A dungeon at a time

{Dungeon: Memories of a fallen world

Difficulty: Level 10

Main mission: Contingency (100% complete, F rating awarded)

Battle performance: Extremely active (C rating awarded)

Exploration performance: Extremely active (S rating awarded)

Special rating 1: Repelled a 'Question' (Z rating awarded)

Special rating 2: Closed a breach temporarily (ZZ rating awarded)

Special rating 3: Maintained control of region for over a hundred days (ZZZ)

Special rating 4: Closed a breach permanently (V rating awarded)

Special rating 5: Killed over ten million entities from the forces of chaos. (VV rating awarded. REP +3)

Special rating: Enlightenment (REP +5)

Dungeon difficulty bonus: +5

Final rating: N

Final reward:

*The system has taken notice of you.

Unique Title: M.A.D - Awarded as a medal to those that survive the crazy idea of bombing the forces of chaos on the other side. You will be recognized as part of a special unit with the best interests of Order in mind if you choose to display it. Do not abuse it.}

Finally outside of the punishment dungeon, Aki appeared alone on his lobby. His last ditch effort of getting something out of the dungeon had born fruit if the title he gained was anything to go by, but he honestly couldn't give much attention to it as his head was splitting from effort. Luckily he had the remedy for this on his lobby. Somewhere.

'So this is your port. More organized than i expected.'

'My readings say that a lot of the materials here are redundant, why do you keep them if you don't have a method to process said materials? Bartering?'

"SAMAEL!" He screamed while ignoring the voices in his head. The fact he was so much more resistant to mental attacks was certainly a blessing, but NOT attacking other entities sharing the same space had actually become a problem the moment he'd transferred Elizabeth's 'softwear' onto himself.

The shade quickly materialised from a shadowy corner of the room, startled by the return of her master, specially by the fact he was now taller, leaner and sported a full beard.

"I'll deal with the beard later, start taking out our best eletronic components, alchemical concoctions filled with vitality and such, i need to use some points to get better organs and body parts to transmute onto our new companion. Fuck, her mind's even weaker than yours, so be quick." His words were cold, as he approached the stiffening young woman nodding repeatedly to his words, not knowing why he was stopping her from starting the task given. Until he warped hir arms around her waist and back, lifting the squealing shade into a bear hug. "I missed you, by the way." He said while ruffling the brown fluff on his face against her smooth and pale skin.


Making a Frankenstein was surprisingly easy to Aki. With the few million points he'd accrued on the auction house, he bought several compatible organs and bones before modifying each and everyone of them. Exchanging marrow from his own bones, charging nanobots on most of the flesh, linking the four hearts to an optimized line of veins and arteries, making sure no gland was completely overpowered, testing if the digestive system worked without forming dejects...

'I understand why it does not have genitalia or an anus since i helped design it, but why are the ass cheeks so big and the leg muscles so supple? With the concentration of usable pseudo nerves and flesh these modifications simply serve no purpose and waste materials.

"Oh no, i made that on a whim, but now that i see the final product there's no way i'm letting you take it out. Not everything has to have a reason for existing, so just get in already Miss everything has to be perfect!" Screamed a rather irritated young man. Keeping his mind in a state of calm for so long had been a first for him. He didn't care if Pennyworth was constantly reading his mind, the thing literally refused to develop emotions and was completely bound to him already, so it was basically a part of him for all effects, but Elizabeth would literally cease to exist if he went on a rampage and lose parts of herself while he kept thinking like normal, the waves and changes simply in anathema to her own way of being due to the caos of it all.

Aki had honestly never been happier he had not reached the level of 'change' that'd make him feel so little from outside entities, even if he'd gotten something else that his body could actually use without crippling itself.

A lot of his emotions were rather muted still, there was no changing that without changing a whole other lot of himself as well. He'd considered it before. When he'd first understood how the mind and soul interacted. When he'd next talked to his mother after entering the game. When he'd laid there besides Vanes after they'd made love.

Even just a few hours with Elizabeth in his head was enough for him to completely throw away the thought because of the possibility of ever becoming more like her instead. The chance was small were he to do it slowly, but that was enough to put the fear of oblivion on him. Were any one of his emotions reach a similar level of dullness, it'd become something he'd regret for the rest of his existence, which would then stain a shit ton more of magical shit.

Without his fear blaring him at every corner, for example, he'd be dead ten times over because he forgot to focus on a random corner that just so happened to have an ambush prepared for him.

