Clearing things up

Masahiro got up and ran to see where his lover had gone to explain everything that happened with Takeru since it was not what he thought, the others left behind him to also look for their loved ones and be able to help Masahiro tell the truth about what they had seen.

Masahiro looked for kazuya in all the known places in the school with the help of yutaka, isamu and masaru. After a while he was fed up and felt that if a person passed in front of him he would beat him to exhaustion, only one place came to mind where they could be was behind the school where he had taken kazuya several times to be alone Without the presence of his friends when he arrived he was on one of the benches, both masashiro and the company saw how shou, kiyoshi and akio were next to kazuya who had his face covered with his hands.

The boys approached their loved ones who stared at Masahiro for breaking the agreement and making his friend cry, who at first was very happy about their relationship.

_What are you doing here? I hope you do not come to explain what happened in that place because we are not going to believe you- I say Akio who put himself in the middle of masahiro and kazuya- and something else we will not allow their relationship to continue

_It's what I'm coming for and you can't prevent us from being together- Masahiro said to Akio, he looked at his beloved who was still with his head down and tried to pass Akio who stopped him instantly as he could, Shou and Kiyoshi when he saw that his friend They couldn't join him, they could only make him take a few steps back.

Kazuya got up from the bench, his friends only saw masahiro passing by, ignoring him, his companions followed him, leaving everyone puzzled, Masashiro's friends approached him who did not know how to react to what had happened a few minutes ago.

_It's better that we leave, the classes are about to start and it is our turn for the physics teacher and if we arrive late he will miss you again and more you masahiro who is already in his sights for always being late with him- said isamu making react to his friend who looked at him for a moment.

_Yes ... at the time of departure we talked kazuya- he cleared his mind about his beloved began to walk in the direction of the door to enter and go to his room followed by his four friends who were disappointed and sad for what happened.

When the boys arrived at the classroom, they were relieved that the physics teacher had not yet arrived, they sat in their places for a brief moment and turned to see their partners who were still trying to cheer up Kazuya, who was still depressed, they took their backpacks out of their backpacks. things they would need for the teacher's class when one of their classmates came in, standing in front of the teacher.

_The teacher got sick and did not come-some of the students were happy by what his partner said- we can go home early- informed the boy, which everyone celebrated, they put away their things, they quickly grabbed their backpacks and all their classmates left like a whirlwind, in less than 5 seconds the room was almost empty, yutaka and company approached their partners.

_We accompany them to their homes- Yutaka mentioned with his things in hand

_I'm sorry guys but I want to be alone for a while- said Kazuya who knew that his friends wanted to be with their partners started to walk to the exit followed by the look of Masahiro who was still sad because he ignored him.

Masaru approached Masahiro who was very distracted when he saw Kazuya leave the room alone

_I hope you're happy with what you did- said Masaru hitting Masahiro on the head with his hand made into a fist

Masaru went with the other boys who begin to walk to the patio to go to their respective houses in the company of their partners

_ Where are you going, Masahiro- said Isamu seeing that he was walking in the opposite direction from his house, Masahiro turned to see his friends

_I have something to do, which you don't care about isamu- I say masahiro going the way he was going to go before they arrested him, at the response of his friend Isamu got angry but then calmed down then he would take revenge

_I think you need to be alone to calm down- the others continued on their way with their respective partners

With masahiro

He was walking down a street that very few kisses passed until he reached his goal an apartment, he stopped for a moment turning to see a window whose lights were on, he thought it was that of his beloved kazuya who should be in his bed crying his fault.

_ I hope you can hear me and you can forgive me kazuya- thought Masahiro went up the fire stairs to Kazuya's room when he reached his goal he realized that his window was open he entered through the window when he was inside he did not see his beloved so who was observing kazuya's room, above kazuya's bed there was a shelf with some teddy bears in front of the bed a desk with a laptop attached to it, Masahiro hid when he heard that someone had the door of the room.

He saw from his hiding place Kazuya who had entered the room without realizing that there was another person.

_Kazuya- he turned to hear a familiar voice

_Masahiro what do you do in my house and in my room- the aforementioned came out of hiding

_I want to clarify everything about what they saw a while ago- he approached kazuya and hugged him a few seconds later, kazayu turned to masahiro, the first one went to the window

_If it weren't because I saw it with my own eyes, I would not forgive you

_What happened with takeru was that he began to hit me, I tried to stop him but he can't and then you came - approaching him- the blows he had were not made by me, they were just makeup

_parresia that you were hitting him- with a sadness in his eyes- how do you know it was makeup

_ I wanted to stop him but he can't try to take it off me, a little of the makeup stayed in my hand, when you arrived you saw as if I had hit him- I hug him from behind

_as I know you will not get into another fight- I look at him with distrust

_Because if I do it, you can ask Masaru and the others to separate me from you love- she dared to kiss him on the cheek- you would give me a second chance- said Masaru to Kazuya who attended

The two looked into each other's eyes for a couple of seconds, their lips joined in a passionate kiss, when night came, Masahiro stayed to sleep in Kazuya's room, the two fell asleep burned.