Deranged Lovers Vol. 5

Jonathan pov

A day into our journey home allis started to act weird she whispers to herself things I can't understand and prayers, I try to comfort her but she only yells at me and tells me to leave her alone. The silence is killing me and I must say something

Johantahn: alli are you okay?

Alli: no Johnathan, I don't know what's happening! We died we should be dead but the least we are is covered in dirt and ash

Jonathan: well I have a plan

Alli: what?

Jonathan: I'm setting everyone free, I never wanted slaves, and now that my father and mother are dead I'm left in charge of the plantation as the first thing I'm doing is setting everyone free.

Alli: then what? What will happen Jonathan we don't have lives anymore, a lot of people are presuming us as dead, and I'm a witch what do I do then

Johnathan: move north and start a new life a happy one, no having to serve or listen to orders you can do what you want when your around people me and you can be together

Alli: that does sound fun

Jonathan: Then there's no need to worry me and you can have our lives together married and that'll be how it'll be from now and forever.

Days later Alli and Jonathan arrived at the beagle plantation to give the news and set all of the slaves free. Some had mixed feelings about what was happening but it was happening, and the deed was signed and everyone was officially set free and was given a free ride up north.

6 years later slavery had ended and all was calm between whites and blacks some stayed and worked for money and some found other jobs, alli and Jonathan moved to Merrillville

Indiana, before they divorced each other due to the overwhelming pressure of the town's people around them and the times, were changing quickly as they entered the 1900's

1946, May 28th Tuesday

Alli pov

Whatever that spell was that miss Alina put on was no joke I've been hit by a car twice since I'm not yet used to the 1900s still, but I've been making out fine even though I have tried to remarry several times but like Miss Alina Jonathan and I are forever bound to each other what are we trying to remarry or me they die within 10 days I've been investigated by the police 52 times because people would drop dead within 10 days and they track it back to me they always find nothing.

I brought myself a house Coffee Shop job respected man it's good money for what I have to do it's nothing much just make coffee and hand it to them in that come in every day to go in their office jobs up the road but I'm missing something in the life of the room something to keep me moving. The weather the first one particular menu came from the shop we both got each other's eyes. We needed a final agreement to wait for each other after my shift was downloaded back to meet him and I heard his voice in the news exactly who it was.

Alli: Jonathan?

Jonathan: alli…

Alli: whatever miss Alina did to us it's true I've been hit by several cars and when I open my eyes I'm okay and walking like nothing ever happened

Johnathan: look alli we can't keep living these lives we have to start a new start over like we said from scratch

Alli: what are you saying?

Jonathan: What I'm saying is we fake our deaths and start over new people new lives new places everything

Alli: Jonathan why would I do that?

Jonathan: I know this comes off as a shocker but Now that I'm living in a world where my sexual it's hard to download to some extent experiencing with you and no one else, into the more scandalous and dangerous side of it stop the pain and the suffering after

Deep down I knew that I would enjoy every second of it the feeling of having the adventures me and him had long ago again, but would it be worth giving up what I've built for myself already in this time yes I can start over but. I shake my head, yes and he takes my hand leading me to his car. When I step in he closes the food for me and then he gets in and starts driving, we drive and drive for a shorter amount of time it would take on carriage but when we finally reached our destination I felt excited and not fearful for once.

It was an abandoned high dive swimming pool and it was covered in markings and dirt but for what we hoped to do it was just fine.

Jonathan: well this is our way to a new life

Alli: but what about our names and what we look like

Jonathan: well we can keep how we look just new names

Alli: like what?

Johnathan: well you get to pick it's who you are not what someone makes you

Alli: Well how about Allison

Jonathan: johnny

We got out of the car as the police sirens could already be heard nearing, as we climbed the Nero ladder to the top the police finally pulled up as we reached the top. When we do we both stand in front of each other and wait for the moment.

Jonathan: ill guess I'll see you on the flip side

Alli: hope you can catch up

I step off of the platform backward as I close my eyes and fall to my death when I feel a pair of familiar arms wrap around me

"See you in Chicago 4108 linen street"

Then nothing, 10 days later Allison finally opened her eyes and she was standing over top of her grave "RIP ALLI Chester 1833-1946" she was now Allison Chester she guessed as she walked away, but then she remembered what Jonathan no johnny had said she flashed back to it "See you in Chicago 4108 linen street". That's where she was heading to Chicago she changed her clothes, caught a bus with what little money she died with on her, and got a bus ride to Chicago Illinois.

When she finally reached there she wandered the streets until he came across a house it was almost like the Beagle's family manor, she walks up to it and lightly knocks on the door hoping this is the right place. She heard the footstep from inside as they came closer and closer to the door then swung open.