This new replica also activated rocks with saved power, which had under shelter in one of the rooms adjoining the laboratory, the rocks glow brightly at the rhythm of each tremor.

It was collateral damage and they react to the large area.

In the games room, the young people of the cavern are at the exit of the long room.

Just then, the stones explode and the collapse of the castle is imminent.

Every part of the castle that had held out until that point, cracks and begins to fall.

The walls of the laboratory, as well as the entire floor, leaving only the edges, fall into an abyss, the pillar to which PANDORA is grasped, falls sideways, almost crushing the girl.

With this, the pillar has broken the wall where the girl is who came loose so as not to be crushed, the wall breaks and the girl falls along with the wall into a vacuum.

It's on one of the highest levels of the castle.

PANDORA's first reaction is one of a thing, as it goes down, PANDORA thinks that, perhaps it is better so, she should not touch anyone in this world, if she dies, no one else will die.

PANDORA then closes his eyes, lets go of his body, resigning himself to his tragic end.

In a matter of instant a dragon flies to meet her, it is RYU who tries to reach her.

A few meters before reaching the ground.

She feels like she's being held by powerful dragon arms.

Open your eyes immediately.

He recognizes it right away.

It's RYU in its original form. It was RYU who carrys it in his arms.

PANDORA is shaking.

RYU asks agitated if she's okay.

PANDORA's lips tremble, profuse tears come out of his eyes and he discovers that one of his hands has touched the dragon's skin.

His crying is immediately cut off.

RYU looks at PANDORA's eyes that reflect great sadness.

He looks at her carefully, her appearance is as she will ever tell her.

The young dragon calls it by name: PANDORA.

For a moment, the girl shudders, the feeling of another living being's touch is unwanted for her, because of her curse, but, it's RYU, that causes her pain.

PANDORA for a moment wants to run away from him.

RYU hugs her trying to calm her down.

She feels another replica, she lifts the flight so PANDORA doesn't feel it, PANDORA stays still.

She babbles that she touched him.

RYU understands now because she wanted me to let her go.

He holds it a little stronger. He tells you to take a good look, your curse hasn't done you any harm.

PANDORA looks him in the eye, she smiles slightly at him with tears in her eyes.

For the first time, she puts her hand on RYU's face as a dragon.

His invasive sensation disappears.

It's so warm the feeling in his chest at the time.

Joy maybe. RYU's skin, where PANDORA has its hand, changes shape, to human skin.

Making a combination between his human and dragon form on his face.

RYU calls her again, it's important that you get out of there.

She thinks her name never sounded so pretty before, before he was the one pronouncing it. RYU asks him to hold on tight.

PANDORA hugs RYU, who goes looking for his family.

Flying over the ruins of the castle.

He realizes the bleak panorama, not only did it happen there, it was all over the kingdom and even beyond, to the large area.

RYU continues to roam the castle ruins.

Not far from there.

He finds his father who has met with other survivors, including his older brothers (the boys).

His father, King DRAKO, looks seriously at RYU, and discovers Pandora in his son's arms.

The king, in an annoyed tone, asks his son that, if, instead of helping his brothers, he went to save the girl from the new world?

Young RYU, feeling embarrassed, looking down, takes a moment to answer.

RYU explains that if I didn't help her, she would have died.

I'm sure no one would have saved her.

His father, with his face unscained, knows that his son is right, only that... there are more important things than talking about PANDORA, the king, he hesitates for a moment to speak, the young RYU sees the disapproval of the attitude of his brothers, they look more than annoying, hurt.

King DRAKO feels her words get stuck, finally telling RYU that they found her mother, young children and councillors KIRIN and PYUA, who helped her get out, all of them dead.

They were crushed by the roof of the cavern.

The young dragon's face pales, his gaze overshadowed, reflects guilt.