Sixth Month: Eri’s Birthday, Willow


[A/N: Updates: Stupid idiot forgot to give Willow points. yes]


Luke's House, 4 months later, somewhere in December

'Finally, after 2 weeks of preparing, 2 weeks of grinding to finally max out [Chef]. We are finally~'

Those thoughts were interrupted by the door to Eri's room smashing open and the little girl walking out. With a little yawn, she walked over to the table and smashed her head down.

'Surprise to see her up so early, then again she must be excited for her birthday… or maybe she just didn't sleep.' Luke thought as he finished up the last pancake.

"Well, aren't you up early." He told Eri, who just gave him a weird look.

"I *yawn* couldn't sleep at all." She replied as Luke took a closer look to see the eyebags under her eyes.

"Can't really give you anything until you grow older… ah! here" Luke said, as he used his magic to make milk tea.

"*yawn* thanks" Eri replied, grabbing the cup that was suspended in the air.

"Ok, you eat that while I get everyone so we can celebrate your birthday," Luke told Eri, getting out of the kitchen he went over to everyone's room and started to wake each of them up.

Now that everyone was at the table, Luke gave them all their pancakes and told them what they were going to do for the day.

With a loud cheer, everyone left the table to get ready for the day of fun that they were all going to have.

Walking out of the house, that it was a particularly snowy day. It was so snowy that the front of the house was knee-high in snow. Not letting a bit of snow ruin their day, Luke used 'Force' and 'Vector Manipulation' to clear a path for them to cross.

Now with a path that they could cross, everyone set their sights on going to the nearby amusement park.

While they were getting closer to their destination, Luke cast 'Aura of Normalcy' with this skill nobody would find anything that they did suspiciously. An example of this would be fucking in public, nobody would bat an eye.

Getting to the place, they all split up into 2 groups. The first group had Jack, Eri, and Willow, who volunteered to join them. While the second group had, Luke, Salter, Caren, and Serenity.

The reason for this split was because the kids wanted to go on their own. And since it was Eri's birthday Luke allowed it. Though, with them, if he wasn't there then Willow or anyone else would.

Luke POV

Never thought Willow would join them… then again, we actually don't know much about her besides killing demons, gods (weakened), and other things because her pet died… I think didn't have enough money to play doom eternal after all. Glossing over the thought I then heard Caren bring up an idea.

"Hey, why don't we go on the Ferris Wheel?" She said with the lewdest smile, whilst also snatching his hand.

What a lewd goddess, but that does sound pretty relaxing. "Sure, why not." I agreed as Salter grabbed the other hand and Serenity jumped on my back.

Getting to the Ferris Wheel, like the genius that I am used an illusion on everyone else so that I only had to pay for one ticket. This is totally not power abuse at all what do you mean. Anyways getting in the cart and everyone else following behind me, once the door to the cart closed, shit hit the fan.

Caren used her authority to make everyone in the cart horny. In the blink of an eye, Salter and Serenity's clothes fell to the floor. And if the hentai plot couldn't get any better. The Ferris Wheel suddenly stopped! Isn't that convenient!

Over the comms, they suddenly announced that a snow storm suddenly appeared and made most of the attractions stop for 'safety reasons'. The now cold and very horny people in the cart now started to attack me! From the front, from the back, and with the 'Thunder Cross Split Attack'

Not wanting to lose, I used the failed experiment, blessing in disguise, that was the [Aphrodisiac] that was made with alchemy. I then used it on the girls to make them more sensitive. With the now new plan working, I went on the offensive.

Willow POV

I felt a strange disturbance in the force. Maybe it has to deal with this snowstorm, from what I hear it's because a villain with a snow quirk did it. Either way, it's not like it's going to hinder my main objective.

I went up to Jack and asked her. "How do I confess to you father?" Yes, this was the most logical way of saying it. The girls in his harem would tell him directly and ruin the surprise. And we can't have that now, can we?

"Huh? Oh! Jus~" But she was interrupted when I butted in. "Don't send a message to your dad. Because I know for a fact that the chance of you doing so and ruining it for me is high." I pleaded? begged the little girl as she put a finger up to their cheek.

