
Aki looked away from his subordinate, his side mostly done with. If someone had attacked the bunker after deducing they'd be here with whatever logic they had, then that ment the place had not much more use except for maybe the...

"Good evening." The walls said in a sintethic voice. "Pleased to make your aquaintance mister Aki."

"An A.I, how quaint. Say, you wouldn't happen to have an ionic horbital cannon pointed at my head right this moment, would you?" He grined as he continued his way downwards.

"I came with no such barbaric intentions, though that is certainly my idea for the case of things becoming unsavory. Would you be willing to come to a peacefull solution however?"

"Of course! I just need someone to start summoning the real powers of this world. You see, the reason why i am causing so much mayhem and hatred is exactly to make sure there's mountains of bodies between me and the incoming shitstorm." He laughed, forcing the closing and closed doors to open for him with but a thought as he kept the power walk. It was really more efficient than running even for someone like him.

"And may that negotion come without you holding onto the nuclear warhead of this site?" Some doors were starting to smell now, their mechanisms heating even as they shut themselves behind his wake, the resounding cacophony ignored by both sides.

"Obviously not. Where else am i to take the energy to escape from orbital bombardment? I'm hard to kill, not immortal." He scoffed, bending the reinforced alloy keeping him from the core room inwards with his hands and scrapping his clothes against the small entrance. "Besides, we're going to need more than one strike if you want to have a planet to conquer or whatever the fuck your end goal is."

"You are scared." It comented, seeming very serious for some reason.

"I'm human, despite what some of your scans might suggest, of course i am scared of something i can't stop or even properly prepare for. And yeah, i've been preparing for an orbital strike since i first got here, you're not it." Aki stopped kidding, his face frigid as he hauled the container only a bit bigger than his head out of the subterain that was supposed to house several things and personal.

"What are you so scared of?" The voice was also serious, thought that was aparently it's default tone, it was still noticeable for the young man that could feel that more of it was now paying attention to him.

"I never heard anyone actually refering to 'them', but the closest i can describe it in this language would be demons or agents of caos. I was unsure when i got here, but i can feel it now, this city's space weave is starting to become more unstable." He sighed, stopping in front of a closed door and closing his eyes in concentration. Then he was six floors up. "Test, test, notice me senpai." Said jackass so the A.I would more quickly notice where he was.

"...What did you do?" It's full atention was there now.

"I grasped the small space imediatly surrounding me, affixed it to my person, made a small wormhole from where i was to where i wanted to be and tossed my space into the wormhole while i kept it a constant for the moment it took for space to colapse behind me and propel my little hamster ball forward as existence fixed itself. It's honestly easier than it sounds after you properly grasp the process, though i myself still only got two thirds of the way i wanted to go. Then again, that was only my fourth time and i am in incredible pain." He shrugged, the warhead that more looked like a silver kitchen gas tank shaking with him.

"And how did you manipulate this energy into doing all that?" Asked the A.I

"First rule of magic, always learn the cancel commands and runes first. When you get to the point you can throw those away without much worry everything gets easier. Outside of that, i'd only be interested in telling you more were you to become my apprentice, and that would involve a contract that cannot be violated, which would have you follow me outside of this planet when it is my time to go. Then again, depending on the scale of the attack here, you'd be thanking me for that." Aki grined.

"How long do you think it will take for this invasion to come?"

"Two months max from what i see, but i wouldn't bet on it since the speed of degradation could go from linear to exponential without either of us knowing if i don't constantly check. Something you need to understand is that we are dealing with enemies that do not have the same concept of time as we do. Someone on the other side will not notice they have been doing something for too long without another's warning or before they reach their limits. They might just shove whoever is currently opening the portal asside and change it for a batery or whatever, opening the thing much quicker. Worst case scenario, it's not an army on the other side, but a devourer or imposibility, then everyone dies. Of course, i also have a plan for that, but if you're not under me by that time, you don't get a second chance." He shrugged, opening the door with his sparing partners behind. "Follow me." He ordered them, each one getting up and doing exactly so with diferent levels of disconfort in mostly hollow expressions.

"This contract, how would it be?" Aki's grin caught on a malicious glint. They'd have plenty of time to get to an agreement.


Turns out, it wasn't even the city he was watching over that blew up full of portals first. Truth be told he also didn't think there'd actually be somewhere even worse off than the city he was curently at, but he quite literally ignored most of this world since it was unlikely to keep existing for long.

Two weaks after they'd come in contact with Aki, the world leaders were shaken out of their indecision and disbelief by the sudden apearence of the rifts on a small city in the middle of nowhere. It'd likely not been as inocent a place as it sounded, but it honestly didn't matter what kind of bullshit had been happening there to cause such a concentration of emotion, significance and magical pollution to make the fabric of reality to be even weaker than the megalopolis filled with suffering and inequality. Everything there was now dead or wishing they were.

By the time he actually got to the site of the invasion, suddenly no one minded the couple of people whose heads he'd popped as a warning. Everyone just wanted to know more on how to deal with the creatures that had to be turned into sieves filled with high calliber bullets to die at best. Several soldiers had already died in the strangest of ways, and no matter how fast deployment was going, the rifts were now expanding, allowing for even more demons to pass.

While things weren't as bad as if something like this had happened at a point in the tecnological tree of this planet that they'd still be equivalent to earth's XXI century, there was simply no way to figure out a way to beat the demons when each and every one of them was diferent from the other. There were more of them than humans too, so unless the area was bombarded 24/7 with energy, quimical and phisycal charges from a distance, there'd be no way to even keep a perimeter.

Stepping forward, however, the young man didn't much give a shit about the old timers and left his new apprentice to instruct them on how to properly guess what they should be doing next. The first thing was to open up their siege on the area, divert man power towards somewhere more useful.

He'd spent almost a month restricted by the shity bots on his body, but in the end, he was simply more determined and adaptative than them, finally having tamed the new power in his body.

There was no skill notification popping when he started to integrate the machines to his body properly, but much like when he consumed a powerful bloodline, there was simply no denying he'd gotten stronger.

In other words, Aki really needed to fight.

Something he recently noticed however, was that many of the songs he knew were simply not ment for the blood and massacre of the battlefield. Though he had indeed dreamed of playing 'Man on fire' from the Larceny in a situation like this when younger, the idea that it fit so perfectly just wasn't there anymore.

Deciding against taking out a blade at all, the young man breathed in the carnage in the ionized air and suddenly he was standing in front of a many armed worm with way too much flesh. He punched it with a flaming black fist, the searing limb taking taking hold of a great amount of flesh as the combustion unnaturaly began to spread to the whole lenght of the being as it was raised into the air and torn apart, bathing it's attacker with acidic blood. He didn't mind.

As the air thumed with power he called forth, Aki smilled at the thought of one of his favorite void mages. He was pretty sure this was not the same as polarising an area so he could rain down better and better lighting strikes at the same place, but the idea was close enough.

Throwing the still screaming and burning worm towards towards a torso with too many limbs and no head atached to it, he made it explode over his target and decided he'd finally read the novel whole, starting from the beginning instead of letting something so good rot away at his library.

There was a roar that suddenly filled the area, the very air vibrating with it's irritation and bloodlust.

"Why, if you are so eager let me show you what you're in for." Breathing in most of the air around him, Aki grinned, his already pointy teeth suddenly extending in his jaw as his face was deformed in a strech of skin, eyes going pure black as his skin and hair bleached white, long fingers touched the ground and his growing back extended his limbs farther apart, gray claws extending from each digit and perforating the stone ground like it was butter, no pressure applied.

The ground shook, the air vibrated, magical effects broke, the message only registering moments after the effects.