"Okay, Take a break for today, you've worked hard." I said, Climbing up a tree. 

"Fair enough..." She sighed. 

She climbed up the tree to sit with me. It was Farlan's favourite thing to watch from up high and it was Isabel's favourite thing to climb... I can't believe they're missing...

"I get memories of Farlan and Isabel from this, they loved climbing and watching from up high... Why did they have to go missing?..." She said, looking as if she was about to cry.

I hugged her to make it all better. It must've helped because she calmed down a little bit.   

"I don't think they're alive. They went missing almost 5 years ago..." She said. 

I noticed a tear stream down her face.


I was sat in a tree with Levi and I felt a hot tear stream down my face.

"Are you alright?.. You're crying..." He said, Hugging me.                                    "Yeah, I just feel like I'm at fault for their disa-" I said before being cut off by Levi kissing me.

I felt his soft lips on mine, I felt my cheeks become really hot.

He broke it off.

"S-sorry... I didn't mean to do that.." He said, Me and him both blushing like crazy.                                                 "It's fine, honestly, I liked it..." I said, Turning to look at him.                                   

My eyes widened when I realised what I had just said.

"I'M SORRY!" I yelped.                                                                                                    "Don't be!" He said, pulling me in for another kiss.