New Beginning

The next day at Tadashi and Ren's mansion, all the employees began their work very early, picking up what was left over from the previous day's "party", the members of the house still did not wake up since they had fallen asleep very late in the day. Previously the hours passed it seemed that no person was going to wake up until the afternoon but they were wrong, around ten in the morning.

In the main room of the mansion, a couple woke up, they were very happy to remember what happened the day before, their family began to unite again, not in the way they wanted but they felt very happy to have them by their side again.

The first to wake up was tadashi who, when he saw his partner burned, seemed very tender to him, he watched him for a long time until he began to wake up.

_ Good morning love- he said with love to Ren

_ Good morning Tasashi- ren hugging Tadashi they were burned for a few minutes they separated to kiss and start the day

They got up from the bed, ren was the first to enter the bathroom while tadashi tidied up the room and looked for a change of clothes for the two of them, shortly after, ren came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. Tadashi approached ren.

_ Your clothes are on the bed- he said and went straight to the bathroom

Ren grabbed the clothes from the bed and began to change, he put on a pair of denim pants and a black shirt combed his hair when he finished, he left the room, he went to the boys' rooms to wake them up while tadashi finished changing, he went to the rooms where They had stayed to sleep, he stopped at the first door of one of the rooms all but received no response, he knocked again and a few seconds later one of the boys opened it.

_ Hello-

_ Good morning- replied kazuya who was happy to see him, masahiro appeared behind the boy waving to ren who returned the exited

_ Breakfast should be ready, come down to breakfast- commented ren

_ In a while we go down- with that last they closed the door to continue fixing

Ren turned on his heels to go to the next sunset that was in front of the room where Kazuya slept and Masahiro knocked on the door as before in the previous room but this time they immediately opened he saw Masaru who was drying his hair with a towel.

_ Good morning Masaru-

_ Good morning ren-

_ I came to tell you that breakfast should be ready for you to come down to eat- the boy attended what they were saying

_ we will go down when shou is finished fixing

_ It's okay no- he said- I'll let the others know- Masaru attended and closed the door to go to the rooms that were missing

Upon reaching the next room, Isamu opened it, who could see that he had just gotten up, which disappointed the boy but decided to keep quiet.

_good morning isamu

The boy yawned- good morning, it's too early to wake us up- he was outraged he wanted to yell at him that it was late but he kept calm, isamu would never change.

_ it's actually late- isamu only paid attention to what he was saying- I told them not to fall asleep too late

_ we did not fall asleep so late- ren did not believe anything but it did not matter- so you wake us up

_ I just came to tell them that breakfast should be ready to go down to eat- the boy only attended and closed the door

I went to the last room when I was in front of the door, wanting to touch the door, it opened seeing akio and yutaka who were about to leave but stopped when they saw ren

_ Good morning- the two boys continued in unison

_ Good morning- he returned the greeting- I was coming to tell you that breakfast should be ready

_ At this moment we were going to go down to breakfast- Akio commented that he was dying of hunger because of how late it was.

_ I'll wait for you downstairs, I'll see if tadashi is ready- the two boys attended

Ren returned to his room while Akio and Yutaka went down to the dining room, when Ren arrived in his room, he saw Tadashi changed and combed ready to go to the dining room.The boy saw his partner became very happy he approached his partner and I hug it

_ I am very happy that we are all reunited again- the boy attended because he was also happy that his family was finally reunited

_ we go to the dining room since they should be waiting for us

The two left the room went to the dining room when they went down the stairs they found Isamu and Kiyoshi shortly after they arrived at the dining room they saw that the other boys were already gathered, each one sat in their respective places.

Some of the maids began to appear with breakfast they put them in front of each of the boys thanked them and began to eat in the middle of the meal they began to talk to know what they had done in the time they were left with them between the conversation jokes were made so that their conversation would not be too stressful.

At that time, everything in the boys' lives was very happy with the company of their relatives to make up for lost time with them, although the past can never be changed but they can overcome it together.

After breakfast they spent the rest of the day living together as a family, the time flew by that seemed to go away in the blink of an eye, before everyone went to their respective houses they went to a cemetery shou, kazuya and Kiyoshi did not understand what they were doing in that place while Ren and Akio understood perfectly.

They walked through several tombs, they stopped at one of them that stood out of all those that were in the place but you could not read its name, the boys began to say some words and they could understand what they were doing in the cemetery they were in the place for a great time. When they finished, they left the cemetery said goodbye to ren and tadashi and went home since they had to go to school tomorrow.