Chapter 2 - New Game

Chapter 2 – New Game

Rizend was a world with high technological achievement. One of Rizend's best achievement was in the field of Virtual Reality. The world managed to create a mature VR technology and Rizend rose to a new height.

However, years after VR technology appeared, many problems started to occur. Many approaches were done but none of them managed to stop or reduce the problem.

A hundred years after VR technology first emerged, the 75th World Government's President, Mr. Gilbert took a drastic measure. He and hundreds of talents and geniuses in the world created a super AI called Future.

They used Future to cut off many problematic VR applications from the masses as well as monitoring everyone's movement to prevent them from doing inappropriate things.

Thanks to this drastic move, the masses fought back and chaos ensued. War almost happened between the masses and the government.

However, it did not last long. The chaos happened only for one month. It was the strongest in the first week but as time passed, the chaos grew weaker and weaker and stopped a month later.

One of the main reasons it did not last long was because of Future. With Future's lead and tactics, the government managed to suppress the leaders of the opposition.

Other than that, due to the oppositions' unhealthy life, they did not have a lot of stamina to spend and thus, did not last long against the authority. They were caught easily after they got tired.

The reporter's fear at the venue was a joke because the opposition was not capable enough to cause a big problem and it was pitiful to see the opposition fell like that.

The opposition was not the only result of this move. Many of the people who had virtual families were depressed and many of them became crazy after losing their 'family'.

The scene of them crying and weeping from losing their 'family' was sad and it was not the normal kind of sadness. It was sad to see because they were weeping at something that was not real and it was sad to see their real parents crying from watching their children like that.

As for the game developers and many other companies developing things related to VR, the World Government had consulted with them earlier and they had prepared themselves for this. So, they were not angry with what Future did.

3 years later.

Spring 10th, Month 1, the Year 2455, Thursday

Orchid City's College, Agriculture Faculty, Lecture Theater.

Inside a Lecture Theater, an old professor who looked to be in his 70s was giving a lecture at the front. However, there were not many students in the lecture theater.

The lecture theater could fit in about 300 students but there were less than 30 students inside. Among them was a young man with short brown hair. He had an average face and wore off-brand clothes.

The young man was Adrian and he would be 21 years old this year. Adrian was listening attentively to the lecture and swiftly jotting down important notes from the lecture. Adrian was not the only one like that, other students around him were the same too.

While Adrian was focusing on the lecture, his bracelet vibrated.

"Hmm?" Adrian checked the small screen on the bracelet and there was a message from his parents. Adrian looked around and he lowered his head below the table and checked on the message.

[Adrian, we are sorry about what has happened. You don't need to worry and focus on your studies. We will do our best to support your studies] the message sound. Adrian smiled and he sighed.

[Don't worry mom. I will find a part-time job to support myself too. You should worry and focus on Austin and Adeline. No need to worry about me. I am in class now and I will call you after class end] Adrian replied to the message.

"Young man~ What are you doing~?" an old man's voice was heard from the front of the class. Adrian immediately got up and apologized to the professor. His classmates were smiling at what had happened.

An hour later, the class ended.

"Adrian, lunch?" Adrian's classmates, Keith asked.

"Sure. Cafeteria?" Adrian asked. Adrian had lunch with his classmates at the cafeteria. Since there were not many students enrolling in the college, the cafeteria was quite empty. Adrian, Keith, and another of his friend, Ceylon sat around a table together having their lunch.

The trio started knowing each other since they started College. They were not roommates but met in class. Since then, they formed a group of three and became friends.

While they were eating, Ceylon made a shocking gasp.

"What's wrong?" Keith asked.

"The World Government make a shocking announcement," Ceylon looked at Adrian and Keith while saying that.

"What is it this time? Will there be any riot again?" Keith spoke in a boring tone. What happened three years ago was still fresh in his mind.

"Maybe some people will riot but I think most of us will be happy with this news," Ceylon spoke while smiling. Adrian was curious and he turned on his bracelets to check on the news.

The bracelet was a device replacing the laptop, mobile phone, and many other devices. It combined many devices into one. Not only that but the bracelet used hologram.

"The World Government makes a game for us to play and they assure us that this is a healthy game and Future is the one developing this game," Ceylon spoke.

"Oh?" Keith was interested. Since the big move three years ago, none of them were able to play games. It was hard at the beginning but people got used to it. Even so, people were not changing for the better much even without the games.

Since Future was the one deleting the games, monitoring everyone, and also the one helming the strategy against the riot, Keith was interested in the games he developed.

"Future, I hope your game will be interesting," Keith spoke to his bracelet. However, there was no response. Although Future was monitoring everyone, he did not communicate with anyone. He just kept an eye on their devices.

"So, is that it? We just got a game to play?" Keith asked and he continued eating.

"This game is different than all the previous games. It says here that the work we do in real life affecting our character in the game. Not only that but this game used a new model of VR device too," Adrian spoke while reading the news online.

"There is more. This game is now a mandatory curriculum for students in middle school and high school," Ceylon added.

"Whoa! For real? My brother and sister will be elated," Keith was shocked.

"Yup," Ceylon nodded and he continued, "Since the students will be the first generation of players, the World Government gave the new VR device to all of them for free this year," Ceylon sounded a bit jealous when he said that.

"Then, we need to buy the device ourselves if we want to play?" Keith raised his eyebrow. "Nah~ I am not going to play it. They should make it playable with the previous devices."

