Night Raid for the Loli

[A.N: Just thought about it but updates:

All Might stats change from 35 DEX-> 500 DEX

Making [Dense Muscles] a permanent buff instead of an active buff/ it only boosts the current amount. The math is killing me

Just join the Discord here-]


Luke's House

Luke was preparing dinner while Salter sat at the table waiting for Jack. As Luke was nearly done with making the food the door swung open and Jack entered the house, super excited for the food that they were about to get and the new sister they were going to rescue.

Finishing up he got the food and brought it to the table leaving a portion in his inventory for Eri later. They all ate dinner and readied up for the rescue


Going outside they followed Jack as they lept from building to building being quiet with Salter being carried by Luke because she doesn't have 'Presence Concealment' going into an alleyway that was connected to a building meant to be a secret passageway into the base they all walked through with Jack in the front, and Salter in the back while Luke was in the middle.


Trying to be as quick as possible they quickly followed Jack as they were closing in on her position going through secret tunnels and doors. Getting closer to the room they immediately spot a man, with a fur coat wearing a plague mask, dragging Eri. Walking next to him another man this time in a white coat and also wearing a plague mask this time with glasses on them. Standing by the door was a large muscular man with yet another plague mask and this time it was ripped on the back.

Luke looking at this could only think to himself if they had a fetish for plague masks or cleanliness. But, now was not the time to think that as soon as they were spotted. A wall was erected just below where they were standing. Thinking quickly Luke Grabbed Salter using gravity manipulation to make her lighter and threw her away since she was the slowest among them. And ran towards the person wearing the coat and used 'Observe' on all of them.

[Kai Chisaki

HP- 100% (0% per min)

MP- {Locked} (0% per min)


Rank: Boss

Quirk: Overhaul









Thoughts about you: Dangerous, Why are you here? ]

[Hari Kuruno

HP- 100% (0% per min)

MP- {Locked} (0% per min)


Rank: Mini-Boss/Boss

Quirk: Chronostasis








LUK- 35

Thoughts about you: Dangerous, Why are you here?]

[Kendo Rappa

HP- 100% (0% per min)

MP- {Locked} (0% per min)

LVL- 65

Rank: Mini-Boss

Quirk: Strongarm

Skills: Punch Barrage


END- 200






Thoughts about you: Dangerous, Why are you here? , a good fight]

Looking at the stats he sent a signal for Jack to quickly take out the guy in the white coat, for Salter to talk out the muscular guy, and told them that he was going to go for the guy in the fur coat. Getting the signals they all went for their targets.



Getting the order from master I used 'Mana Burst' to quickly get to the huge man summoning both swords as I took a stance waiting for him to hit me since he would most likely go for the first hit.

And just as planned he did, using the window of opportunity to punish it before it hits me. Using my instincts, I dodged it and moved to the side. The man was surprised by this and recovering from this and trying to block and mitigate the damage.

Of course, it would work better if my weapons were blunt. But, that they were not and easily cleaved through the muscles that controlled his shoulders effectively making most of his attacks useless. Surprised by this he screamed but just as quickly tried to counter-attack with a kick but that was also dodged as I cut his Achilles tendon making him unable to walk as I do the same to the other leg. Now done with the quick fight I just wait for master to finish so that he can take the man's ability. As everything in the room started to get quieter she was dragging the now crippled man over to her beloved master hoping that she would get a reward.


With Jack joining me in the assault activating my 'One For All-10%',' Lightning Armor {STR}]', 'Lightning Armor', and 'Speedster'. Using 'Force' to fling them both to the other side, he then used 'Gravity Manipulation' at the last second to make them heavier to make them take the most amount of damage.[A.N: Pulling most of this shit out of my ass so be warned.]

Using 'Black Whip' I created tendrils to pull Hari closer to Jack and left Kai all for myself. Pulling out [Boosted Gear] He waited for one boost to activate as Kai got a hold of himself.


Kai (Overhaul)…

What are these people doing ruining my plans to use Eri as our gateway to finally annihilate all quirks? 'These schmucks just came in and destroyed our plans. Flinging me into a wall, cutting Rappa's arm… Wait cut of his arm! This means that these people aren't heroes… Are they vigilantes?.... Doesn't matter they're still here to ruin everything.'

Looking at the man who flung us in the first play he was glowing as lightning was coursing through his body, him seemingly being unaffected by it. Then another realization hit him. 'He has more than one quirk!' deducing this from being flung earlier. Getting angrier at this I try to heal myself to at least get up and once I do. I hear a booming voice come from him."BOOST!" As I heard it I knew this was going to be the fight of my life.


We look at the man holding Eri and just find anger. Ignoring that and following papa's orders I move over to the man in the Whitecoat. He was on the ground in pain from papa's attack. He seems to be sleeping this makes this much easier.

"You got in papa's way time for you to die!" We said with happiness as we finally were able to kill someone. 'We're going to take his heart and ask papa to cook it like before.' 'One day maybe, mommy can come back so that she can be with papa and all the other moms. Eating with them was always better.'

While we were distracted by these thoughts the man's hair started to move. Trying to pierce us in the heart, head, legs, arms, or anywhere. Quickly dodging all of these we back away but a sharp piece of hair found itself inside my calf

Trying to get it off we found that we were slowing down. 'We have to get this thing off of us.' We thought trying to get rid of it two more arrow-like hairs found themselves in my other leg and arm.