Or, and were his mind calmer, he could have thought about the posibility that the 'normal' version of him was simply so boring he'd be screwed anyway, actual reason why his crazy ass didn't actually try such a long term theoretical procedure.

Sharing his mind was simply not as easy as he wished it was. He'd technically be all out of space after making a contract with his A.I, but it was actually ocupying space on his body instead of soulspace, so he could still safely carry around another soul with him without subjecting them to natural wear and tear.

The plan had always to keep space for emergencies after all, but before he formed a proper god-soul it'd simply be imposible to separate the effects of his own soul on that of others as he carried them, with his constant mental ginastics and metidation keeping the effects to a minimun.

Were Vanes the one to experience said contact, then her own soul would make sure the problem would be even smaller, though Aki would be stresed by a completely diferent set of predictaments were such situation to come to pass. After all, it'd either mean that they were free enough that they could waste the time needed for soul bonding, or boning as it was more commonly refered by the undead that coined the term due to their numbers, or that he'd done a horible job in preparing his better half for the world she wished to create and something had succeded in killing her.

Opening her cobalt blue eyes, Elizabeth didn't stand up or try to cover herself in any way, a series of lightning currents flashed through the table and every part of her body instead, leaving marks on the floor and shocking the young man now considering how to dress the simplistic scientist. She'd previously been a complete waste of beauty, but she was now his, so at the very least she needed to inspire something other than lust or disgust when people looked at her.

"You already know the specifics, try out the neck, claws, heels and whatever else you want, then prepare for some workshop on producing combat models assemblies, i have the materials and the real state for it. While you're at it remenber that we're having you model several stiles later, now that you're a subordinate goddess that means you have to look the part. No yoga pants. Unless you get me a good enough design for it, that is. We'll do everything from skorts with shorts going to your knees to togas if need be, so think about it. Now that your skin is metalic and your features elfic, that also means no earings unless you decide for some reason to take an eternal oath to someone else, so here's the choker that basically means you'll be single forever, and keep the bow cut. Anything you want to add?"

His words were fast and uncaring even as he materialised the exquisitive black choker united by two metalic rings on the front and decorated with silver engravings and borders. The woman just sighed. She knew all of this already, but it didn't mean she liked it.

Sitting up, she swiftly put on the choker and put her naked form towards the upstairs' room that was now hers. It was honestly nice not having as many scars on her body and not needing to worry about any system malfunctions on black tech, so she'd apreciate what freedom she now possesed in her new life.

Aki, on the other hand, sighed and opened his message tab. He'd briefly spoken to Titania and Feris, and despite his half a million remaining points, simply informed them that he was interested in getting some skill books for releasing auras and body reinforcement. He'd be pretty ocupied with preparations after he got back from seeing his family.

There wasn't much to do, but he also didn't like the repetitive nature of it all. Even if he were to not go around looking for trouble, his estimations were that even those two gods he fought back when he first entered the dungeon were entities at around rank II. Obviously there should be at least one thing around nearing the power of a proper divine entity, maybe a first generation decendent trying to increase their affinity with the law they governed over if he was lucky.

Were he to fight the later, he'd obviously die in one hit even if he was right at the center of his domain while he protected the soul of his two last believers. At least as he was now.

Aki was many things. A human, a man, a psycopath, an embarasing lover, a not so filial son, a one of a kind sorcerer, and others, yet he was most certainly not a good wizard. Thanks to dungeon time dilatation and his own studies, he'd already spent more than half a year having first hand experience as a proper magic caster, yet that could only be translated to mere moments of research and memorizations in the life of any self respecting arcanist.

Pick a siege fireball for example. While the diference is not imediatly obvious, anyone perceiving the diference in volume and quality of the mana used would imediatly point out that the wizard is being a lot slower for something that has similar power, yet they could also just as easily point that said wizard is doing something at least a thousand times harder than the sorcerer who simply imagined the spell into existence, meaning that they are spending mental energy instead of absurd amounts of mana to focus an event into existence, their spell costing anything from ten to ten thousand times less energy their counterpart.

Add to that the fact that already cast spells cost less concentration to maintain and the fact that the mage likely didn't just sit around like an idiot, it is very likely that the sorcerer will quickly be out dps-ed by the amount of spells and out lasted by the expertise of their adversary were they not to be able to somehow overpower their oponent or counter spell them at the fly, a tactic that generaly doesn't work because everyone expects you to try it.

So to say, Aki needed to sit his ass down and let his new extra brain power help him memorize the best forms for specific effects as he forcefully manifested several spells. Now if only he had another hiperbolic chamber....