Good Morning, My Love

>>> The next morning...

Eliza woke up and felt completely rested. It was as if yesterday had not happened.

When she opened her eyes, she saw Vincent next to her with his breathing uneven, knitted brows, his forehead full of sweat, and his lips pressed in line. She could hear his teeth clenched.

'A nightmare? Why?' Eliza frowned as she deduced Vincent was having a nightmare. Moving closer to him, she hugs him tighter.

She gave him a kiss on the forehead, another on the cheek, and moved closer to whisper to him, "It will be all right, you have Liz close to you, she will be by your side for the rest of your life."

When she finished, she pulled her body away, and with her right hand stroked his forehead. Slowly, Vincent's breathing became more even.