[A.N: I got bored made chapter that's it]


On the street

As Salter was still crying and Luke was carrying Salter like a sack of rice a figure ran towards them at breakneck speeds.

"WALKING AROUND LIKE A NORMAL PERSON." All Might said as he ran towards the two. The two were shocked to see a man running towards them so fast.


[Toshinori Yagi {All Might}

Level- 100

Quirk- One For All


Rank- Mortal

Alignment- Lawful Good

HP- 2500 [500 per min]

MP- {Locked}

SP- 2500 [500 per 30sec]


END- 500 (250)






MP Regen= WIS X 2

MP = INT X 10

HP/SP Regen= END X 2


Thoughts about you: New successor]

"Can you please not do that next time you scared both of us." Luke said as he shook his head.

"But sir, you look very suspicious. Especially with that woman on your back, you look like a kidnapper." All Might said with his usual smile.

"She's stronger than me and can beat both of us up!" Luke said as he put down Salter. " Now what are you doing here from what I can tell you're here to arrest me for public quirk usage." As Luke said those words All Might started to deflate into small might.

"*Cough* *Cough* No I am here to tell you to become my successor. That little stunt you pulled back there impressed me. The fact that you ran into there while the other heroes and even I were just standing there. I can see you have what it takes to become a HERO. " Small Might stated as he was coughing up blood.

"Before any of this, what is your name?" All Might asked

"Luke just Luke and the lady next to me is Salter." Luke said and Salter waved at All Might

[+30 Reputation with All Might for telling your name and your actions earlier.]

"I accept but, why are you smaller?" Luke said with a questioning tone as to not sound like he knows that what he was going to say.

"That's Great! But For your question, I was injured by a villain a while back. Took a part of my stomach, and a big chunk of my left lung.*Cough* After that battle my body couldn't sustain my quirk any longer *Cough* *Cough*. Said as he finished the last of his coughs.

"So what do I actually need to become your successor?" Luke question already knowing his answer.

"You will inherit my quirk!" All Might quickly buffed up. And just as quickly went back to Small Might.

"Wait! Inherit a quirk but that's impossible." Luke said quickly pretending to be baffled.

"But it is my boy with the power of the quirk 'ONE FOR ALL' All Might said moving his hand forward like he was clutching something.

"So, what do I have to do to inherit it?" Luke questioned waiting for the iconic quote.

"EAT THIS!" All Might said as he buffed up. And pulled up a piece of his hair.

"I see." Luke said as he grabbed the hair in a very anime-like fashion and put it in his mouth drink the rest of his melted ice cream and waited. [A.N: Can we get an F for the melted ice cream.]

Suddenly a massive amount of power surged through his body as he fell asleep.

"Luke my boy are you alright?" Ran up to Luke because of the sudden action. Quickly Salter picked up Luke and asked. "Is there a hospital nearby?" Salter questioned

"I know a place, follow me." All Might stated as he ordered Salter to follow him.



"Uh what the..."Luke said as he appeared in front of 8 people sitting in chairs.

"Well isn't this interesting the quirk got supercharged." a bald man said aloud.

"Yes, it is quite intriguing." said a man with long white hair

"Hn" a man with a large coat on agreed. [A.N: We don't actually know a lot about En. So here he's just a quiet guy. And I rolled for his quirk so that's nice.]

"Oi isn't it supposed to be that Deku" a man with blonde hair shouted. [A.N: Well this is a second one. Theory is that the last two people are Bakugo and Kirishima after some time travel stuff not sure about it but it's better than rolling again.]

"So the timelines changed" A man with red spikey hair stated.

"Ok, then from what I can tell from you two is that the timeline has changed and the original 9th was either replaced or he never met Toshinori." The man with long white hair said "Either way you are now the 9th user let me and the rest introduce ourselves I'm the first" he continued

"Yo Katsuki Bakugo, 2nd user." The man with blonde hair said loudly.

"Eijiro Kirishima, 3rd user." The man with red spikey hair said after him.

"Hikage Shinomori, 4th user." The man with short white hair said.

"Daigoro Banjo, 5th user." The bald man said.

"En, 6th user." The man with the big coat said quietly.

"Nana Shimura, 7th user." The woman with a cape said with a smile.

"Toshinori Yagi or as you know me as All Might, the 8th user." said the shadowy figure.

"Well, then my name is Luke, the 9th user of One For All pleased to meet all of you." Luke said with a bow.

"Well then let's discuss the situation. From what we know the quirk has been supercharged allowing us to talk to the current user through dreams. Second according to 2nd and 3rd a different person got the quirk so that will likely cause a butterfly effect on some things." The first user said to the rest.

"Sorry to interrupt but just to tell you all my mission is to kill All For One." Luke said dropping a bomb on them that he has to kill him.

As all the previous users gasp in shock that he has to kill him and not detain him. All of them were heroes and never killed anyone it was a part of the job.

"I'm sorry, but why would you need to do that? Why would you specifically need to kill? You could have said defeat but you didn't you used the would kill. So tell me why do you need to kill him." The first user said in a calm voice that progressively got more aggressive.

"I'll explain because either way since you see what I do and will occasionally talk to me about the thing I do. I might as well explain."Luke said as he got serious.

"The reason is that I don't belong to this world." He said as the rest became confused as to what he said.

"Wait, what the fuck do you mean by that?" Bakugo said using more semi reverting back to his old attitude.

"It is as I say. I am from another world given a mission from a higher being to kill All for One. Luke said lying through his teeth about the Game.

"Wait, so you're saying God gave you this mission are you sure you're ok in the head?" Nana said questioningly.

"Well, you can believe what you want. But either way, I'm killing All for One." Luke said

"Ok. OK. Quiet down. What would happen if you were to kill him?" As the first user to the rest to quiet down he asked Luke that question.


[A.N: Making longer chapter after this won't see you guys in a while GG boys.]