Chapter 12 - Skill 2

Chapter 12 – Skill 2

Adrian did not take long and made his decision. Since everything had a flow, he decided to create the most basic sickle skill he could think of, Cut.

After he made his decision, the skill was created and entered his data. Adrian checked the skill's stat.

Skill – Sickle Cut

Element – Farming Tools

Level – 1

Next Level – 0 of 10 uses

Effect 1 – STR 10

Condition 1 – Use any type of sickle

Condition 2 – User's Strength must be 5 and above

Condition 3 – Uses 3 Energy points per use

"I am not sure if this is good or not," Adrian scratched his head. Since he had nowhere to refer to because he was the first player in Progress to create a skill, he was not sure if the skill was considered good or not.

"Let see, 10 STR when using this skill and added with my Strength, I can deal a maximum of 20 damage if the opponent's Endurance is 0," Adrian mumbled. "I think this is fine? The scary rabbit deal 18 damage to me so, my maximum damage is not that far from the monster."

"I need to raise my Strength stat if I want to deal more damage. If only I defeat that rabbit, I will know how high is its Strength," Adrian sighed. If he won the previous battle, he would be able to register the rabbit's data in his encyclopedia. Thus, he would be able to determine if what he had was good or not.

"Future, this skill, is it considered as Energy-based attack? It used my Energy points to activate this skill," Adrian asked.

[No. This is a physical attack. The energy used is an enhancement to the skill not changing it to an Energy-based attack. So, only your Strength stat affects the skill, not your Intelligent stat] Future replied.

In Progress, there were six basic stats. They were Health, Energy, Strength, Endurance, Dexterity, and Intelligence. Health was similar to Health Point or HP. The Energy was used for everything the player did even walking used an Energy point.

Strength affected physical attack power. Endurance affected defense and stamina. Dexterity affected anything related to speed and Intelligent affected Energy-based skills.

"Let's try this skill," Adrian was excited and he went around to search for a target to test his skill. A few minutes later, Adrian found a white rabbit. He met a few slimes earlier but since the skill was physical, it would be useless against slimes. Thus, he avoided the slimes.

Adrian saw the white rabbit and controlled his energy by concentrating them on his feet. He used two energy points and increased his Dexterity by 2 points. Adrian dashed at a faster speed than usual towards the white rabbit.

At the same time, as he used more and more of the Energy on his feet, the effect slowly dissipated but Adrian added two more energy points to maintain this speed.

Adrian appeared at the side of the white rabbit and prepared to attack the target. 'Sickle Cut,' Adrian thought of the skill in his mind and he felt 3 Energy points flow through his body to the sickle and enhanced it. The farming sickle glow in blue.

Adrian attacked the White Rabbit.

[White Rabbit's Health -18]

'Nice~ The white rabbit's Endurance is only two at level 1 and the damage I inflicted is almost at the maximum amount!' Adrian was in joy. Previously, he would only deal 8 damage per attack but now, he dealt twice of that amount with the skill. It ate up his Energy but that was how the game was played.

Adrian continued attacking the White Rabbit and in three more attacks using the Sickle Cut skill, he succeeded in defeating the White Rabbit. A White Rabbit pelt dropped.

Adrian stored the pelt and checked his Energy. Quite a lot was depleted. 12 points for Sickle Cut and four points for his Dexterity enhancement.

"Enhancing my body using the energy cost a lot. Can I create body enhancement skills? They will be super useful," Adrian mumbled. Since enhancing his body with Energy Control and Manipulation used a lot of Energy, creating the skill would be the best choice.

[Unfortunately, you cannot create any body-enhancing skill like that] Future broke his plan.

"Huh? Why-," Adrian wanted to ask the reason but Future spoke first.

[You don't have the special stat for your body. Only those with Body or body-related special stat can learn any type of body enhancement skill] Future spoke.

"Then, I need to figure out a way to enhance my body through what I have," Adrian understood and if that was the case, he had the Plants and Animals special stat that he felt were highly likely to be able to give him a body boost.

