Chapter 9 - Continue

Chapter 9 - Continue

"Can't they delete their account and make a new one?" Adrian asked Future.

[No. This is a lesson for them to think first before they make any decision. Once they make the decision, they need to be responsible for it] Future replied.

"Keith, do you have any money left in your saving?" Ceylon asked.

"… Only enough for my spending," Keith replied.

"Then, I will pay for you first and you need to pay me back once you make some money in Progress. Let's take a class for sword and spear lesson," Ceylon suggested.

"Let's do it!" Keith agreed. He never thought he would screw up and this might be the best solution if he wanted to succeed in Progress.

"Do you want to take a class too," Ceylon asked Adrian.

"I don't think I need any. Everything I choose for my special stats is something that we will learn in college," Adrian replied.

"Tell me if you want to take one. I will pay for it," Ceylon offered his help and Adrian thanked him.

The trio talked for a bit more and then, they did their own study. Keith decided to search for any sword-related topic to learn online instead of books. As for Ceylon, there were a lot of materials about poisons in the library and he read those.

Adrian on the other hand had countless books related to the special stats he could read. Since he had maxed his Plants stat, Adrian decided to increase his Animals stat.

The trio spent time in the library until noon.

[Progress' notification.

Player Adrian studying diligently for 4 hours, Intelligent increased by 4 points.

Player Adrian study about Animals. You get four chances to increase your Animal Stat. Each chance will have three questions.

If you answer all the questions correctly, you will get 3 Animals points. If you get one wrong, 1 Animals points. If you get all wrong, 0 Animals points]

Adrian answered all questions. He aced the first three chances granting him nine animal points. However, he got one wrong on the fourth chance only giving him one Animals point. In total, Adrian got ten Animals point maxing the stats.

After that, the trio had their lunch and went back to their dorm to continue playing Progress. Since all three of them had increased their stats, they did not need to wait 24 hours before they could log in again.

Adrian was alone in his room and he put on the earpiece and dived into Progress. His surrounding changes and he arrived at the same forest as before. It was the same location where he was defeated by the slime but the slimes were not there anymore.

"I need to be careful of the slime. I don't know if my stats now are enough to defeat them," Adrian spoke. He checked his storage and many of the vegetables, fruits, and herbs he collected were gone.

"There are a lot of them around, I don't need to worry losing them," Adrian continued forward towards the Green Orchid Settlement. Along the way, Adrian finally saw a few other creatures in Progress and found out the grading system for them.

The white slime he fought before was Grade C and Adrian met a normal animal which was a rat, sparrow, and rabbit and they were Grade E. From this, Adrian had concluded that normal animals were the weakest creature and they would be Grade E meanwhile monsters like slimes were superior and thus it was Grade C.

As for Grade D, Adrian needed to observe his surroundings more. "Since there are normal animals, I should try hunting them," Adrian thought. He continued forward and saw a white rabbit munching on a wild carrot.

"Let's do this," Adrian slowly moving towards the rabbit. He did not want to alert it and wanted to sneak attack it.

Name – White Rabbit

Species – Rabbit

Grade – C

Level – 1

Adrian was now a few meters away from the busy rabbit. With his farming sickle on hand, Adrian rushed towards the rabbit. The rabbit sensed something was coming and when it looked behind, the rabbit was shocked to see Adrian was coming.

The rabbit hopped and wanting to run away but Adrian threw the farming sickle and it stabbed the rabbit.

[Critical Hit! White Rabbit's Health -16. White Rabbit received Bleeding status. Health will decrease by 5 for every second] Adrian was happy to see this notification.

[White Rabbit's Health -5]

The white rabbit tried to run but it was injured and could not move. Adrian attacked it a few more times before the rabbit's Health turned zero and it shone before dropping an item.

[Gain 1 experience point, 1 bronze coin, and 1 white rabbit pelt. White Rabbit Data is added to the Encyclopedia] the notification rang. Adrian stored the bronze coin and appraised the white rabbit pelt.