"Ok, but that's going to cost extra" Jack looked up asking for the bribe.

"Fine, fine I'll get both you and Eri a month's supply of candy," I told the little demon as I gave her enough money for what should be a month's worth of candy.

"Well then, the best way to do it is to first, bribe everyone else to sleep in their rooms. This will vary in difficulty depending on the mommy but only do it if you want to do it alone with him. The second is to sneak into his room just before he sleeps. This is a classic strategy that one time gave me two new mommies in just one night.

The third step is to wait for the right moment. And once he's within grasp, snag him, pour your heart out, and never let go." The little kids said in an almost theatrical fashion.

My only question is how the hell does she know all of this. "How do you exactly know this?" And as quick as I asked, she answered. "I heard it from a different mommy. She said that I would tell someone about it. If you want to know what she looks like then she has white hair, a scar over her left eye, and that all I can remember" she said putting her index fingers on her temple, trying her hardest to remember what the person looked like.

"What are you guys talking about big sis Willow?" A new voice entered our ears. "Oh, nothing we just wanted to give you something to make it the best birthday party ever!" Multiple 'souls' voiced out.

"Ok… Let's go there, I want a candy apple!" The little time warper shouted with glee.

*Sigh* I can say no to that face now, can I? And that's how the rest of the day went, Everyone, following as Eri directed them for the rest of the day. Moving from one ride to another.

Back to Luke POV

Let's just get this straight, this was a set-up. The snowstorm wasn't a part of the plan, the snu-snu was. Now we have like 3 dead bodies around me filled to the brim with nuts. *Sigh* I wonder how Willow's group is doing. I just hope they're doing alright. Now, time to pound another one out of me. I thought as I went over to Serenity how was just barely conscious

. And with a lustful grin, I kept on going until she too had fainted. With her body leaning on me, I used some illusions to make some candles and brought them over to reality. And with a small amount of fire lit them up to get rid of the smell in the room.

The last thing I did before I went to sleep, removed all the cum that spilled out by using yet another illusion on them to basically not exist anymore and used even more illusions to make clothes for everyone.

With one last sigh, I fell into the best sleep I had in a while, sleeping on the bodies that had fallen before me.

3rd Person POV

After 3 hours of waiting out the storm, it eventually dissipated. By this point, Everyone on the Farris Wheel was happy to finally get out of the cart. Meeting back up with the other group, only to find them exhausted from following Eri around the entire day.

The girls that were with Luke gave Willow a smug smile, as she was still very confused about what happened to them to make them smile so much.

Moving on with their day, they all went back to the house. But they were interrupted on the way there by a villain fight. From the way things looked, Endeavor seemed to be fighting a villain with a snow quirk juiced up with [Trigger](a type of drug that enhances a person's quirk by a lot at the cost of the person's sanity.). Luke took a moment to analyze the situation. From what he was able to gather, the person has used multiple vials of [Trigger] since the storm has been going on for a few hours now. The best way to deal with this would be to.


Looking to their right, everyone saw Willow with a sniper. Now looking back at the villain, they saw him with a bullet hole directly in between his eyes. Casting 'Aura of Normalacy' yet again to make sure no one would know who shot it. Looked back at Willow who shrugged.

"What? He was blocking the way and I just had to shoot him." The sniper said as the sniper de-materialized into her 'Inventory'. "Ok that understandable, but I wanted his quirk. I want to have a free freezer." He reasoned and Willow just shrugged again. Sighing once more, they all left as the heroes were terrified that someone just fired a gun and disappeared *snap* just like that.

Luke's House

Once reaching the house, Luke told everyone to wait at the table. And so they did, after waiting 5 minutes, Luke suddenly just appears and with him was Cake, said cake had had chibi version of Jack and Eri at the front, with a smaller chibi version of everyone surrounding them. Either way, Eri was happy with tears coming out of her eyes and the biggest smile she could ever possibly have.

