Arc 0 My first mission: Your demo tutorial session has ended

"Are you kidding me?"

[What are getting angry for? That clothe is a limited edition I got from the main system's market.] 337 gritted its two front teeth.

"This is worth a mission reward?" Vierre asked in anger and raised her small foot to stomp the skirt.

[Hey, what are you planning to do? You little-] 337 shouted and hopped in its seat in uncontainable fury.

"Are you angry?" Ling Feng choose a perfect time to ask since Vierre's foot was only inches away from imprinting mud on the treasured costume 337 had sent.

"Darn it!" Vierre spat and retrieved her foot.

337 leaned back on its chair and exhaled. 337 originally wanted the host to put it on and take a screenshot however its host was so uncooperative.

Vierre quickly took the skirt and gnashed her teeth again in annoyance. "100"

[What? Are you talking to me?]


[Hey! That's too much of a loss!]

"80 or I'll throw this down the river."

[You little- That clothe has a protective barrier do you understand! A protective barrier! And you're buying in at 80! Are you thinking that I'm a flea market where you can bargain?]

"Since you said it has some protective barrier, it might save itself from getting shredded. How about we test it?" Vierre clicked her tongue.

[…] 337 felt that he just lifted a stone only to drop it on its feet.

[Fine! 80!] 337 bellowed. Its eyes turned freaking red from rage. It shut down the screen at the mean time and thrashed what could be thrash in the white expanse.

Meanwhile, Ling Feng was quietly worried for the female that had been behaving oddly and rolling her eyes. Did she become extremely angry because he didn't give in to her request?

"Alright I'll turn around." Ling Feng said, glancing at the female carrying something in her arms.

Vierre spun her head on him and blinked. What happened to him? He was adamant at first on keeping an eye on her that she surrendered the idea of bathing so how come he consented a few minutes later? Is he shy?

Vierre hadn't fully understood the world's culture so she only concluded that the bird was embarrassed. "That's great, Uhm…Can you do it now?" The expression on her place was replaced with joy.

Ling Feng nodded and spun his body to her a private time, but he reminded her in absolute seriousness. "Don't play in the water for a long time."

"Okay" Vierre grinned and made sure that the coast in clear before stripping her blouse and pencil skirt.


Vierre jumped on the clear stream with only her underwear. "Woah…The water is so cool and refreshing." She flapped her arms and swam towards the center and enjoyed rubbing off the sticky feeling that made her uncomfortable. "This place is a paradise. I haven't taken a vacation in a long time…" She swam and swam until Ling Feng's back was getting smaller.

Ling Feng heard the noise in the water and went on full alert. His every senses was opened and examining the surroundings of any threats.

Meanwhile, 337 exhaled until it had calmed before opening the screen again, in the midst he saw a countdown at the bottom of the screen highlighted in red neon text and it said 'Demo tutorial will end in 1 minute… Countdown starts 59…58…'

337 scratched its head in bewilderment. Demo tutorial? What's that?

On the clear stream, a small figure was happily swimming. Vierre submerged her head on the water for a while to see if there something below. Her eyes narrowed and spotted a black figure coiled at the bottom.

She went up again and took a deep breath before plunging back down.

Ling Feng continued to monitor the surroundings until he felt something stirred not far. The ends of his five tails rose creating a fancy fan formation. Vierre would have marveled at the sight if it was not for her busily examining the blurred thing below.

Vierre swam down until she saw two pairs of golden eyes opened. She was startled and the water entered her nose and mouth. 'Darn it' she cursed and swam back however something had coiled her ankle rendering her immobilized and dragged down.

Vierre turned her head around just to see more clearly the thing she was curious about and a bunch of F words echoed in her mind. Her limbs started to flail round hoping that she could swim out of its reach, but the thing's grip was so strong that Vierre couldn't even budged a single inch.

'337!' Vierre screamed in her mind. The water had entered her throat during her effort of struggling.

The red text was on 30 when it heard its hosts' voice. [What?] It asked and took a look at the screen only to see the host was on the verge of drowning. [I've only shut down the monitoring screen for a couple of minutes and you got yourself into trouble already?]

'I can't breathe!' Vierre closed her eyes and shouted at the system.

337 didn't dare to dally anymore and enlarged the view of the screen particularly the bottom of the stream. 337 zoomed until it got a clear view.

[You're in deep sh*t!] 337 suddenly shouted at its host as it saw the huge black python coiling its tail on her ankle.

On the land, After Ling Feng turned around and failed to see traces of the female he's been guarding, he immediately leaped in the water and searched of the female's whereabouts. Thankfully, after a few seconds he found a figure not far from him and swam towards it, but his relief didn't last for another second because he caught another scent of a ferocious beast on her.

By the passing second the reserved air in Vierre's lungs was almost depleted, she flailed and flailed until a hand was placed on her shoulders. She opened her eyes and saw the fuzzy visage of the handsome avian and hurriedly hugged him.

Ling Feng was taken aback for a split second before encircling one of his arms on her waist. But as soon as he tried to swim towards the surface, the two of them were dragged down by an unknown force.

The hold on Vierre's foot tightened and pulled downwards. She tried to tug but failed. At this rate she will die drowning. That useless system just watched her!

The useless system that Vierre cursed only looked at the screen that was occupied by the countdown in bitter resignation. It couldn't do anything at all since the red tab appeared. It was nice knowing you host!

Ling Feng didn't have any hesitation and transformed into a colossal bird while submerged in the water. The thing on the water lunged at the two of them after it found out that Ling Feng was a bird. It eyes bore holes on the fiery red wings and wanted to tear them apart.

Ling Feng dodged and brought Vierre to the surface of the stream with difficulty.

In the air, Ling Feng's beast form was wet and in its talons was an unconscious girl.

The water rippled and a humongous black python opened its jaw to bite down Ling Feng.

It was at this moment that Vierre heard a sound and opened her eyes to see the beast of her nightmare coming at her. She had no time to scream before everything went black.


[Main System: Your Demo Tutorial session has ended.]