Drama at The Cafeteria I

After finishing her lunch and dispatching to that cree... Ahem, to the elegant, innocent and gentle chef Barbarossa, and saw that it was time for a walk so, taken her stuff, she decides to wander around the building.

Another rule from the Academy is that after a mission, the team members can't leave the building until the final report is issued to the higher ups.

When she was approaching the door, from the corner of her eyes saw a frame of medium size, there was a photo, with 5 people. A couple that seems in their early thirties beautiful lady and handsome man, an elderly man, a young boy and a younger girl. 

It was weird, because all the frames with photos and portraits were only two people. Yes, only two, one was an elderly man and the other one a young girl, these two are the same as the elderly and the younger girl on the five people photo, just that she looks smaller.

Beth saw it and sorrow, pain and regret filled her face and she in a soft voice murmur.

"That photo was taken 2 years ago... that day..."

<<<<<<<<<< Flashback >>>>>>>>>>

An excited voice ring all over a certain household.

"Mommy, faster, we'll be late…"

"Yes, yes, yes sweetie, coming…"

A minute later a graceful and beautiful lady was going down the stairs from the second floor.

"Mommy, they're waiting outside."

Being rushed by her daughter, a bun of eight years, the only thing that the lady could do, is surrender at her.

Taking her daughter's little hand, they went to the garden, there was a group of people, it was like a set for a movie's production; they were all professional photographers.

The little one was so excited; they were going to have their yearly family Photo!

"Grandpa, Daddy, big brother, time for the Family photo!"

"Ready everyone?"

The voices of the group, that are like a backdrop give her an affirmative answer.

"Yes, little lady."

The rest of the family swiftly because they were infected by her enthusiasm, posed for the photo which the little one wanted.

A family photo that is taken every year or at the request of the same little girl. Why? Because, she always felt that her happiness wouldn't last long.

They took the family photo with no mishap, and the little darling of the family was excited and pleased by that.


Beth came back to her senses; she didn't want to stay stuck in the past.

She took the elevator to go the first floor, there was a small garden that is the main gate to a forest behind the building.

One of the preconditions to choose a building, for the company is that they need to have a forest or some private garden. The motive is simple, a place to relax after a mission, and some can even practice some exercises in there.

This small garden was filled with six types of flowers.

Red Amaryllis, that represents Pride; White Chrysanthemum represents the Truth; Multicolor Dahlias represents the Good Taste; Blue Candytuft the Indifference; Yellow Clematis the Mental Beauty; and the Purple Columbine represents Resolution.

***A/N: Well, it may be the correct way to represent or the true meaning of the flower, or maybe not***

The flowers were around the garden. It was like a sea of flowers, on one side of the garden there was a road made of black stones with one sole end, and it led to some kind of golden bird's cage, inside it were black garden tables and chairs, a beautiful setup for pass time.

She walked through the rocky road and sit down on one of the four chairs on the right side of the cage's entry.

She feels comfortable with the cool air from the flowers and the forest was going through the other side of the bird's cage. Following another rocky road made of black stones.

She didn't want to go so far from the building; she needed to return to know what the higher ups will do with her preliminary report, having only two hours for getting this cool and fresh air.

She sat there with her eyes closed, with the flowers, tables, chairs and don't forget the air as her companions.

In the two hours she has been there, there was some commotion in the cafeteria on the second floor.

Inside the private cafeteria next to the general cafeteria that is for the building's business managers, only Academy members have the authority to have access.

There were two groups of members, Beth's team members and another team, which leader is currently not present.

The confrontation was between two groups of girls, there were 2 girls around 10 years old, and the other side where 3 girls around 14 years old.

A girl in the first group shrieked at the other girls in front of her.

"Damn woman, did you do that on purpose?"

"Well, little girl you know it was your fault here… want to shift blame here? Dream on!"

"Y… Y… You… Do you know who I am?"

"Sorry, no I don't, and I don't want to know."

"You! Very well! I'm Nina daughter of a second master of the Scott's a Cooper Royal!"

Everyone gulped at this statement, they were shocked, and afraid at the same time.

Pleased with herself, Nina, who didn't realize the severity of what she just said, gives the other girl a smug smile seen her with a stunned expression… But that smile froze when she heard the other girl talk.

"Hmm, I see… but so what about it… You didn't say your family name, and we haven't heard anything about a daughter of the second master, besides the Scott's are the last ones in the hierarchy, and don't forget that they are called COOPER FAMILY, and not Royals."

There was a rule that says the Silver y Cooper can't be called Royals per se, but only the Cooper family is forbidden to be addressed as it. They are called family.

Some said that is because they are too greedy and committed some sins against the true Royals, other that they are commoners and have inferior status.

But the Royals haven't given the reason for that, but it became a rule until now, and there will be punishment for the family who has the guts to call themselves as 'Cooper Royals'.

Nina paled in an instant, she heard something like that. But she didn't want to give up, hardening her resolve she spoke one more time.

"What are you talking about?"

The rest couldn't help but avoid look at her, even the girl that was with her, didn't want to associate with her, and slowly took four steps to the side, trying to hide her presence. The thought that crosses her mind at that moment was to pretend not to know her.

"This damn Nina, I cannot let her hinder my growth, she is a fool."

Nina didn't notice this; she was so engrossed in wanted to overturn the girl in front of her.

"You'll be the bane of your family, I don't need to report it, it recorded in the surveillance cameras inside this room." saying this, she turns around to leave.


*** A/N: If you want another auxiliary chapter with all the rules of the Academy, with the rewards that a member can have besides the elite points and of course, the punishments, let me know leaving a comment below! ***