Training Day

[A.N: updates because of stupid forgetful author

I have a second fanfic which I won't be updating that often anymore check it out if you want.

Added DEX milestone for getting 500 in the stat. Speedster

Have to plug the discord:]


Luke's House

After reading the letter they were all surprised that he had a 'brother' but then put it at the back of their minds as they were tired and wanted to sleep. They all went to the bathroom to change clothes (except for Jack since she has non). Afterward, they went to the destroyed bedroom.

Getting on the bed they all lied down with Jack in the middle of the two of them as they all drifted into sleep.


Luke was the first to wake up. Looking around he saw Jack curled up sleeping soundly while Salter was hugging her from behind. Luke could only look at the cute scene and smile as he let the two sleep as he prepares breakfast.

Going to the kitchen and making the food he then sat down and looked through his menu to get the items he got from the gacha yesterday. Pulling out the items he looked at them examining them he picked up a green gem. As soon as he touched it a bright green light appeared and took his vision.

Eventually, the light dissipated and in his hands were gloves. The gloves were red had a small green gem on them. And as he looked around his body, he also found footwear on both of his feet. They were red and had the same green gem as the gloves.

Taking a look at this he was surprised by all of this, as he had expected a gauntlet to appear in his left hand. Still stuck in his thoughts for a bit, he then heard a voice.

"So, you're the person that I'm stuck with. Well then, my name is Y Ddraig Goch you may call me Ddraig." The voice said as Luke noticed that the voice came from the gem.

"So, this is the famous 'Oppai Dragon', nice to meet you. My name is Luke." Luke said as he got out of his shocked state.

With a tired sign, Ddraig went back to talking. "Well then Luke, I only have one request for the entirety of our journey," Ddraig asked.

"And what would that be?" Luke questioned wondering what the red dragon wanted.

"Well, it's that I want to be free when you reach my world," Ddraig said, and at that moment another cockroach appeared into the room with another letter. Picking up the letter the cockroach once again ran to the other side of the room and disappeared under the fridge.

'Huh neat.' Luke thought as he opened up the letter.

{I can help you with your situation. You see, I had Albion back in my journey so it would be best if they were put in their world where they could fight each other for eternity without any interruptions.

Yours truly,

Skye, The Primordial Void Dragon Cockroach.}

"Wait! I can fight with Albion FOREVER!" Ddraig shouted in amazement and excitement as he could get to fight with his rival without interruptions.

"It seems so. Well then, I guess we have a deal." Luke said moving his hand forward as if to shack his hand.

"Yes, partner," Ddraig said fully accepting him as the owner of boosted gear.



Objective. - Get Ddaig out of Boosted Gear.

Reward –1M EXP, 4 Gacha Tokens, [Divide], Massive Reputation increase with Ddraig

Failure – Lose of [Boosted Gear], -100 Levels

[50 Reputation with Ddraig for helping him out of his prison, and helping him have his fight with Albion.]

[100 obedience with Ddraig for helping him out of his prison, and helping him have his fight with Albion.]

[Perk Gained (Ddraig:50)]

[Dragon Tamer]

Affection, Reputation, Obedience Gain is faster with Dragons.

"Now that that's out of the way time to look at the others," Luke said as he picked up another item.

[Plunder upgrade token] X2

Used to upgrade Plunder

Luke looked at the token and of course, used it and another menu got pulled up.

[Please Choose an Upgrade]

[More Points]

You can get more points when you use plunder. 1/10 -> ¼.

[Racial Steal]

Take someone's race. *Insert racist joke here*

[Skill Steal]

Steal someone's personal abilities.

Luke looked at this, particularly at the racial steal, and looked the other way for a solid minute to think about which one to get.

Thinking for a bit he then chose [More Points], and [Skill Steal] because of its usability in the 'my hero' world.

Finishing up he went back to the bedroom to see Jack sitting on Salter's lap both looking sleepier than when they first slept.

"Come on guys breakfast is ready and I have a job for you, Jack." He said dragging both to the dining room.

