Mission Report and Punishment

The safer was a building of four stories, and a basement, this building works during the day as a helper's association, it's meant to be people that are hired to normal or rich households for cleanings, nanny, housekeepers, drivers, and so on. A company that is part of the Academy.

As Beth returned to the safer, too waited for the rest of the members to gather, Nina was already there, she was smiling proudly, as if the mission went well, and she was the ace behind the success of the same.

But she didn't notice that Beth, the leader of the group and mission, was already there and was listening to what Nina and other two members were talking about the Beth.

"I didn't know why the leader call you to back off, we could have listening more of their plans, and the mysterious person too."

"Yeah, that's right, she wanted to make a big deal something so small."

"She wanted some credit."

The three members were trying to get on Nina's good books. And that's because the latter has some kind of connections from the higher-ups in the academy.

The Elite's Academy, yes that its name; is a special organization of the royals, the ones that execute missions are the lowest of the ranks, they mark the way to climb ranks, the better you perform on field missions, with excellence; speed, leadership, skills, the faster you can climb ranks.

But with a system of hiding identities of the legitimates Royals, which are mixed with those who can manage to enter the academy with an internal recommendation. And that is not an easy way.

***Let's leave that for later***

Understanding came from other members, they were surprised because Beth was basically a legend among the younger ones.

A leader that was worth worship, but then, the human nature came to them, they didn't know the true identity of the latter, they just try to go with the flow of someone whose, based on them, have better background.

But what they didn't know was, that each leader has a tracker device, a camera full 4K, and a Bluetooth device it's like to watch the mission on livestream.

She had the sound camera off when she was with Vince, but she was still streaming, and when she got off the car had to turn on the sound.

So, everything that happened during the mission the higher-ups know it, let's not say, what is happening right now.

Beth was angry by their reaction, but she was more amused than angry by their words and everyone believes the same.

She knew there will be punished according to the offense and badmouthing the mission leader was one of them.

"Nina Norland, daughter of a mistress from the Scott family, the last in ranking of the Cooper Families," says a man's voice on the other side of Beth ear device.

"Can I proceed?"

"Negative, wait for the announcement on the punishment according to the faults, it will be public."

"Roger that!"

That was a quick conversation between the Delta and Beth.

Delta is one of the fourth in ranking on the academy, missions or quest, on the other hand, is one of the fifth places. The former is the one who supervises the mission to report to the next in command, then the latter to his superior, and so on until reached the higher-ups, the royals.

Beth knew the academy and is very strict; it values discipline and bravery, but for them the rules are to be respected, if you broke one rule, even if the rule was one of the lowest rules like badmouthing a team member or worst the leader, you'll receive your punishment.

"GATHER!" a cold and stern voice

All the members hear the call, and at once started running to form a line with their appropriate order.

All like the military discipline stood in front of the team's leader Beth after the call, and give her a salutation.


"Report number 1, here!"

"Report number 3, here!"

"Report number 5, here!"

"Report number 8, here!"

"Report number 9, here!"

"Report number 10, here!"



"Report number 1, number 2 was with me, but on the chaos, we got separated for a minute."

"Report number 3, same with number 4,"

"Report number 5, number 6 took another street to came, we're discovered, and he decided to be a bait, and take the longer route, but he will arrive in 5 more minutes according to the estimated time."

"Report number 8, number 7 is DIA."*

When the last one said DIA, everyone went silent for 3 minutes.

"WE LOST A MEMBER, AND YOU DIDN'T BOTHER TO REPORT IT BEFORE!" An angry scream echoed in the room, everyone got scared from Beth's scream.




"Number 5 there is still one more minute for your partner to come, I'll wait that minute."


Click Clock

Click Clock

Click Clock

'That sound, that damn clock on the wall, is noisy!' that was a common thought between the members.

But number 5 was calm, he knew his partner will come on time; they were rivals and friends, the former knew the latter and waited…

And then the minute was almost over, just two more seconds and the door got open in a hasted way.

There came three men wearing black, the one in the middle number 6, was carrying the other two one shoulder for each one, tired, sweat all over their faces. They were the last three members left.

When the one carrying the other two saw the line formed from the other members, he got scared and wanted to run, but his legs didn't have more energy so when he was about to fall on the ground Team Leader Beth and number 5 came to his rescue.

Beth took one of the men and holding number 6 left arm, the same thing did number 5 but to his right side.

"Take a breath number 6, you came on time, good job, you three can have 5 minutes of rest." and then turning to number 5 she just nods her head.

"THANKS, TEAM LEADER," answered the three men.




After 5 minutes number 2, number 4, and number 6 stood in their respective positions.


"Report number 2, here, I got lost on the chaos, and took the long route, then I found number 4 and number 6."

"Report number 4, here, my ignorance let me get lost on the street and got discovered, so I decide to take the long route and found number 2 and number 6."

"Report number 6 here, we were discovered, and we needed more time, so I took the bait play and decided to take the long route then found number 2 and number 4 hidden and tired, so I took them with me."



After a few seconds, Beth broke the silence.

"Very well, they were the three reports worth listening, I want a detailed written report for tomorrow night for each one of you."

Nina who is number 10 almost losses her temper hearing this. "Team Leader, we're tired can just do it orally or give it to you another day."

Everyone gasped, number 5 and number 6 frowned upon hearing this.

"Ha-ha," a dry laugh came from Beth's mouth.


A sigh of relief came from Nina's, and the others confused, but when they hear what Beth say after was like a bucket of cold water being thrown at them.

"If you want to increase punishment, I don't mind if you do not make the report."

Then she turns to leave the room. The building has room on the third floor for each one member, but Team Leader's room was on the fourth floor.

Number 5 and number 6 give a hug to each other.

"Man, you scared the hell out of me! I told Team Leader you'll come back in 5 minutes according to the long route, and you came in time."

"Sorry bro, I needed to have a detour for them," pointing out at number 2 and number 4, who heard that and gave them a look of gratitude.

"Yeah, it's good that you came back in one piece."

"Right, we lost a member? I don't see the bald man."

"Yes, number 7 was DIA."

"Damn! Who was his partner? Did he make a detailed report?"

"Number 8 only said that he was DIA, nothing else."

-***NOTE: DIA= Die In Action***-

  1. Every team needs to have a number pair in their members, except for the Leader.
    So they can make pairs to support each other.