Test Subjects

The approaching shadow saw two red gems and realized that they are a pair of eyes that were looking at his prey, which caused him a shiver running on his back, and frowned at the sudden realization that those eyes caused him to fear even for a few seconds, looking at him, fearfully.

But leaving that aside, he knows that the owner of those eyes is his enemy because he is on his way.

But as he got closer, he realized that the man was not only emitting a killing intent from his eyes, but his whole body was screaming the word 'Dangerous', not wanting to get any closer, but he knows he must do so to rescue his Master's daughter.

Ashley came on her own and only brought ten vigilantes along with her. That didn't stop her from doing whatever she wanted in the mortal world. Nevertheless, he realized that the ones she got into, the ones she offended this time, are not ordinary mortals. At most, they are people with special abilities.