Masked Man Message

Derek didn't know what to think about what Jamaal was saying. That meant that all the efforts of their mothers and other family members had been in vain?

"The real threat was not the silver-eyed man, but the person who used him? It is true that you have a history of 'hatred' between the red-eyed, silver-eyed, and heterochromia-eyed clans, but that is not the absolute truth, besides they were never enemies, they were allies...

Throughout history, the heterochromia-eyed clans and the other clans enjoyed a friendly relationship, but that has been changed in the history you have recorded, whether the real enemy is playing with the pieces on the chessboard or not, the threat exists, and you only eliminated a pawn...

Your sister Elizabeth, she knows, but she doesn't remember, nor does she remember that someone erased her memories.