She Came on her Own

Which Eliza saw, and a shimmer flashed before her eyes for a split second before disappearing. 

'In my previous life, these two had a thing for each other; obviously, they still have a thing for each other, but... how could I not notice? This time, I'll try to play cupid with several of my subordinates who may end up together, as well as most of my dear friends.'


"Being a woman is tough," not noticing she was speaking aloud, she continued with her mutterings, which could be heard by the two lovebirds who don't realize her new job have caught them red-handed and being targeted, cupid.

"X with Lina; Barbarossa with **; SD... hm... SD... I believe SD is good with ***, yeah, and Grandpa's neighbor... that one really wants a companion, not to get depressed alone, he's young, ah, but I can't overlook Luna... hmm, Mary must also make the move to overcome her crush, and she's as well..."