Matthew Ashembert

The young nurse is being threatened, with his life and that of his family because Eliza is still slightly afraid that something else might happen to her father.

It's understandable of course because once bitten, twice warned. And one thing she has learned in military terms is 'Warned soldier, don't die in war'.


The month passed too quickly for the Lockhart three's liking; they know that once Eliza returns to College; it is definite that they will not see her for at least three months.

The air around the Old Household was gloomy, they didn't want to let Eliza leave so soon, but they knew she had a lot of things to do and change her future and the future of the surrounding people, which are important to her.

"Dad, Grandpa, in two days is my promotion…" says Eliza with helplessness in her voice.