Friends Reunited


Levi was with Erwin discussing the Expedition, I believe.

"So... Y/n, You and Levi, Huh?" Mikasa laughed.

"No! We're friends! That's it! You and Eren though, You'd make a cute couple!" I teased.

Mikasa and Eren turned away, Looking like tomatoes.

"You're mean!" Eren said, Chuckling.

"But you loveeee meee!" I teased once again.


"Oh, Shut it. Just because you're my sister doesn't mean you can tease me all the damn time!" Eren said.

"Well, Hopefully you've learned your lesson about teasing me!" I laughed.

That earned me a slap on the back of the head.

"Boy, You best be greatful. I took you in to help you and somehow, we both ended up here." I said.

"Yeah, Yeah whatever." He said, Turning back to eat his dinner.

I gave him a death glare and continued eating.


We were getting ready to move out and Eren walked up to me.

"Hey, What do you need?" I asked.

"Nothing. I just wanted to say, Be careful out there, We already lost mom... I can't lose you too..." He said.

My eyes widen at his words.

'Does he really think I'm going to die on this Expedition?...' I thought.

"I will, I love you," I said, Hugging him.

"I love you too..." He said.

Hange noticed this.

"Awwe! Sibling love!" She said, Holding her hands.

Me and Eren laughed.

"Hey," I said.

"I HOPE WE SEE AN ABNORMAL!" Hange screamed.

"I'm looking at one." I said, Sassily.

"WHERE!?" She said excitedly.

"Right here." I said, Looking directly at her.

"Rude..." She laughed.

"I know!" I smiled.

I really hope nothing goes wrong on this Expedition... I don't want to witness any more deaths...


After our Expedition, We came back and we immediately started training.

"Hey, Y/n, wanna spar?" Eren asked.

"Sure!" I said, Smiling.

"Don't expect me to hold back." He said.

"Neither." I said, Smiling.

We got in the position to fight, Levi and Erwin were watching us.

I threw a kick, knocking him down immediately.

"She's got really good kicks." I heard Levi say.

This made me go red and smirk.

"Get up." I said.

"I'm up..." He grunted.

'If we don't fight... We die... If we win... We get to live, so we fight to the very end..' I thought.

He starts to throw more punches but I dodge and Kick. He gets knocked down again.

"Okay, I think That's enough. Somethìng will go wrong..." I said, Helping him up.

"Y-yeah... I-I'm not against that..." Eren said, Taking my hand and getting up.

We were on lunch break so we went to get something to eat.

"Hey, Y/n? Are you alright?.. You look really out of it..." I heard Eren say.

I didn't answer, I was really zoned out.

"Y/n?" Mikasa said.

"Y/n! Are you in there?" Eren said.

"H-huh? Y-yeah sorry... I was just thinking about somebody..." I said, Keeping my head held Low.

I had a friend, His name was Stacey. We actually went out for a little while but we broke up after he abandoned me in the underground city.

"Its fine, who where you you thinking about?" Eren asked.

"Stacey.. It's been years since I've seen him.." I said.

Eren's eyes Widened at the mention of Stacey.

"Everything okay?" I ask

"Yeah, I've heard that name before..." He said.

"Stacey Maisu..." I said, Hoping to ring a bell in his head.

"Oh..." He said, Starting to stuff his mouth with food.

I looked down and laughed.

I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders, I got scared for a moment.

"Miss me?" A voice said.

"STACEY!" I screamed as I got up to hug him.

Mikasa and Armin looked confused.

"Hey! Long time, no see!" He said, Not hesitating to hug me back.

I have everyone back... I now feel complete again...


Hey guys! So, I decided to add an OC because I was bored of the same old people. More OCs will be added later in the story by the way.

I just wanted to explain some of the stuff I'm planning to add in the future of this story.

1.) Very detailed Gore.

2.) A lot of death

3.) Maybe add some more titan shifters.

If I do decide to add some more titan shifters, Here are the OCs/orignals who will be the Titan Shifters :

Eren, Kacey, Wrin, Y/n (You), And Stacey.

I know 2 of these characters haven't been introduced yet but they will later in the story!

I might be adding some more OCs, not just them. I'm just sort of struggling to stay on track so I will try to get updates out for you guys but it's going to be a messy schedule.

Thank you for all of your love and support by the way! I love and Appreciate every single one of you! 🥺💖❤

Enjoy your day and stay sfae! :)

- Madison 😇