Chapter 21

The engine of the car purred to life, making the car vibrate. "Let's play 20 questions." Lucian said as he pulled away from the curb. I shrugged, I wasn't exactly in the mood for any games. "I'll start. Who were your last two boyfriends?" Lucian asked. "Derek and Liam. They weren't too bad until I had to break up with them for cheating on me and using me." I answered. I glanced at Lucian to see him grinning from ear to ear. "My turn, what's the grin for?" I asked. "As selfish as it is, I'm happy you had terrible boyfriends. Now I can show you what a great boyfriend looks like. I have great couple skills." I frowned. Skills he probably learned from other girls.

That's probably why he didn't want to touch me. He was thinking about one of his exes. "Alright. Do you like anyone right now?" Lucian asked. "Not really. But you met Everett and he's really nice. We kissed. Like twice. Oh and I kissed your cousin Devon, he wasn't half bad." I said it on purpose. I wanted him to get mad. Lucian pulled off the road and parked. "You're telling me Devon kissed you?!" Lucian growled. He was furious. Good, because I was too. "It's not a big deal. Plus, that was before I met you." Lucian still didn't relax. "How about after?" Lucian asked. "I kissed Everett yesterday." I squeaked. Lucian looked angier now.

"And you liked the way they kissed you?" He asked. I blushed and looked away. "Lucian you're way better." I said quickly. "Good. Then I can do this." Too fast for me to register Lucian had me unbuckled and in his lap. I suddenly felt as if I was on fire. It was like those electrical shocks were shooting through my very being. "Why did you open those pretty little thighs when I was lacing your heels?" Lucian asked. I shook my head. I wasn't going to tell him that. "Tell me . . . And I'll reward you." He whispered, thrusting his hips up into me. I blushed. "I-I-I . . . I wanted . . . I wanted you to touch me. Okay!" I snapped. "Why were you upset after I kissed you?" Lucian asked. "I wanted you to touch me." I whispered.

Slut. It felt like the word was branded on my forehead, I could feel it. "Then let me make it right." His lips landed on mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him harder. I felt his hands slide up and down my thighs. A shiver of pleasure traveled up my spine. Lucian gently pulled away from the kiss. "Turn around." I could tell it wasn't a suggestion, it was an order. I turned around which meant I was sitting in his lap. He used his knees to guide mine open. My dress rode up to my waist, leaving me in my lingerie. "Now where did you want me to touch you?" Lucian purred in my ear. "Here." I led his hand to my pussy. Lucian groaned.

"I'll have to touch you later. If I follow through on that right now, we won't go out to dinner at all." I blushed. He wanted to fuck me. That much was clear. But the thought that he wanted me as much as I had wanted him was astonishing to me. I slid back into my seat.