"Energy depletion is a big problem too. I cannot willy-nilly spamming my skill as I will waste my Energy," Adrian scratched and he knew that the solution to this was using better equipment. Fighting a low-level and weak opponent using a skill was a waste of Energy.

Suddenly, an idea came to his mind. "Can I restore my Energy using the two energy skills?" Adrian asked.

[…You can if you are proficient in using the two skills] Future replied. Adrian wanted to test it but decided to try it when he arrived at the settlement or maybe that night. He needed to continue his journey or he would arrive late at the settlement.

Adrian continued his journey and based on the map, he would arrive at the Green Orchid Settlement in less than two days.

In the afternoon, Adrian rested for a bit and ate a lot of fruits to replenish his Energy. He had defeated three white rabbits during this journey and had increased his experience points and money.

Adrian checked his skills and found out that his Sickle Cut would level up with one more used. His Sickle Mastery's mastery was now at 1% too.

From Adrian's observation, to level up the skills, he needed to use them for a real purpose. Training would not increase the skill's experience to level up. Adrian once used Sickle Cut to train but the experience did not increase. He wasted his Energy and gained nothing.

Same with his other skills. Energy Control and Energy Manipulation would only gain experience when used with Sickle Cut or body enhancement during battle. Using them while training was useless to increase the level.

Moreover, the skill did not have the same way of leveling up. His two energy skills used how long he used the skill to level up. To level it to level 2, Adrian needed to use the skill for 10 minutes and he succeeded in using them for two minutes.

As for his Masteries skills, it measured his mastery of the things it represented. For example, the more he used his sickle, the more the Sickle Mastery would increase.

As for the Sickle Cut, its experience would increase if Adrian used the skill successfully on his opponent. If he missed the hit, the experience would not increase.

"I should try to restore my Energy," Adrian used Energy Manipulation and tried to restore his Energy but it was a failure. He thought of the problem but could not figure out anything. Thus, he tried a few more times but did not succeed even once. Not only that but he also wasted a few Energy points.

After that, Adrian continued his journey and then, night came.

"I want to try fighting the Sharp Teeth White Rabbit," Adrian planned to fight the Grade D rabbit. He had managed to defeat many rabbits during the day after he got the skills but he fought the normal rabbit without using his Energy.

Adrian wanted to conserve his Energy against the Grade D rabbit and thus, his Sickle Cut skill remained at level 1 but his Sickle Mastery had increased quite a bit at 5% mastery.

Adrian gathered many dried branches and started the fire. Since he was not used to creating fire (he only did it once and it was in the game) he took a while to make a fire. Once he had the fire, Adrian took out the rabbit meat and roasted it.

Since the previous encounter happened because of the roasted meat, Adrian decided to use the same method again. Adrian let the meat roast above the fire and he climbed a tree to sneak attack the rabbit.

Adrian patiently waited on the tree. At the same time, he did not waste his time and kept munching on an apple to restore his Energy.

Half an hour later, a bush opposite of Adrian's tree rustled. 'It's here!' Adrian stored the apple and took out his sickle to prepare for an attack.

A rabbit jumped out of the bush. It was a white rabbit and it looked the same as the normal white rabbit but Adrian knew it was not because the appraisal said that it was the Sharp Teeth White Rabbit.

The rabbit saw the roasted rabbit meat but there was no one around. It was alerted and looked around to see if there was an enemy.

The rabbit's action took Adrian by surprise. The slime was quite intelligent and this rabbit was the same too. Be that as it may after it glanced at its right and left side once, the rabbit was calmed.

'…' Adrian was silent. 'It is not as smart as I thought. Look above and you will see me,' thought Adrian. He was on the tree but anyone who looked above would be able to see him.

As there was no dangerous presence, the rabbit went to the roasted meat happily smiling showing its sharp teeth. The rabbit grabbed the meat with its arm and started munching on the meat happily.

Adrian used Energy Manipulation on his feet to increase his speed. He used a whooping 10 Energy points to increase his speed by 10 points. He knew the rabbit was fast and more so when it used the Dash skill. So, he needed to be faster and stopped it from using the Dash.

'Here I come!' Adrian was determined.