
"F*ck you Dae-Wi, how the heck are you just going to abandon all these people just because of one girl! How are they going to survive! Mira's a f*cking mass murderer!" I then promptly continued screaming bloody murder at my phone.

I felt so frustrated because I knew that if I was there and I had the power, I would probably not give a sh*t, but because I have been watching Dae-Wi from day one, I can judge his choices like that, it's just how it is.

I looked at my black alarm clock sitting across from my bed at my desk and see that it is already 9:00. I've been procrastinating about doing my homework since 7:00, but I can't seem to be able to grow the balls necessary to get up and actually do it.

"Ah, you know what... I'll just do it later, I still got like three hours until twelve." I click out of the Webtoon's app on my phone and go to YouTube to watch a replay of a Broly vs Goku and Vegeta clip.

"Why is the Legendary Super Saiyan transformation so cool though, it's just.....immaculate!" Seeing Broly pulverize Vegeta while still in his base form gave me chills.

"I wonder what would happen if I was Broly," I thought out loud.

Then in a sudden flash of clarity from my otakuness, I realized that I was black....and that I had not taken the trash out, and that my parents are black...and that my father would give me a taste of his fatherly inheritance (beating) if I didn't!

Thanks to my flawless logic I realized that time was of the essence. I got up from my bed and quietly tip toed down the stairs, but I couldn't help but cringe every time I took a step due to how loud it sounded.

"What the heck! Why does everything sound so loud only now!", I furiously whispered.

I couldn't help, but start contemplating my life while walking down the stairs as quietly as humanly possible.

Once I reached the door downstairs I quickly turned and ran to the kitchen to take the trash then ran back to the door. I opened the door yeeted the d*mn trash bags outside, but I didn't dare go out there myself because it is scary and dark at night. I then tip toed upstairs, went onto my bed and promptly forgot about my homework.

I woke up the next morning feeling like trash because my dad makes us wake up at 5:45 am to get ready for school and I go to sleep at like 1:00 am.

We have to wake up that early because my little brother starts his elementary school earlier than my middle school, but I still hate it. After our morning prayers, I went back to sleep because my bus come at around 8:10. I set an alarm before I went to sleep, so when it woke me up I got ready quickly, hoping I could do that unfinished homework on the bus. I said goodbye to my dad since he was the only one left at home and then I ran to my bus stop and waited until the bus came.

The bus ride went by relatively quickly, all I did was read some fanfics on my phone and talk to my friend Colin about Broly, but I once again forgot to do my homework.

Once we arrive at the school I went to my first period, Math class with Mrs. Warshaw. Then the quiet kid, Miguel, walked in. honestly no one really likes this dude, he's just kinda....naw, he's a mega creep.

During Spanish class, when the teacher was talking about colors and how the Americans changed the meaning of the Spanish word, negro, to be and insult. This dude interrupts her with his Hispanic name white privilege looking self, he's white by the way, and says in front of the whole class..."They called them niggers!"

I kid you not, he said it with the hardest "r" imaginable.

Everyone turned to look at him and he just sat there looking proud of himself, and all the white girls in the corner were going, "Did he just say what I think he did?", "He really said it!", "Is he allowed to do that?", "How do you think Devon will react?!!", "Isn't that racist?!?", and "How could he?!?!".

The teacher just sat there looking like she regretted every decision that led her to this point and I was like, "D*mn, what do I do now?!?"

Like I never actually expect anyone to dare to say it in my presence, or the presence of anyone black. So, everyone came to the unspoken conclusion that you will lose brain cells talking to this dude and from then on everyone just kinda ignored him and if anyone had to work on a project with him it was kinda awkward.

I'm not proud to say it but at least we didn't actually bully him. Back to the point, so Miguel came into the class looking intoxicated by righteousness and I immediately felt something was black senses were tingling.

Then, Camryn, 5 feet 6 inches, mixed girl, top of the class, glorious suck up, mother of all goodie two shoes, bumps into Miguel and he drops his pencil case, don't ask me why it's not in his backpack, it's plot!

Camryn, being the good girl she is, goes and picks it up for him. Me at this point is ready to stop caring, but then I heard him say something that had me quaking in my boots when I connected the dots.

He said,"Thanks Camryn, your safe now. Put your head down and go to that corner, don't want to accidentally hit you."

Camryn looks at him like he is retarded and goes back to her desk. He then shook his head disappointedly.

Then it all clicked for me, the intoxicated look, him talking to Camryn like that! I quickly got up and bolted for the door, but is was too late.

Miguel's voice rang out in the silence, "Sit the f*ck down!".

As a man fearing for my life, I quickly complied. Everyone including the teacher was silent, the black 9mm handgun in his hand glistening under the fluorescent light of the classroom. Miguel then went on to give a speech about how he was on the side of righteousness and how we were evil and wicked people.

Some of the students looked like they were about to pee their pants, others were crying, and some looked nauseous, but me? I was looking for a way out of there, I wasn't about to just sit there and let this dude decide wether or not he felt like killing me! I want to live! I'm only in 8th f*cking grade!

So I waited for him to be facing the other side of the classroom and then bolted while using my still filled backpack as a shield. To bad for me though, that f*cking Camryn started pointing at me a soon as I took my first step. Miguel turned around in a flash and took his shot.


His shot rang out and I fell of the floor, limp and loosing blood quickly. "Ahhh....Aaaah...schaak ugh....cough", I cried out in pain with my high pitched screams until I stopped being able to feel anything.

"I know I believe in God, but a reincarnation would be great...", I thought, then took my final breath.