Military Hospital

Eliza and Vincent were out of the car for another hour when a phone vibrated.

Vincent took out his cell phone and saw that it was a call from the hospital. He hesitated for a few seconds whether or not to answer it, but felt a hand on his, looked up, and Eliza gave him a smile and nodded.

Taking a deep breath, he answered.

"Young Master Vincent... Master Alphonse's condition does not look good, the operation was a success, but... Sometimes he is lucid and at others not, all he does is mention his and Miss Amanda's name..." the person on the other side does not know whether to continue speaking.

"Speak!" Vincent ordered.

"Young Master... The attending Doctor says that it is likely that he won't pass from this week..."

"Okay..." Vincent cut the call short.

Inside the car, it was silent. Eliza could clearly hear what the person on the other end of the phone said.