The man got up looked at me and started laughing. Finding it hilarious that he had to fight a little kid! Still trying to get rid of the hair finding that I couldn't even move at all. Looking at the man again I only had one other option to win the fight

Thinking quickly we create a fog that would block up anything, to dodge the man easier and to prepare the attack. Using the knives that were in my belt I cut the hair out of my legs and used my 'Noble Phantasm' to quickly kill him.

Even in the thick fog, our eyes start to glow signifying that it's done. Getting in position, we start the attack.

« Yeah, let's murder it."

"Hell is starting. We are flames, rain, power... Let there be a slaughter..."

"Maria the Ripper! »

Dashing forward slashing him from the front I go back and slash him in the back. Going back and forth slashing him as the 'NP' starts to end with one last slash from behind. Leaving him a puddle of blood and guts. Looking at this, we grab his heart and look at mommy Salter, who was already done, going up to her showing her the heart, and asking. "Do you think I did a good job mommy?" Looking back at me mommy Salter raised an eyebrow but soon nodded and pat our head with a happy expression and said. "Yes, yes you did a good job." Before looking back at papa who was just done with his fight.


Back to Luke…

Looking at Kai, the expression on his face was a mix of helplessness, anger, frustration, and determination to utterly destroy Luke where he stands. Looking over to Eri who had a face of sheer fear looking at the scene in front of her, because if Luke failed to save her she would be tortured more intensely than before. Grabbing her carefully using 'Black Whip' and making her lighter using 'Gravity Manipulation', he moved her over to his side so she wouldn't be used as a hostage. Looking back at Kai, he was about to start the beat down.

Slowly walking closer, Luke sent a signal to the already finished Salter to cover Eri's eyes so that she couldn't be exposed to such violence too early. Looking back to Kai, who was kneeling on the ground about to manipulate it, he started to speed blitz him going from one side to the other and dodging all the spikes to the tries to throw at him but due to carelessness, he got hit in the leg.

[-750 HP received]

[Debuff received: Slowed] [A.N: this is new and will only happen when something gets hit in specific areas. Like eyes= blind, legs=slowed because you can use that leg as good.]


-10% DEX

'Well, shit I was being too careless also the first time getting a debuff huh.. neat' I thought as I continued to dodge as I closed in on Kai who was getting so desperate that he was using the entire floor around him to pierce Luke.

Getting closer I was able to get a hit in on Kai using 'Chidori' so that he would die before he got to do more especially with his subordinates around him defeated ready for absorbing.

[19,655,395 Damage Dealt]

[You Gained 67,383 EXP]

[You have Gained a Level]X5

[Stats Gained]








[Abilities Gained]

[Quirk: Overhaul] (Active)

Works on equivalent exchange. You take something and reconstruct it into whatever you want.

Cost= (Depends on user)SP

[Milestone has been reached STR has reached 500]

[Ogre Strength] (Passive)

Boosts current STR by 35%

[Milestone has been reached WIS has reached 500]

[Mana Battery]

Regen Mana time is cut in half.

[Skills Gained]

[Railgun] (Active)

Totally didn't get this idea from toaru to totally not.

Damage= ({INTXWIS} X 3)

Cost=1,500 SP per sec

[Hierophant Green] (Active)

rero rero rero rero rero rero rero rero rero rero rero

Boost Crystal Damage by 50%

Cost= 500 Sp on activation, 300 per min active


Looking around him, Luke saw everyone done with their fight. Jack was covered in blood that wasn't theirs, Salter was dragging a man screaming profanities at her, and Eri was still a bit scared and hid behind Jack but stayed a little bit away from them because they were covered in blood.

Walking up to them, He was first approached by Jack who asked him to cook the heart that she got. A bit concerned by this but remembering the anime he agreed to it. Looking over to the others he went up to Rappa he snapped his neck to shut him up.

[Critical Hit]

[6,993 Damage Dealt]

[You Gained 45,569 EXP]

[You have Gained a Level]X3

[Stats Gained]








[Abilities Gained]

[Quirk: Strongarm] (Passive)

You can overextend your shoulders to boost the amount of power done with your arms by 65%

[Milestone has been reached STR has reached 1000]

[Lacerating Appendages] (Passive)

The person that made this didn't have a good naming sense but did a damn good job at making a move

Your hands can now deal Slash damage on their own.

Luke stretching said with a tired sigh "Well, that takes care of that." He then looked over to Eri and crouched down but Eri back away as soon as he tried to get closer. "Don't worry Eri I won't hurt you." He said trying to pat her head, at first Eri flinched but slowly eased into it as Jack went up to her and announced. "See, papa did save you didn't I tell you that," Jack with a bright smile said and hugged her new sister.

[+20 Affection with Eri for saving her.]

[+60 obedience with Eri for saving her and out of fear.]

Eri, a bit discouraged by the blood, reluctantly hugged Jack back as both Luke and Salter were discussing how to get rid of the yakuza's hideout. Calling Jack over to use her skill 'Information Erasure' on both of the bodies. Then escaping the place and going back home. But not before they make some amazing fireworks

[A.N: I'm guessing that this was bad because this my first time doing a fight and most of it was bullshit but I tried my best. Give me some pointers on how to make it better in the future while you're at it right now.]