Now that they were all at the table, they started eating with Salter basically becoming a vacuum. And Jack very happy that they could eat food made by their papa.

After finishing their food, they then began to talk about other things. Luke then asked Jack something. "Hey Jack, I have a job for you."

Jack looked at him and wondered what is it that he wanted. Luke then sent an image via their mental link.

"You see, that little girl is being hurt by some bad people now I want you to find her and inform me where she is so that we can save her," Luke said as they looked at him and asked.

"Is she going to become my sister?" Jack asked as they looked at him cutely.

"Yes, yes she is going to become your sister," Luke said as Jack cheered happily as they got a new sister after meeting their papa again.

As Jack was having fun, Luke's phone which he had the entire time rang. [A.N: It's not like I forgot about it entirely *cough* *cough*.]

He answered the phone as a loud voice came through the other end."Hey, young Luke I need you at the beach in an hour." The loud voice which was All Might said.

"Ok All Might, I just have to fix my things," Luke said as he got up to go to the bathroom with jack silently following him.

Salter noticing this also went to follow them to make sure that Jack didn't accidentally do anything lewd.


Once inside the bathroom, they all took a bath with Luke being surprised that Jack and Salter were also in the room. He then ignored it and took a bath with Salter offering to wash him and Jack asking Salter to also do the same for them. After taking a bath they dried themselves and Jack went off to do her job going into stealth mode while Luke with Salter was also getting ready to go out as well.


Going off to the beach both Salter and Luke were talking, planning to go buy clothes for Jack since they didn't have any. Eventually, they reached a that was filled with trash and Small Might sitting on a refrigerator.

"You finally made it good job on not getting lost by the way." Small Might said as he got off the fridge.

"Ya, I had a bit of a trouble getting here but some of the locals here told us where to go," Luke responded as he got closer to Small Might.

"Well then, the reason why I called you here is to start your training with One for All." Small Might said buffing up.

Luke looked at the man and also started to use 'One For All' at 5%. He then looked at All Might and nodded as he asked him what he was going to do.

"You are going to clean the beach. You can clean it any way you want." All Might Said as he walks a bit away.


[Quest Added]

[Clean the Beach]

Objective.- Clean the beach

Bonus Objective- Finish by the end of the day

Reward – -100 SP OFA consumption, 14k EXP

Bonus Reward- 10k EXP, -200 SP OFA consumption

Failure – Removing [Quirk: One For All]

All Might walked to the entrance of the beach to watch him.


As Luke started to power up OFA, he then used 'Avatar' to make 3 clones of himself. Afterward, sending the other 3 clones to each corner of the beach. After going to their respective corners he then sent a command to use 'Explosion' to destroy the trash.


As All Might was walking around with Salter to find some food he heard loud sounds coming from the beach. Looking at the beach he could see explosions going around, as 25% of the beach was already clean. Surprised by this predicament, he then looked at what was causing the explosions and it was Luke holding his hands out walking as he exploded everything in a 20-meters in front of him. Looking at the other explosions he could see that it was also Luke making them. Thinking for a bit, he then thought to ask Luke about it later.


5 Hours Later

As Luke exploded the last of the garbage, dismissed the other clones. He admired his work after 5 hours of continuous exploding he finally finished it.


[Quest Accomplished]

[Clean the Beach]

Objective.- Clean the beach

Bonus Objective- Finish by the end of the day

Reward – -100 SP OFA consumption, 14k EXP

Bonus Reward- 10k EXP, -200 SP OFA consumption

Failure – Removing [Quirk: One For All]

[You have Gained a Level]

As he got these rewards, he looked to his left and saw All Might and Salter coming towards him.

"Nice work Luke didn't expect you to finish it this early. Now, look at my surprise when I also see you finish it in less than a day." All Might said giving the young man a thumbs up.

"Now, what were that other quirks that you used. From what I know, your original quirk was something related to electricity." All Might said getting a bit serious.

"Relax All Might, the other quirks were the quirks of the previous users after they let me use 100% of One For All true power," Luke stated dispelling All Might's worries about All for One having a hand in this.

