I Love You [ I ]

After saying goodbye to Mandy, who left shortly after being discovered outside the ward, Eliza and Vincent concluded to take some time together.

But as they walked through a park near the hospital, Vincent lost in thought about his parents' relationship, and remembered the development of his relationship with his beloved Liz.

A few months ago, his Master told him that his beloved Liz, and he, were heavily connected by a bond that unites both of their souls and that it was not the first time they both rebirthed, but a love story of reincarnation that he does not know, runs in hidden books, only the Masked Man has the knowledge of it.

But that is more than enough to explain the feelings they have. They need no words to express their love for each other. There is no 'I love you' as of today, only glances and unconditional support.

But he is not the only one lost in thought.