Nocturne Trio?

Arriving at the Villa they both got off and went to the building where the Hawks were, they wanted to spend some time with them, but not forgetting that they have a group of beautiful panthers in another secondary building, which was arranged in advance for the six of them. Still there, light but present.

It surprised Eliza to see Luna, but it was not an unpleasant surprise, but a pleasant one, besides that she knows that she can handle several things at the same time, being a talented multitasked.

Eliza gave the word to Luna first, and no one begrudged the decision, "Boss, Crystal Entertainment, has several commercials in cooperation with several companies, but none of them are responding, they say we have insulted the pride of a very important person in the Business World," she said while observing Eliza's reaction, who kept a neutral expression.

"Oh, and who is the 'Deity' we offended?" Eliza asks sarcastically.

"White Empire."