"Is that so…. Then what are your other quirks that you obtained?" All Might question trying to gauge the full extent of the situation.

"Well…. Besides the explosion and cloning quirk, there's 'Danger Sense', a quirk that can detect when something is trying to attack me, 'Harden', a quirk that can harden my body giving me more strength and durability,

'Black Whip', a quirk that can make black tendrils, and lastly 'Float', From what I know it was your master's quirk that can make the user float in mid-air." Luke finished demonstrating each quirk in front of All Might.

'I can't help him anymore. All I can do is check up on him every once in a while until the start of U.A.' All Might thought dumbfounded as to how Luke can quickly master the quirk in such a short amount of time.

As All Might was deep in thought, Luke looked at Salter, who was stuffing her face with a hamburger, Salter noticed his gaze as she gave him the other hamburger that was in her hand.

Seeing this Luke was surprised as according to the fandom Salter never shares her food with anyone… except for Jalter that is in that one doujin… that's a story for another time.

Accepting the burger he looked at Salter, whose face was blushing, and said "Thank You" And proceeded to stuff his face with the food noting that it was good and that when it comes to junk food Salter really knew her stuff.

[+5 Affection with Salter for taking her burger.]

'Aww, that's so cute.' Luke saw the scene and couldn't help but get diabetes.

Continuing to eat he eventually finished the food as All Might said that they would meet in there in the same place every month until the entrance exams.

Nodding to this he and Salter then went to the same shopping district that they went to the previous day and bought clothes for Jack and some groceries for food and placed them in the inventory for convenience.

After finishing the shopping some people looked a Salter with awe as she looked beautiful especially because of her quite literally otherworldly appearance and her very casual clothing. Some people tried to ask her out but a quick bonk was all she needed and they were lodged into the ground. Wanting to calm Salter down he went into a fast-food restaurant to get food for her and told her to wait outside.

As Luke was ordering their order for dinner, an ugly bastard villain went up to Salter.

"Hey, you want to go to my place for some cash." The disgusting bastard said as Salter looked at him in disgust as she was physically 14 and that this person was a pedo.

Still waiting for an answer the ugly bastard started to get impatient and tried to forcefully groped Salter. But, a quick sword summon and a homerun made him disappear with puddles of blood raining. That day would be forever be known as the day that an entire building, that was nearby the fast-food place, was painted red with a dead body on top like some sadistic Christmas tree.


While this was happening, Luke got the order and mysteriously got a Gacha point and used it.

[Catalyst of an Eldritch God]

May be used to gain the favor of an Eldritch God

'Huh, at least I have immunity against that if I ever get into trouble with that mess.' Luke thought about the get out of jail he just got.

With a sigh of relief, he left the place and saw Salter standing there menacingly holding her sword like someone who just hit the fattest homerun the world ever seen, something team rocket would be proud of.

Signaling Salter that they were leaving she de-materialized her sword and went with him back to the house.

Luke asked what happened and questioned her on why he got a [Gacha Token] she just told him a creep went up to her and tried to touch her, and that she hit a home run on his ass.

He laughed at the thought of someone in this world winning a fight against her. Even the combined might of All Might and All for One couldn't stand against the bullshit abilities of Excalibur and Excalibur Morgan.[A.N: she can grow back her ahoge with regular excel]

With both of them walking, Salter, with her ahoge bouncing with every step happily eating a burger, and Luke eating some fries they both returned home.

Luke's House

Getting to the house they put everything where it should be. Luke getting a signal from Jack that they already found the place that Eri was being kept at and signaled her to return home as he was going to go there immediately to save her.


[Quest Added]

[Saving the time reversing loli]

Objective.- Save Eri from Overhaul

Reward – 2 Gacha Tokens, 2 Loli Candy, 30k EXP

Failure – Loli gets tortured and eventually dies.

Looking at the screen that popped in front of him, Luke looked at Salter telling her to ready up and giving Jack the signal to eat dinner first before going to fight.

[A.N: Thank You for sticking around for my bad writing.]