Arc 0 My first mission: There goes this world’s resources

"Useless rabbit run!"

Vierre only saw the flash of something silvery before Ren Yu's beast form arrived in front of her. It tail swung with power to the direction of the shiny hue.


The sharp talons and scales clashed creating a distinct reverberating sound.

Ren Yu had thrown the rabbit in his tail and darted like an arrow to block off the talons that was close to crash the other useless rabbit. What a pair of weak preys nearly dying in the hands of someone from the chick's clan! Ren Yu hissed at the rabbit that was still stunned and standing silly behind him.

"Hide and don't ever come back!" Although he was very reluctant, this bird can cover and blast of the trees in the forest effortlessly. It just a matter of time before this rabbit gets caught again.

"Where do I hide?" Vierre regained her senses and asked. It was too late for the fear to sink in. The two giant beasts' movements were so fast for her to see clearly.

Ling Feng never expected that the snake would obstruct and instruct the rabbit to hide.

"Come to me!" Ling Feng chirped and landed in his human form. His face was full of concern facing the familiar figure.

[Ling Feng's affection points at 15…I knew it! Rabbits are the most adorable creature in the world! Haha…]

"There's something wrong…" Vierre said to the system in her mind.

[You're thinking too much…]

Ren Yu also turned back into his human form and stood in front of the rabbit. He didn't like how that bird looked at the rabbit at all.

When his sight of the figure was impeded by the snake, Ling Feng halted and spoke his negotiations. "I will exchange you a month supply of food if you give me that one prey you caught." He thought that the rabbit was something the snake had caught in the meantime and it was a preserved food.

Vierre heard his words and pasted herself in Ren Yu's back, between the bird that had skinned rabbits and snake that had given her fruits, the snake was still better.

Ren Yu was surprised at its action and his serious expression lightened up. His frown turned into smug.

[Ren Yu's affection points at 30]

"It seems you're not useless at all." Ren Yu uttered sending her a fleeting gaze. This rabbit knew who to pick. It realized that ending in a python king's stomach was better than that fancy chick's.

Vierre stayed silent at his back and tried to avoid the piercing stare Ling Feng was throwing at her.

"Don't be afraid, I will not eat you. But that snake will." Ling Feng quickly explained. The petite figure's expression was making him concern. Compared to that snake's beast form, his was still less scary so if one picks who's the most ferocious, it should have been that snake.

"Eh? Whether I eat this rabbit or not is none of your business. Didn't I say that anything that fall on this forest will be mine?" Ren Yu hissed. This bird was picking on him on his own territory.

"Didn't I ask you if you have seen a figure with long black hair, small and hairless white face, and skin white as snow without any scent of beasts? And you said no, then you just lied at me. The snake's honour is as such and I had believed such farce."

"You're the one with such weird question. What beast doesn't have any scent?"

"Wait…You remember me?" Vierre popped her head besides Ren Yu's arms.

Ren Yu pushed her head back before Ling Feng got better look.

Ling Feng glared at Ren Yu's actions before replying, "It seems that is the case. Although I don't know how we met but I have memory of you."

"That's impossible. You shouldn't have remembered me!" Vierre exclaimed.

"Then you know me too?" Ling Feng caught the obvious hint in her words and was full of glee. His coloured feathers on the ends of his robe rose in an intricate manner.

"Ah…Hey system what the heck is going on?"

[This is…the connection is disrupted…please come back later…doot…doot] 337 hurriedly closed their communication line and stared at the screen, particularly at the bird that was showing signs of anomaly.

The rabbit was silent in contemplation so Ren Yu took the opportunity to reply in its stead, "It doesn't know you. So leave the forest immediately or I'll rip those wings of yours."

"How do you know me?" Ling Feng ignored Ren Yu's threats and flew high that he could see the rabbit from above.

When she failed to get any response from the system, Vierre gritted her teeth. "No, I don't know you. I remember now I met someone else."

Ling Feng was unconvinced by her words and flew tried to fly nearer but Ren Yu transformed his lower body, swatting his tail at the chick that was approaching them. "You're getting on my nerves."

Ling Feng evaded his attack and went into a safe distance. "I'll give you two months of supplies in exchanged for her." His expression went solemn.

"Two months of supplies for her?" Ren Yu repeated at got a mocking smile from Ling Feng.

"Yeah, two month of supplies just for one rabbit." Ling Feng said thinking that he was just waiting for a greedy offer.

But Ren Yu didn't speak for a while, because his brain was slowly processing the word 'her'.

"You're a female?" Ren Yu raised his straight brows.

Vierre was confused by his retarded question but nonetheless still nodded at him.

"Hold on…You're this bird's mate?" Ren Yu asked analyzing why this bird was making such a ridiculous offer. Two months of food for a single rabbit. Ren Yu was wondering was already branding him as a fool but after finding out that this rabbit is a rare female, it was only reasonable. But….

Ling Feng blinked but didn't reply at all. His heart was beating fast at the word 'mate'.

[Ling Feng's affection points at 20]

"Hey system…"

[Sorry, this is an automated voicemail]

"I'm not!" Vierre said. Her face was gloomy because of the system's abandonment.

"That's good…" Ren Yu replied before pushing her off.

Scales formed on his skin. His eyes turned to golden predatory hues. The bones and muscles turned into a giant snake. "You'll leave with the female if you manage to beat me. But if not, I will turn you into my next meal." His black shiny scales rustled creating a unique luster.

"Did you take a fancy on her and you want to fight?" Ling Feng was very shocked at the snake's words.

"You're talking too much." Ren Yu hissed and raised his tail to smack the bird. He didn't give the bird a break and continued lashing at it.

Ling Feng also transformed and dodged his continuous attacks. The snake didn't affirm or deny his question. But he had an inkling that this snake had decided to fight him for the female's hand.

Vierre run off to take cover from their fight. In her mind she wanted to ask, 'Could they settle this in a more civilized way?' She witnessed the trees and ground get trampled and blasted off from the roots mercilessly. 'There goes this world's resources…'