Chapter 16 - Green Orchid's Resident

Chapter 16 – Green Orchid's Resident

An NPC arrived at the gathering of Players. He was a man who seemed to be in his 40s and had a bulky muscular body. He exudes the aura of a leader and masculinity.

Alongside him were two more men who seemed to be his aide or right-hand man. Both of them looked strong too. The trio was different from the guards everyone had met while entering the settlement. They were not skinny or malnourished and looked strong.

Other than the trio, many other NPC went to see the Players too. They did not go to the front and stayed at the side of that place. They were curious about the Lost Humans.

"Welcome to Green Orchid Settlement, fellow friends," the bulky muscular man spoke. "I am Valiant, the leader of this settlement, and these two men beside me are my trusted helpers, Jason and Kenneth."

Jason was a man who was in his 20s. He had that manly and reliable look. Some of the girls showed interest in Jason. Not all woman loves manly man but many of them like them. In this case, quite a few female players were attracted to Jason.

Kenneth was older than Jason and he looked to be in his early 30s. He had a cold face but his appearance exudes the words, 'Marriage'. So, the girls were not interested in him.

"I am sure you will know who is us if you appraise us," Valiant added and it was true. Adrian already did that and he could see the name and level of the trio.

Name - Valiant

Level – 7

Name – Jason

Level – 5

Name – Kenneth

Level – 6

'The trio's level is far above us all,' Adrian glanced around and it looked like no Player had advanced to level 2. Everyone was Level 1 including Adrian.

"First of all, I am sure everyone here is confuses as to what happened. Since all of you here have lost your memories, I will tell you what had happened," Valiant spoke.

The players knew that Valiant would tell them the background of Progress. So, everyone was waiting patiently to hear the world's background.

"This world is called Progresia and up until a hundred days ago, there were 10 continents altogether in this world," Valiant started the story and everyone listened attentively.

'Hundred days ago… so, is it different now?' Adrian wondered.

"In this world, there is a phenomenon call Land Expansion where unknown land appeared out of nowhere without any prior signs. However, when these lands appeared, they will usually appear at the edge of the continent or in the middle of the ocean," Valiant spoke.

'Something like island formation?' Adrian wondered again.

"Whenever Land Expansion happened, Progresia became larger."

"However, a hundred days ago, an extremely different Land Expansion happened. Rather than at the edge of the continent or in the middle of the ocean, it happens everywhere around us separating us from everyone else in this world," Valiant's voice turned heavy.

'Tectonic shift or Terraform?' Adrian thought again.

"New lands appeared around us and have killed a lot of people. Not only that but our power to protect ourselves was reset and everyone is back to square one," Valiant sounded frustrated.

'An explanation to their low levels despite being old,' Adrian understood. He remembered Kevin said that everyone got the system when they turned 10 but everyone in the settlement was too low level for their age.

"You guys are part of the effect from this Land Expansion too. You guys not only lost your power but also your memories," Valiant added.

"We tried to travel and search for survivors after we separated but because our power was reset, we cannot go far. The creatures in this new land are different from the creatures we all knew before. Some may look the same but most went through some kind of changes and they are now stronger than before," Valiant spoke.

"Traveling and exploring the area around us is too hard for us at the moment."

"Due to this reason, everyone decides to live here and we will slowly gather our strength, and later, we will explore more land and search for more survivors," Valiant spoke.

"So, Adrian is right. This is a town-building game," Ceylon whispered.

"Since all of you have nowhere else to go, we hope you will stay here and become the resident of this place," Valiant asked. "We will grow together and pass through any challenges we meet together!" Valiant spoke.

[Do you want to become the resident of Green Orchid?] a notification from the system appeared in front of everyone.

"Should we say no?" Keith mocked because he felt this was a stupid question. They had nowhere else to go and if they refused, it would be hard to survive in the wild. All of them were defeated at least once in the wild by a level 1 creature.

Everyone agreed and they were officially a resident of the Green Orchid. Their data was updated in their status menu.

At the same time, some of the residents had a surge of power happened within them. It was unknown to the Players but some of the NPC had a level up because they completed the mission by receiving the Lost Humans as the new residents.

Many of the NPC looked happy at the level up as well as receiving more comrades to survive together in that place. They had lost too much and they were happy to receive more people.

"Since all of you agree, you can choose whichever area you want to build your living place. Anywhere you want is fine. As for building your living place, I am sorry to say this but we cannot help much with it," Valiant spoke.

"As you can see yourself, our 'house' is not a house. None of us who survives the Land Expansion knows how to build a house," Valiant smiled bitterly.

"Don't worry, we will be fine," a player spoke and everyone else agreed. Valiant was happy to see that the Players were understanding.

It was in front of the player's eyes and if they did not understand it, they needed a beating. Also, no one will try to fight back because the level difference between Valiant and the Players was huge.

"So, will it be okay if we choose outside the fence?" a Player asked.

"You can but it will be too dangerous at night for you. I suggest you put a fence connecting your location to this settlement," Valiant replied.

That Player realized he asked a stupid question. He had experienced the harshness of the wild and knew how dangerous it was during the night but he asked a stupid question.

"Also, if there are any of you here who are good at fighting… Ah, I don't know if you guys remember how to fight but if you feel like you can fight, I hope you will settle down faster because we will need your help fast," Valiant spoke.

"This area is still ownerless and if we want to develop our living place, we will need to conquer this area. Once we conquer this area, everyone in this settlement can receive many benefits," Valiant spoke.

"Oh! A mission!" a Player was excited. Not only him but many others too. They knew it would be a mission but there was no notification at the moment. Maybe after they had settled down and talked to Valiant again, they would get the mission.

"There is more, I hope you guys will come to me in a small group as I will teach you how to use your Energy. If you want to do well in life, learning to use your Energy will help you a lot," Valiant spoke and as he finished his sentence, everyone except Adrian got a mission from the system to learn the skill.

The mission was mandatory to everyone and they did not have a choice to decline it similar to the mission asking them to reach the Green Orchid Settlement.

"I am in the third group," Ceylon spoke after he got the mission. In the mission, the system listed the group and time they would meet Valiant to learn Energy Control.

"Me too," Keith replied and he asked, "how about you Adrian?"

"Me? I will tell you guys later," Adrian did not want to say it there or he would get a lot of attention from other players.

"???" Keith and Ceylon were confused. Was there a need to keep it a secret?

"I am sure you guys get the mission notification. Come meet me when it is your turn," Valiant smiled. "Then, you can go," Valiant spoke and he left the Players too.

"Let's live in the same house. We are too weak to live by ourselves," Ceylon suggested.

"Sure," Adrian agreed.

"Okay," Keith agreed too.

The trio got up and left the center of the settlement. Not only them but other Players too. The trio decided to build a house west of the settlement.

"Do you guys know how to build a house? I don't know anything about it," Keith admitted immediately that he did not have the skill or knowledge about it.

"…It is a bit shameful but I don't know about it too. You should know that I rely mostly on my maids," Ceylon added.

"I don't know much but I built a hut with my parents at the farm," Adrian spoke and he continued, "I think building a wooden house will not be that much different from building a hut. Let's do some research about it later or we can try to find a player here who can build a house."

"Hmm… I hope there is someone from a construction family or someone that studies building or architecture that can help us," Ceylon added.

While they were walking, everyone suddenly received a notification. Adrian checked on the notification.

[Choose your next mission.

Food Source


Living Necessity

You can only choose one mission. You can read the mission first and choose whichever suit you]