3 Year Time Skip

After doing my chores, I immediately go back to my shared room, get a piece of paper, and start writing down everything thing I remember from God of Highschool.

Writing down everything helps me even more than I thought it would because it helps me remember details that I originally forgot.

I thought that the first G.O.H tournament didn't include people from outside the country till the end, but while writing, I remember that the comic said that they sent invitations all around the world.

This gets me excited because it means that I don't have to find a way to move to Korea and learn their language.

After I finish writing down everything I remember, I immediately start planning my training schedule. I decide to start training following Saitama's regime because.....you never know, this is a f*cking fiction world, it might work!

So I spend a year training like that, and I get no results at all.

My body adapted to the f*cking training the first time I did it, so after that I couldn't even feel it, but I kept at it, hoping just maybe it might work.

But that was not all I did that year. I bought stocks from Mujin with what little money I saved from working after school, because currently he is just starting out and he get f*cking rich in the future, don't judge me!

I also trained to figure out flying using what Gohan told Videl in Dragon Ball.

It was a f*cking blast!

I soared around the city almost everyday at night due to how euphoric it made me feel.

Other than that, I learned how to make a Ki blast by using what Master Roshi told Goku. I couldn't really practice it that much, even at night due to how much light that blasts gave off.

During my second year here.....I gave up on my Saitama training, sure my body would naturally get stronger due to me not being a legendary Super Saiyan, but not by too much due to how much effective training others are doing plus their stronger techniques, especially since my training isn't bearing any fruit at all.

I looked up online some extreme workouts, but after doing them for a while, they had no effect too.

So I just gave up on working out.

I decided to try and focus on technique and style after that, but I couldn't find any good teacher for a style around me.

So I basically joined a fight club.

Not really a fight club though, more like street brawlers who get paid to fight each other in the street.

After joining them, I adopted their fighting style, Dambe. It was kind of wild and barbaric, but that just made me like it even more.

I think I became some sort of battle junkie after I became a Saiyan, but that was to be expected I guess. Also the humans in this world must be a lot stronger than the ones in dragon ball since they didn't die or pass out from one punch, especially since I am a legendary Super Saiyan.

I always sent all the money I one to the orphanage under a fake name, because I new that ma'ma wouldn't condone me fighting in the streets for money.

Due to all the money I sent the standard of living in the orphanage had improved a lot, and I was glad, because I had started to see all the kids in the orphanage as my little brothers and sisters.

During my third year...was when I started making bank though.

The investment in Mujin more than paid off. I was literally rolling in dough.

And as a cultured man, would I just lay low and do nothing like a p*ssy?

F*ck that sh*t!

I first used my money to get my own mansion with a pool and a training room, then I donated a bunch of it to my orphanage.

Then I used it to hire the best martial artists around to fight me and broadcast it on the internet just to make sure I get a letter of invitation for G.O.H.

Though I still attended highschool, just because it was my first time and I wasn't old enough to go their in my last life.

During those first two years I didn't grow at all. I guess it was like that too with Goku, but it was still annoying to see some kids younger than me at the orphanage sprout up all the way to 6 foot 1.

But during the third, I started my meteoric rise!

I start growing and growing until I stopped at 7 foot 2. I towered above everyone around me.

During those years I also wanted to try my dragon balls, they came in the form of a birthmark on the back of my neck, same place as the Joe star's.

But I didn't try it out, because I knew that if a big *ss f*cking dragon popped up, then I could get in a bunch of trouble.

Though everyone isn't as strong as in the future, I could still get taken out way too easily.

So that's how I spent my years, until today that is.

Since when I hear a knock on the door and go to open it....I see a girly looking man in front of me with white hair that's straight and stops just before his shoulders, onyx black eyes, dark skin, and a tuxedo.

And instead of thinking, "That's judge O!"

I'm thinking, "Did they for real send the same 26 people all around the world?"