She felt like she was being taken from place to place.

But he preferred not to open his eyes, not to cry.

In the face of this RYU runs out of speech for a moment.

RYU apologizes to PANDORA.

He didn't really want to remind her of such a painful moment.

PANDORA almost biting her lips, holding on to tears, smiling tells her that maybe it wasn't so bad.

RYU, you look at her strangely.

PANDORA explains by shedding tears and trying to show a smile, that if that hadn't happened, she wouldn't have gotten there.

RYU tells him that if she were to touch him, he won't die.

PANDORA walks a little away from him, tells him he won't touch it.

RYU smiles at him.

It makes PANDORA relax a little bit.

She tells him that everything bad comes when her hair and eyes get dark, she doesn't know why it happens.

Still, he doesn't want to touch anyone.

He tells her about his little brothers... she listens to him fascinated, loves to see RYU's smile when talking about his family and the antics of his brothers and children from other species who live there.

The desire to see the kingdom of council is born in it.

Meet those children who provoke that smile on him.

There's so much to know.

It's a new world for her.

It's too late, so, they say good-bye that night, she asks him to promise to come back, he's a little surprised, he blushes inadvertently, gives him a smile and promises to come back the next night.

It's about 3 a.m.

Everybody sleeps in the castle.

Except on the other side of the castle, in the games room.

Just that night, there's someone lurking around the castle, judging by his shadow, he seems to bring a leather backpack on his back.

It sneaks through various passageways between the walls of the castle, heading towards the most protected and isolated chambers of the castle, not far from the playground.

This person is a human-looking shadow, too agile and silent.

Without much effort, you manage to reach the chamber where you keep THE HEART OF MAGIC.

Which radiates a lot of light in the dark, like a special mist, has long since been used and a lot of energy has accumulated in the stone.

As that human silhouette approaches, it is seen that he is a strong, tall and thin man covered from head to toe, being in front of the heart of the stone, he uncovers his face.

This is the DWYER councillor with a piercing gaze when seeing the stone.

He removes his backpack from his back and inserts the stone into it and puts a cloth over it, covering all traces of light.

As discreetly as he arrived, he leaves the camera.

But he doesn't go back to his room, DWYER puts on that dark clothes a more casual coat.

With a backpack in hand, he heads towards the entrance of the castle.

DWYER, like all other councillors, have free access and exit from the castle, but not from the realm, so it's not uncommon for DWYER to go out late at night, as he usually goes on a spree sometimes.

The soldiers see him leave naturally, albeit somewhat hastily, one of the soldiers jokingly asks if he is in a hurry.

To which DWYER replies that if... there are legs where you want to shipwreck... those who heard rien, saying goodbye to DWYER, is well known for his reputation as a womanizer.

DWYER was very calm, being away, shown in its real state, is deeply agitated, danger has passed and is full of adrenaline running through its veins.

The man dulls an overly profuse smile.

The adrenaline that invades him is not for theft, it is beyond, it is as if his years of adventure come to life, he was not always a good man, he in his youth was a thief, womanizer and did not have the moral values that he developed when his territory was taken by the kingdom of council.

He had no choice but to join the defense, the other option was to stay in opposition and that would eventually be death.

DWYER, is invaded by the desire for eternal life that you want to achieve by using the stone.

Only, you have to get further away, you mustn't let anyone get in the way.

He follows his path to the woods, to try to reach one of the limits of the council kingdom, beyond the large area, in the mountains.

Despite his age, he is in very good physical shape, in less than an hour, he has reached the wooded area, away from other humans and members of the defense.

He knows that as he crosses the large area, he will be free to escape.

It's the shortest way.

Start your journey through the caverns that lie among some mountains.

Some of them were used by the people of the territory where he lived when he was a thief, to steal from the other areas.

I knew them well, though, it's been more than 30 years since you set foot there.

He doesn't remember it perfectly.

DWYER made good calculations in a matter of how long it took him to get to the place where he is, however, it never crossed his mind that, THE HEART OF MAGIC, would react within the large area to the resonance of it.

Soon, an ism is started from the place where the councillor is located.

DWYER is very concerned, no doubt they will realize, besides, he must escape alive from the caverns, he just tries to try to run in the middle of the ism, some pieces of the roof of the cavern are falling off and fall around him, DWYER just tries to advance while dodging them with difficulty.

Very little progress, DWYER feels powerless, no matter how hard he strives to move forward, is a long way from the exit.

So lucky he's never on the same side, DWYER tried very hard, but inevitably one of the rocks falling from the ceiling, plus one of the walls that came off, close his way, being locked up with only a small hole to see out of his prison.

Terror invades the councillor, who gives cries of despair. Hitting that rock near the hole, other times pushing it.

The quake continues to spread, so that, at the place of origin, the tremor has stopped.

DWYER breathes a little to lower its tension.

He also says he should think with a cold head.

You must get out of there.

Remove the backpack from its back, touch the stone over the leather, release it and keep trying to dig out the smaller rocks surrounding the hole.