Deranged Lovers Vol. 7

After they get themselves together they go upstairs locking away the secrets of that night down below, they sit around the fire and enjoy their moments together. But they can't help but notice the feelings between them.

Johnny: Allison?

Allison: yes?

Johnny: this is it

Allison: what is?

Johnny shot up from the chair realizing this is what they needed, what would keep them together, they weren't able to express their love in a way that would fill their desire for each other their erotic sense of love. During this time love they had was shunned and done underground, but maybe just maybe they needed to take it up a level.

Johnny: This is our glue, the thing we missed the feeling of excitement and thrill, we've wanted to explore things like this for years but now we can. We indulge in the fine art of love, a deranged sense of it, something no one has ever experienced an electrifying sense of thrill.

Allison's eyes grew wide and she realized what he meant, what would keep them together would be their yearning for a higher feeling of thrill, a death-defying thrill.

Allison: what's the highest building you can find

Johnny; what are you thinking

He said as he pulled her closer to him into a warm and hot embrace

Allison: What is the highest building here

Johnny: the vinegar branch tower

Allison: well why don't we take a trip up to the top of it

Johnny; and exactly do what?

Allison: I wanna test something

Johnny: well I'll lead the way

Johnny pov

What was she planning? I was confused but went along with it as I took her by the hand and led her out to my car. The people walking by all started but I didn't care even though I knew we shouldn't be together. As we drive we share sweet stories of our time apart and how it was to never die but we also realized we never change how we looked.

Johnny: well we never age

Allison: I noticed that after a year and so did the people around me

Johnny: well since we have an eternity to do what we want what do we do

Allison: Well how about we explore every possible sexual desire of mankind, from torture to anything you can think of

Johnny: I like that idea

Allison: well we're here

We park in front of the vinegar building and stare through the windows at the top, it made me dizzy just to stare at it

Allison: So you ready?

Johnny: depending on what you want me to do exactly?

Allison: we're going to jump off as a way of being reborn into our new lives, as Allison and johnny our new lives devoting who was rare to exploring every possible way to do it

What she was saying she wanted to do and so did I, I felt a sort of deranged feeling fall over me it was like I just jumped right off the deep end. I step out of the car into the road as she gets out as we stare into the eyes of each other from across the car, as I shut my door I watch as Allison makes her way over to a ladder that scaled up the building.

As she started to climb I followed after she smiled at the view, as we near the top the high I felt only grew, my heart raced and my body preparing. We stood over top of the building looking down over the protective railing. I look at her as she takes her heels off and goes to stand on the railing taking in each deep breath.

Allison; this is it johnny, the beginning of a new. This will be the beginning of our deranged love

She did a sharp turn on the rail and she looked at me in the eyes with a look of pure madness as she backed and began to fall, I watched as she fell and took off my shoes leaving them alongside hers and then getting a running head start as I threw my jacket off to the side. As I fall to the ground I catch her body with mine pulling her into a tight and possessive hug as the wind around us razors and the car rush by as we plummet 40 floors to nothing to our deaths.

Then silence, I open my eyes to see I'm sitting in the car alongside Allison without a scar on us, we stare as I start the car and begin driving to. As I drive us somewhere I feel Allison's hand crawl over onto my thigh I reach down and hold his hand as I drive this was our beginning of us, the deranged lovers, the power that made us one. Nowhere.

4 years later 1950

Allison and Johnny spent their years devoting themself to each other exploring every inch of each other's bodies, seeing what new thing they could to each other excited them. Soon the sexual pleasure was getting dual and so was the world to them but that feeling didn't last very long as they started making pain and torture a part of their ways. Midevil torture devices to the modern-day they tortured each other in ways unimaginable.

Allison: johnny

She said as she collapsed beside hu naked as she ran her hands through his wavy hair

Johnny: yes my love?

Allison: where is somewhere we can go

Johnny: what did you have in mind exactly?

Allison: I was just thinking we could you know do that thing we did years ago?

Johnny: jump off the tower?

Allison: yes, but somewhere where there's a lot of people and a beach under it

Johnny: And why?

Allison: because I want to experience that rush I got again, the fear, the anticipation of what was coming with you again, and I'm bored I want to put on an act shake some peoples lives up a bit

Johnny: And that's why I love you so

Johnnys' heart fluttered as a lover caught in the wind of another as he spun her around as they danced away doing a slow and wasteful waltz, their eyes locked on each other as they danced as the night went by. They have fallen far from sanity they'd become deranged and neither of them minded it, the erotic sense of style and tender loving care only added a sense of longing for them to be near each other.

Allison: so when are we going

Johnny: soon, just one last dance