They all sang her a happy birthday, and Luke heard a familiar ping

[+5 Affection with Eri, for giving her the best day she's ever had.]

[Perk Gained (Eri:100)]

[Quirk: Rewind]

Rewind or fast forward someone's abilities.

Cost: 1000 SP per cast

After all of that was said and done, Eri went up to him and gave him the biggest hug she could muster. Hard enough to hear his back crack. But not minding this, he embraced the little child.

After a while it became dark, and they all had to now sleep. While walking to his room he noticed something peculiar. Salter, Caren, or even Serenity weren't fighting to see who would sleep with him today. And he noticed someone else in his room. Grabbing [True Longinus] he made it a short sword and prepared for who was on the other side. Taking a peek at the door he found Willow on the other side.

Putting the weapon back, he approached the tomboy and asked what's up. But before he could, she pinned him down. And before he could say anything, she snatched his lips. After a bit of struggle, as Willow had no experience in the matter. But it all worked out in the end. "So, how long?" Luke asked

"Since you helped killed that fucked up father of mine" Willow responded with her face as red as the blood she used to bath in. "Huh, so ever since I saved you from being sealed?" "Yup," Willow said popping the p

(Lime Warning: burning, tomboy, bj, handjob)

Thinking about everyone else that was in the house, Luke used 'Vector Manipulator' to make it so that the noise wouldn't escape. Looking back at Willow, who now started to slowly walk towards him.

Getting close to his body, Willow started to take off his clothes. Once she was at his pants, she slowly moved them out of the way. Looking up at Luke she moved her hand up and down.

Slowly jerking him off, she started to lick his chest which earned a satisfied moan from Luke. Willow slowly went down with her lick, as she eventually reached his dick and took the whole thing into her mouth.

With a silent groan from Luke, Willow went out and kissed the sides of his dick. Looking up at him with a lewd smirk, as she once again choked on the long tool.

Eventually, after choking on his mushroom for 5 minutes. Luke gave in and exploded all over Willow's face. Willow took some tissues and cleaned herself with them.

Luke deflated like a balloon on the bed, almost melting into the soft comfort of it. Willow, who wasn't going to make him rest, climbed on top of him grabbing his legs. As she inserted his dick inside of her.

Willow moaned loudly, as she felt his onyx inside her oyster. Luke, not one to get dommed that hard. Using a manual version of 'Fire Beam' (Which uses mana to calculate damage instead of stats), started to burn Willow which gave her flashbacks to the place she had been for so long.

As this was happening, her eyes became red. Luke didn't notice this, as he was casting the spell manually and took most of his attention. The now enraged Willow picked him up and began moving her hips more erratically. Going faster and faster with each passing second.

With the onslaught of pleasure that he was being put up through, Luke came inside of her eventually. Giving a mocking grin, Willow went up to his face and said. "Is that all you've got? I honestly thought you were going to be tougher than this!" Feeling a bit insulted, Luke used both 'Force' and 'Vector Manipulation' on her to fling her into the wall.

Willow grunted as she fell onto the floor spitting out a bit of blood. Looking back up into the eyes of the person that she just mocked. Even if she killed a weakened creator god, the amount of fear she felt as he slowly walks towards her, with his mighty dragon swaying with each step.

And like a kid fighting a chess grandmaster, she got demolished. Ground pounded. Beat harder than mark trying to fight his dad. It became, even more, one-sided when Luke used, [Boosted Gear] … Ddraig became traumatized because of the thing he witnessed that day. It was some of the most 'abusive' sex he had ever seen. And he was a dragon, a race that was hornier than rabbits!

Luke woke up from what felt like a dream. On one hand, he had just fucked Willow, the slayer. On the other hand, an additional 3 bodies were laying nearby that he didn't remember joining in.


[A/N: Sooo, I got an idea to skip the time skip arc. Then I got a review telling me shit's boring and MC has too much plot armor. Honestly, fully agree. The story is bad gets boring really quickly. So, I'm just going to skip to the plot now that most of the characters have been introduced. This is the last time skip chapter the rest will be omakes. Have fun with that.]