"Then, you will regret it," Ceylon spoke making Keith's interest increased again.

"The World Government seems to predict this will happen and they said that the money in the game can be changed to real money and guess what is the rate of conversion?" Ceylon smiled.

"100:1?" Keith questioned back.

Rizend's currency was Rizo. Since games could exchange the money game to real money, the exchange rate had always been from 10000:1 to 1000:1. It means that 1000G in the game was equaled to 1 Rizo.

100:1 was considered the best exchange rate ever. Keith's eyes were gleaming excitedly if that was the truth.

"No," Ceylon smiled.

"Then, 500:1?" Keith asked again.

"No," Ceylon replied.

"Then, 1000:1," Keith frowned as he started losing interest again. 1000:1 was similar to a few other games in the last few years.

"Hehe, no," Ceylon replied and Keith loses interest completely. Ceylon snickered as he saw Keith's reaction before he said, "1:1."

"…" Keith stopped eating and he looked at Ceylon again. "Say that again."

"1:1. 1G to 1 Rizo," Ceylon reaffirmed his words again.

*Gasp!* Keith gasped in surprise. His eyes were gleaming with excitement. That exchange rate was the best.

"I want to play it! When can we buy the new VR device?" Keith asked. He did not want to lose the chance to make a lot of money. That exchange rate was insane and he did not want to miss it.

"They already start taking order and it is selling like hot cakes now," Ceylon spoke. Keith immediately logged in online and tried to find a store to order one of the new devices.

While Keith and Ceylon were busy about the game, Adrian was contemplating something.

'Should I buy this? The exchange rate is good and I can use the money to support myself for college. I may be able to help with my family too but the device is too expensive,' Adrian thought.

A day after Adrian enrolled in Orchid City's College, a crisis struck his family. Adrian's older brother Austin failed in his business and ran away while leaving the debt to his family. He started the business to make some income after he was unable to play games anymore.

More than that, Adrian's younger sister, Adeline was scammed by a fake entertainment agency losing a lot of the family's money.

Thanks to Adeline, Adrian's parents decided to mortgage their small farmland to pay for the debt made by Austin but even that was not enough. Due to that, they had to use the money they saved for Adrian's education to pay some of the debt.

Now, Adrian did not have much money left that he could use for everyday spending. Since he received the news about what had happened, Adrian had been extremely thrifty in his spending. He also bought cheap food such as bread to eat for breakfast and dinner. During lunch, he would buy the cheapest meal at the cafeteria.

Adrian knew that his family was now in a difficulty and decided to find a part-time job while studying. He was more determined to find some work after he got the message from his parent a while ago.

Adrian saw the exchange rate for the new game and he felt that this was an opportunity for him to make some money. It was not hard to make money in the game and with this exchange rate, it was easier to make some spending money and if he played well, he might be able to make more than just spending money.

Even so, Adrian needed to stop his intention because he did not have enough money to buy the new VR device.

'50 000 Rizo for one device… I don't even have a tenth of this money,' Adrian smiled bitterly. He also felt jealous of the middle school and high school students. They got the device for free.

"Done! I made the order and I will get it tomorrow!" Keith spoke excitedly.

"You are quite rich, huh?" Ceylon spoke while snickering.

"Ugh~ don't say it. I spend 95% of my saving to get this. I need to play the game properly and get back my money," Keith's eyes were burning with passion.

"Anyway, when will the game start?" Keith asked excitedly.

"You know, you can just read it online. It is all over the news," Ceylon replied and he said the right thing.

"I am too lazy to read it. Just tell me about it," Keith asked again.

"Spring 13th, this Sunday," Ceylon told Keith the date.

"I cannot wait to play the game. It's been three years since I play any and I am excited about this," Keith was not interested in his food anymore.

"Then, Keith and Adrian, let's play the game together," Ceylon spoke while smiling.

"Let's do it. We can form a party together," Keith was getting more excited.

"Urm… I don't think I can play with you guys. I am going to pass playing this game," Adrian spoke while forcing his smile. He wanted to play the game but his circumstances did not allow it.

"Why?!" Keith asked disappointingly.

"Well… I am not interested in games," Adrian gave a made-up answer. He did play games and he was interested in this new game but he could not afford it.

"How about giving it a try?" Keith tried to persuade Adrian but Adrian only smiled at him.

"I know your problem and it is solved now," Ceylon spoke while smiling.

"Huh?" Adrian was confused.

"I accidentally heard your conversation with your parents a few days ago, so, I know your problem," Ceylon spoke the truth.

"That…" Adrian did not know how to reply to that but Ceylon did not mind it.

"My family is rich and I buy one for you too. Let's play it together and it will be more fun that way," Ceylon spoke.

"Wait, you don't need to do that," Adrian felt wronged to receive something that expensive from his friend.

"You don't need to worry about it. If you feel heavy receiving my help, you can pay me back once you have enough money," Ceylon smiled.

Keith was silent as he knew why Adrian rejected their invitation earlier and he felt guilty for trying to force Adrian to join them.

"Just accept it and let's play together," Ceylon added. After that, Adrian tried to reject Ceylon's sincere gesture but Ceylon did not accept it.

After talking back and forth between them, Adrian decided to accept the VR device. However, Adrian made an IOU between them and he promised to pay back the money once he had enough.

"By the way, what is the name of the game?" Keith asked after spectating the touching scene between Ceylon and Adrian.

"Progress," Ceylon replied.