Name: White Rabbit Pelt

Grade: E

Level: 1

Effect: Endurance +1

"So, the game used the item drop feature," Adrian stored the pelt in his storage. "I can sell this later or create equipment from it," he knew how fantasy games work, and this kind of material could be used for crafting or sold for money.

Adrian continued forward and he met a few more rabbits. He defeated them all and got 7 experience points and 7 bronze coins. As for the materials, Adrian got five rabbit pelts and 2 rabbit portions of meat.

Name: Rabbit Meat

Grade: E

Level: 1

Effect: Health -1 (Raw) Health +1 (Cook)

Since the white rabbit was a normal animal, they did not fight back. Whenever Adrian appeared, they tried to run away. When fighting, they did not have any skill too unlike the slime. So, it was easier for Adrian to hunt them.

Adrian tried to hunt a rat but it was too small and fast. As for birds, Adrian could not fly and did not even have a chance to get closer. So, he opted to hunt for rabbits and there were quite a few of them around.

Adrian saw a few slimes around too but he immediately escaped from them. He was not sure if he could defeat them and decided to stay away from them. He wanted to play the game longer and did not want to risk it.

Thus, Adrian continued forward and when he met a rabbit, he would hunt them. A few hours later, Adrian decided to rest as it was almost night. The sun was almost at the horizon and he needed to find a place to stay for the night.

Adrian searched for dried branches and leaves to make some fire. "Friction can create fire," Adrian tried to light a fire using the primitive method. He rubbed the dried branches against each other to light some fire.

A few minutes later.

"Err… It is not working… Do I need to rub more?" Adrian was a bit confused. He read that this was how people in the past lighted fire but it did not seem to be working but Adrian did not give up. A few minutes later, a tint of smoke form.

"Ooo~ it is here," Adrian was excited and he added a bit more force and slowly, the smoke appeared more and he started adding more dried leaves. Slowly and steadily, more smokes were produced and a few seconds later, the dried leaves catch on fire.

"I did it!" Adrian was happy and he continued to add dried leaves to preserve the fire. After that, he added a few branches and made the fire bigger and lasted longer. Finally, he lighted some fire.

"Phew~ luckily I did not give up. This is harder than I thought," Adrian sighed. The sky had started to turn dark and he succeeded in making some light. Adrian prepared the fireplace to roast the rabbit meat.

While he was preparing for that, he got a call from Keith. Adrian picked up the call.

"Adrian!!! Help me!!" Keith begged.

"What's wrong?!" Adrian was shocked.

"Teach me how to light a fire!" Keith asked.

"…" Adrian was speechless. He thought that Keith was attacked by a powerful monster. Through the video call, he taught Keith the method he used. At the same time, he got a call from Ceylon too asking the same thing.

Keith was laughing aloud because he thought that Ceylon knew about it. Adrian ended up teaching both of them about it. After that, they ended the call.

Adrian roasted the rabbit meat for his dinner in Progress. While roasting the rabbit meat, Adrian checked on the Encyclopedia about the White Rabbit. Since he had defeated a few of them, more data would be available for him.

Name: White Rabbit

Grade: E

Level: 1

Basic Stats

Health: 60

Energy: 50

Strength: 2

Endurance: 2

Dexterity: 10

Intelligent: 5

Exp Given: 1

Money Given: 1 bronze coin

"So, the white rabbit's specialty is speed but since I usually throw my sickle to attack, they failed to run away. I did the right choice when fighting it," Adrian nodded. A few minutes later, Adrian finished roasting the rabbit meat.

Name: Roasted Rabbit Meat

Grade: E

Level: 1

Effect: Health +1

Adrian ate the rabbit meat but his Health was not restored by 1 point because he did not lose any health point that day. His energy depleted a lot because he had been walking and fighting but his health remained the same.

While Adrian was eating, something was lurking around in the bushes.