The Love We Have


It was the next morning, I did training and had lunch. I sat next to Eren, Mikasa and Armin. I had been thinking about 2 people... Stacey was nowhere to be seen, I believed that Kacey and Wrin were dead...

"Y/n?... Are you crying?.." Eren asked, grabbing my attention.

I looked up at him in confusion then I realised I was infact crying.

"N-no... Sorry. I was thinking about a few people... I uhh, I gotta go..." I said, Standing up and Leaving the mess hall.


I decided to tell Levi about Y/n's strange behaviour. The reason being, She was his love interest.

"So what exactly happened, Brat?" He asked us.

"Basically, Y/n was crying when she was sat next to me, Mikasa and Armin. When I asked her what was wrong.. She apologised, got up and left." I explained.

"I'll talk to her, Dismissed." He said, Coldly.

We walked out of the room and went back to the mess hall where I thought Y/n would be but... There was no sign of her..



After I found out Stacey had cried himself to sleep, I needed to talk to him... I felt bad about the thought of having to wake him up but I'll convince Levi to let him have tomorrow off training. He needs to rest, If I'm honest.

I found his dorm and knocked on his dorm.

"Stacey?... Are you awake?" I whispered.

"Yeah... You can come in." He whispered back.

"Are you okay? You've really been out of it recently..." I asked.

"Do you really want to know the truth?..." He asked.

"Is that alright with you? Listen to me, If you don't feel comfortable with it, Just know, I would never make you do something you're not comfortable with!" I exclaimed.

"It's fine... After I left the underground, I got bullied... Really bad. I got told to 'Leave and never come back', I got told that you didn't love me..." He said.

I was shocked... How did they even know we were going out!?

"You know I loved You, I loved you more than anything!" I said.

"I know, I just-" He said, Being interrupted by tears.

I was also crying a little bit too.

'Did he think I didn't love him too?... I loved him more than anything... He left me so I couldn't say that one more time... I thought he had died...' I thought.

"I-I'll give you time... I'll a-also convince Levi to let you stay off tomorrow.. Goodnight..." I said.

"O-okay... Y/n?.." Stacey said.

"Yes?" I turned around, and he saw my tear stained face.

"Thank you... For checking on me..."

He said, Holding his head.

His tears looked like waterfalls at this point, So did I...

"Wrin and Kayce would be proud of how far you've come." I said, smiling a little bit.

"They would of you too." Somebody said from behind me.

I was looking at Stacey and he was smiling at me, Strangely.

I looked behind me and saw Kacey and Wrin.

"Oh my gosh!" I whisper yelled.

"Hey! We thought you were dead until we talked to Stacey and he wanted to suprise you with us!" Kacey said, Hugging me.

"I thought you guys were dead!" I said, not hesitating to hug Kacey back.

I looked back at Stacey.

"Thank you, Stacey... I mean it." I said, Smiling at him.

"You're welcome, I noticed that you were crying in the Mess hall earlier yesterday so I figured it was about Kacey and Wrin. I went to find them and they happily came back." Stacey said, Smiling.

"You're the bestest friend ever." I said, As a tear of happiness came out of my eye.

"I know." He said, Which made me laugh.

"Goodnight, Stacey. I'll come check on you after training tomorrow." I said, Walking towards the door.

"Okay," He said.

I closed the door and went back to my dorm room.

'Kacey and Wrin came back... I have all of my best friends back...' I thought.

They're not dead, They're alive.


"Y/n!!!!!" Hange said, With her happy voice.

"I'm up. Don't worry." I assured.

"I know, Levi wants to talk to you about something by the way, I don't know what but he asked me to come and get you." She said.

She examined my confused face and took me to Levi's office.

I knocked on the door.

"State your name and Business." Levi said, from.the other side of the door.

"Y/n L/n sir, You wanted to talk to me." I said.

"Come in." He said.

I opened the door and I could've sworn I saw a smile on Levi's face.

"Hey, I just wanted to ask you something..." Levi said, Softly.

He is not the type to speak Softly... What is going on with him recently?..

"Sure, Ask away..." I said.

He placed his lips on mine.

"I want you to be mine..." He said.

"Yes." I said, Kissing him again.

"I love you," He said, Which sent shivers down my spine.

I finally got the man I loved.