The surrender of the Celestial Team

_you are- mentioned Masaru who was still puzzled to see that person in that place

_You don't have to say my name masaru- interrupting him, he crouched down to be at the boy's height

_What do you want- I mention the one in the chair, the other man did not respond

_I just came to see you and to see that cute boy who according to my informants attracts you a lot- he got angry at the thought of who he was referring to

_do not get close to shou- Masaru tried to get away from his love to hit him and try not to let it be for his partner

_So that's the name of shou- a smile was drawn on his lips- don't worry I'm not going to bother him yet- he went to the door

_Hey free me- Masaru mentioned the boy who was already in front of the door turned around

_No, your friends will come to free you in a while- he said the last thing and left the room with a big smile on his face

_I have to tell the others- said Masaru began again to try to free himself

I spent a time when Masaru tried to free himself but did not succeed so he gave up his piro of resignation, he only has to wait for his friends to come to free him as they had told him


_has the fight interesting- Isamu mentioned approaching Yutaka who when he saw him smiled

_More interesting than yours- Yutaka mentioned that he isolate isamu and mock her by masahiro

_Just finish quickly to be able to save that fool from Masaru- Masahiro mentions since he was tired of being in that place

Yutaka went to the place where he had to fight and the boy was waiting for him, when the two were ready the signal was given to start the fight, the boy was going to attack first but Yutaka did not give him a chance and attacked him by appearing behind the boy to hit him on the back of the neck, instantly knocking him unconscious, instantly giving Yutaka victory.

The people who were onlookers saw everything very surprised, they could not believe that a person like a yukata in a single movement would have rendered his opponent unconscious, the boy went with his friends who could only demonstrate with a smile what had happened.

-A new record- I said Isamu as a form of happiness- you beat the boy without much effort- approaching his friend

_When we go with the boys we have to give up- Yutaka mentioned when he stuccoed next to his friends who attended for his comment

_I agree with Tigo- Masahiro agreed with yutaka

The boys agreed with what I say yutaka in order to save their friend, while they spoke shou and their friends who were not very far from them listened to everything their partners spoke which they were glad that they cared about them they stopped see them when I talk to them

_We have to end this quickly- shou tell his friends who agreed with what his friend said- to be able to rescue my partner- the last thing I say in a whisper that his friends could not hear


_the next teams to fight will be the yellow and crimson ray- many people shouted with excitement because they were going to see the crimson fight which did not happen often since many were afraid of what was said about them

Only one person from the two teams went to the place as they were both facing each other, they got into position, a boy gave the signal so that they could start but neither moved, they only saw who would take the first step but neither did anything among the spectators, they only whispered to each other About the kiyoshi's attack form which surprised more than one, they fell silent when they heard a great roar that came from where the two fighters were.

When they turned to see the fight they were surprised to see the opponent of kiyoshi on the ground unconscious and on top of the boy the spectators were surprised to see the boy on the ground unconscious and kiyoshi on top with a big smile that could scare anyone, some followed If believing that in such a short time he had defeated the boy, others were waiting for it since they had the opportunity to see him fight on several occasions.

_You are too weak to face me- Kiyoshi said laughing as if a child were dealing with a new toy, he got up from the boy he saw his opponent for the last time to return to his friends who saw him funny

His partners saw the whole fight being very surprised to see how kiyoshi left the boy unconscious with a single blow which implied that some of the things they said about them were true and that they could not believe until they saw it with their own eyes seeing how he knocked his opponent unconscious with a single blow.

The fights continued the crimson team in a single hit, leaving their opponent unconscious, leaving more than one surprised by the movements they used to win, some of the spectators went with the team that faced the crimson to tell them not to face that team since they were going to get hurt or worse since they were holding back so as not to hurt those who took the case and those who remained gave up making the crimson team win which they were disappointed as they expected them to continue until the end but it was not So.


_they were a coward- mentioned Kazuya who was a bit irritated by what had happened

_That you expected, many are afraid of us because of how we fight- I mention Akio- it was obvious that they were going to withdraw- They all attended what I say their friend put attention to a boy who was going to speak

_ for the surrender of another crimson team is the winner- many applauded- The next to fight will be the celestial and crimson team

_Before starting this I want to say that we give up- Yutaka mentioned, the spectators were surprised by what they had just heard.